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Dan Swanson

Education Field Experience EDUC 230-01

Professor Suk
Fall 2014
High School Lesson Plan
Grade Level: 9
Subject: High School Social Studies

Topic: Heredity and Reproduction

Objective: The students will be able to (SWBAT) 1) Set up and complete a Punnett Square 2)
Explain why each square of a Punnett Square has equal probability of occurring and 3)
Generate predictions about the genotypes and phenotypes of potential
offsprings from a Punnett Square
Standards: NJCCCS for science 5.3.12.D.3 (NJCCCS, 2009)
Demonstrate through modeling how the sorting and recombination of genes during sexual
reproduction has an effect on variation in offspring.
Materials: Pencils, Notebooks, Punnett Square worksheet, Projector, Screen, Powerpoint
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge: Students have recently completed a unit on Charles
Darwin and natural selection. They have filled in a bulleted note worksheet to go along with
slide shows presented in class.
Anticipatory Set: Have students make up animals with genetic characteristics that may help
certain organisms survive in a particular environment. Have the teacher explain the environment
and have students list certain characteristics in their creature and their advantages or
Input and Modeling: The teacher will provide a slide show and worksheet for students to
follow along with the discussion that focuses on how dominate and recessive genes interact and
how a Punnett square can help determine which genes will be dominate in an organism. As the
lesson continues, the teacher will demonstrate how certain genes can be advantageous for an
organisms survival and how those genes are more easily passed on to their offspring.
Student Practice and Checking for Understanding:
1. The class will follow along with a slideshow where the teacher explains how dominate
and recessive genes play a role in physical characteristics. Students will fill in an outline
provided by the teacher as the teacher discusses the slide show.
2. Students will break off into pairs to start working on a Punnett Square worksheet and be
able to explain which genes are dominate, which genes are recessive, and what genetic
characteristics will show in an organism.
3. Students will then discuss how certain genes will help ensure the survival of that
organism as opposed to others without the same genes, and how the more advantageous
genes are passed on through natural selection.

Closure: Lesson Wrap-up and Culminating Activity

1. Now that we have a full understanding of how genes are passed on, and that
dominate genes are more likely to be passed on than recessive genes, write down and
explain an example of a genetic characteristic in any organism that is helpful toward
their survival. Make sure you explain how natural selection made this possible.
2. At the end of this unit, students will complete a lab assignment that covers
reproduction, genetics, and natural selection.

Education, The New Jersey Department of. 2009. "2009 Core Curriculum Content Standards for

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