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Adolf Hitlers Unachievable


Jacob Lee, Rinoh Park, Min Jun Kim, Brian Kim

Senior Division
Group Website
Process Paper: 394 words

Our group chose Adolf Hitler for our National History Day topic. Some may
think why we chose Hitler for a theme like Legacy & Leadership. We know that
Hitler killed more than 60 million people and is still hated by people. However,
Hitler was one of the most powerful leaders in history. Our topic on the last
National History Day was the Berlin Wall, and Hitler was involved in this legacy.
We wanted to know more about what made him a powerful leader and what
actions he carried out as the leader of Nazi Germany. Hitler is a topic that is unique
for this years theme and will be very interesting.
We conducted our research mostly through internet. We used an information
database website called EBSCO. Many teachers recommended that we use EBSCO
because the articles are written by experts and peer reviewed. We also found some
documentary videos about Hitler in YouTube, and used information from many
other websites. We were able to find only two books in our school library because
the size of the library is limited. We found one expert at a university in Korea to
We chose to create a historical website because we thought a website would
be easier for a group. We did exhibit last year and discovered websites to be more
efficient. Also, we are all very adept at using electronics. We are able to access our
website any time to edit anything. Mistakes were easily fixed and pictures are easy

to find. In a website, it part has its own category. Each of us decided to work on a
category so we do not have to meet every single time for an edit.
Adolf Hitler was a man who started World War II and changed the world.
Hitler became a leader of the Nazi Party at 1921 and in 1933 he became a
chancellor of Germany. He was able to influence people with his speech. Adolf
Hitler was involved in two lasting legacies, the Holocaust and Berlin Wall. The
Holocaust was the genocide of six million Jews killed by Adolf Hitlers army. The
Holocaust also included the deaths of Polish, gays, Christians, and other groups.
The Berlin Wall was constructed after World War Two, between East Germany
and West Germany. Adolf Hitler was the leader who caused World War II and
created these legacies.

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