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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum

Small Group Activity Form

Name of Activity:
Graphing Favorite Farm Animals
/Counting/number recognition.
Curriculum Area:

Length of Activity:
15 20 minutes
Learning Objectives (specify at least three):

The child will be able to count the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 farm animals, and communicate How many
children loves the same farm animals (Measure 32,

The child will be able to count and shade in each squares to match each childs favorite farm animals
(Measure 33, 34, 35)

The child will be able to recognize which animals is most favorite, and which animals are the least

The child will be able to communicate to the teacher how many (more or less) children favorite animal
is a cow, horse, pigs (Measure 33).

Material/Equipment Needed:

Farm animal Graph

Farm math theme sheets
Farm animal sorter
Farm Animal sticker

Preparation (What do you need to do beforehand?):

Pass out the Favorite Farm Animal Graph to the children.
Place some farm animals stickers in the middle of the table (make sure there are enough stickers to go

Procedures (step by step) Be Specific
*Beginning (How will I introduce activity?)
This activity will be introduce during Small group time. Today we are going to work on graphing animals on the
I will give each child Favorite Farm Animal Graph.
During circle time I am going to ask the children by raising of hand which of these animals are their favorite. I
will use a white dry erase board and marker to take a tally of the results.
1. I will then explain and ask the children about how our bodies should be when we are doing a small
group activity. I will say we need to have quiet mouths, listening ears, calm bodies and eyes on me/the
activity. I will then verbally introduce the big graph I put together with all of the pictures of all the
childrens favorite farm animals on it.
2. I will ask the child how many students favorite animal is a cow. The number of cows would come from
the tally board. I will model an example by taking five cow stickers from the basket, and carefully
placed the cow stickers in the column under the matching animal picture. I will show them how to
safely put the stickers of the animals onto the graph. Perfection is not required. I will repeat this example
for each animal.
*Middle: (How will I support/enhance/scaffold?) The person reading your lesson plan should be able to
identify what you are saying or doing to support your stated learning objectives. THIS IS VERY

I will ask the children show their pictures of their favorite farm animal and share with the class
whether they have seen a real one (and if so, where).
On the whiteboard, keep a tally of the classroom's farm animal favorites OR have the children hang
their pictures on the bulletin board.
I now will tell the child to color or place a sticker in each square to represent the number of space on
the graph sheet for each student.

Have the children use the whiteboard tally marks or visit the bulletin board to make their own tally
sheet and fill in their graphs.

Review the graphs in front of the class and have the children self-assess their work.

Ask the children if they know which is the most popular farm animal in the class based on the results
of the graphing exercise.

As the children are working through the activity, I will be helping students who may need help
counting their amount of animals.

During the lesson I will be taking note of how high each student can count their number of animals
they put on the graph. I will use a checklist of student names to assess how well students are able to
count after the lesson. I will also use the camera to take pictures of the students while they are
participating in graphing their animals as another form of authentic documentation.

I will be giving the 3 year old students and students who are not able to count very high based on preassessment, a smaller number of animals to count and place on the graph. I will also have the students
ask their friends for help if they cannot figure out where place the sticker, and help them count the

number of spaces. For students who have a greater skills set with counting, I will be giving them
higher amounts of animals to graph and count.

To ensure that throughout the lesson each student is paying attention and doing their best, I will state
my expectations for the entirety of the lesson. I will tell them that when we are at small group or
whole group, that our eyes are watching, our ears are listening, our mouths are quiet with a bubble,
and our hands are quiet or in our laps. If there are any problems within the lesson for children having
a hard time paying attention, I will move myself to sit next to them to keep them more engaged. I will
also make sure to redirect a students attention simply by asking them or touching them on the hand.
If a student is acting out and will not come back to task, they will be asked to move from the activity
until they are ready to learn.

*End: (How will I bring this activity to a conclusion and transition to the next activity? Be very specific
in how you will transition the children.)
I will go over what we talked about during the lesson. (Make sure each child has the correct number of stickers
under each Colum of farm animals counting how many they had). I will also tell them that they did a great job
with counting and matching. I will give the child a word of encouragement for their effort in the lesson and
thank them for being quiet listeners and participants.

Throughout the day/week, what opportunities will the children have to reflect back on this activity?
Send home farm theme grouping work page

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