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Meetings Language Chairperson Role:

Opening the Meeting and stating purpose

Good morning/afternoon, everyone.
If we are all here, let's get started
Our purpose is to ...
Introducing the Agenda
Have you all received a copy of the agenda?
There are three items on the agenda. First,
Shall we take the points in this order?
Allocating Roles / timing and rules
(name of participant), will you take the minutes?
(name of participant) will lead point 1, (name of participant) point 2, and (name of participant) point 3.
The meeting is due to finish at...
I suggest we go around the table and every shares an opinion.
Introducing the First Item on the Agenda
So, let's start with
Closing an Item
I think that covers the first item.
Next Item
Let's move onto the next item
Summarizing and Finishing
Before we close, let me just summarize the main points.
Is there Any Other Business?
Suggesting and Agreeing on Time, Date and Place for the Next Meeting
So, the next meeting will be on... (day), the . . . (date) of.. . (month) at...
Thanking Participants for Attending
Thanks for your participation.
The meeting is closed.

Example Meeting:

Objective: To plan the next company dinner


Person A

1. Choose a restaurant
2. Discuss transportation
3. Discuss after-dinner activities

Person B
Person C

Chairperson: Good afternoon. If we are all here, lets get started.

Our purpose today is to plan the next company dinner.
Have you all received a copy of the agenda? There are three items on the agenda.
First, the restaurant. Second, transportation. And third, after-dinner activities.
(Person A) will you take the minutes?

Person A:

Sure, I will take the minutes.

Chairperson: Thank you. This meeting will finish by 3pm. I suggest we go around the table.
So, lets start with the first item. Choosing a restaurant.
(Person B), could you please share your opinion?

Person B:

Yes, I think we should

(Participants discuss and make a decision)

Chairperson: I think that covers the first item. Lets move onto the next item, transportation.
(Person C), could you please lead this item?

Person C:

Of course, I feel that

(Participants discuss and make a decision)

Chairperson: Alright, that covers the second item. Lets move onto the final item.
(Person A), what do you think about this?

Person A:

Well, in my opinion we should

(Participants discuss and make a decision)

Chairperson: Before we close, let me summarize the main points. (First, second, third)
So, the next meeting will be next Friday at 2pm.
Thank you for your participation. The meeting is closed.

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