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Name ______________________________

A Playground for Lisa Level L.

1. Go to chapter 3 (pages 8-9) and list all of the compound words you can
find. Put a comma
( , ) between each word.

2. Go to page 6, the Author uses a different style of text called italics.

What is the purpose of using italics in this story?

3. When someone is talking in a story the punctuation used are quotations

and a comma ( ,). Add the correct punctuation to the sentences below
to make them complete. Dont forget the . ! ?
Okay she said smiling
Im going to the playground today. I wish you could play there he said
I am so happy to be here he said excitedly
What does accessible mean he asked carefully
Mrs. Kim nodded and smiled These are all good suggestions. Thank-you for
your ideas
Lets make posters Lisa said excitedly.

4. Find at least ten contractions from the story.

5. List the five words used in this story instead of said. Example: asked.

6. Story Sequence
Number the events of the story in the correct order. 1 is the beginning
and 7 is the last.
____ Lisa writes a letter to Mrs. Kim.
____ Binh and Lisa became friends.
____ The school made posters for the bake sale fundraiser.
____ Mr. Singh gave Lisa a plastic tub filled with things to play with at
____ Lisa used the swings.
____ Mrs. Kim asked for ideas for the new playground.
____ Everyone played tag and had fun on the playground.

7. Go to page 10 and look at the picture. Without re-reading tell WHY

this picture is important to the story.

8. Go to chapter 5. How many adjectives can you find? List them below.
(Remember: Adjectives are describing words.)

9. Character traits tell us something about the character. Example: happy, sad, silly, lazy.
Think about Binh and list some of his character traits.

10. Draw a picture of Lisa in a setting that would be at the end of the story.

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