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Abdulaziz AlShammry_______________________________________

600 Fort Worth Drive, Denton TX 76201

Cell: 718-768-5546

Familiar with how retail business mechanism work and operate,
through my previous experience selling in clothing brand called
Diesel and being the cashier for McDonalds. Afterwards, I went on
expanding my horizon through guest hospitality, meeting and
interacting with different cultures and customs. After a brief period in
the Housekeeping, I made it as a receptionist in a renown brand hotel
chain called Waldorf Astoria, in their one and only branch in the
Middle-East called Qasr Al Sharq back in Jeddah KSA.
Customer Service
Computer skills (Operating, easy grasp on software, MS Word,
entering data)
Handling stressful situations between customers and clients.
Bilingual: Fluent in English and Arabic.
Sales Experience
Achieved great bonuses and targets while working for Diesel, and
made a 5 star customer satisfactory feedback when I was working for
Waldorf Astoria, increased their annual revenue during my time
through sales.

Receptionist / Night-manager.
May 2010 to July 2011
Hilton Waldorf Astoria / Qasr Al Sharq Jeddah, KSA
January 2008 to April 2009
UIB (Diesel) Jeddah, KSA
During the flooding in Jeddah
Both 2008 and 2009
Branch Employee
March 2007 to October 2007
McDonalds International Jeddah, KSA

Waldorf Astoria Program: A customer satisfactory program earned
while working for Qasr Al Sharq.
Arafat Highschool: Jeddah, KSA (Saudi Arabia)
Science Diploma 2007
University of North Texas: Denton TX, United States.
Seeking BS in Physics, expected to graduate 2018

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