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ROUGH WORK SA KVPY QUESTION PAPER -STREAM SA ‘October 31, 2010 PART A One-Mark Questions MATHEMATICS A. student neties that the toats of thy sauation tnt 4-0 arent | Iss than the roots he sation i paeria0. Theme th is possibly any realmmbe a Bt ona D4 1a y tol rom sh hat yt, lene value or fe y¥—)) WO er bau ilps Te amb of pot integer mn te set 1, 2,3, 100) he the different fice diagonels ofa cuboid retangulor porallelopipsd) have leraths 39.4, 41. The Kent of the main diagon of txecuboid wlich ois a par of opposite A8 Boi ceo 1 af he sides of a triangle ABC are positive integers, The swrallest side lis engl 1, Which of the following, statenent is eve? |A. The ares of 48 is always rational mnbee B, Tho awaof ASC is always an iratonal number C.The perimeter of A8C isan even integer . The information provided sno sue ent to conduse eee niet ate Consider a square ABCD of side 12 and fet M. te the mdpoants of 4B, CD respectively. [ake a point on AMV antlee Ar=r, PC=s, Then the acs of the ring whose siees ae ,5,12 8 A aie la ‘A-cow Is ed t9« commer (¥erex) of «regular hexagonal lesced area af side o metre sy ¢ rope of legth Sa? mares ina ass fied. (Ihe cow cannot are inside the fenced ars.) What i the maximum possbls are of the {gris fc to which the cow has tose tn gra? me Chisel Dilan? ‘A closed conical vests Hilled ith warer fully ads placed iis sort dowa, The water is st out st a onctant speed Ate 21 mines, it wow found thatthe hheient of the water volumn is hall of te orginal hea low uch more time in minutes does it rogue io expt the vessel? AMel a vai iG. ae ED! 1 sarred 1000 kg of wtermelon in sures by rai. tthe beginning tie wale coment was 98% Dy the vine T Feachad fhe dostnatin, the wor sontent hi! dropped 19 ‘98%, Theredacton ithe weight of he watermelen was AL Why BD. Dke © Ke —D. 2001s [A rectangla ie dviied into 16 eab-rctmgles ax in the ‘gute the number nec sh ectnale represents the are ff tat sab-rovtangh, What is the ara of te rectangle KIMY? yy PHYSICS. ‘hollow peniulua bob filled with vase tas smal hols st the bodoan uw lich wer eseapes al a eons fale Wheh of the following atitmente decorzes the ‘aulation of the ime period (7) ofthe pendulum as the ater Tos out? A. Tdecreasesfrstand then increases FF Finereass first andes decreases C. TWerases troushout B. Penes net change 2 block of mass Mf ress on a rough horoale ible sadly insroasingInsicvlal fave applied sac thatthe lok stars tote on there without appiag. The once is cominued even ater slicing has stated. Assume the toeffisients of steie nd kate friion herwsen te able {ne te blo 0 be oqual. The corres representation ofthe ‘atition ef the fictional free, f,sxered by the bl on f f = : t (0) - ' : ft ; £0 t {soldier witha michne gun ling from an alplane pets itched fom hi pirachute, He is abla w resist Ge ownard acoeereib ihe shoots 40 bllts« second at the spoud of 300 mi. Ifthe weiaht of 1 bulet is $9 am, ‘Nhat is the weight of mre man svth be gu? Ignore Fesistance due tn air ad assure the aveeleation due (0 raity 2=93mns" Aske Bo 15ke © W00ke DL 125kx A plat of mas m is moving arcund a soe of ass M and fadue a ina oierlarovtt of radius » The sar abruply Slik so half Ha radu widout any lose of race. What “Ina wil be there ithe ori ths planet? A. The plne: wil ecape fom ho sar AL The rads ofthe sei wil increase Cl The radius othe orbt wil decrease 1B. The sadiua ofthoarbt wl not change Figre (a) telow shows a Wheatsone beige in which P.O, 18 are fired resstaes G ise galvarometer ana ¥ 1s Datoy. Fer this prteuler cave the glvenomoter shows ‘exe defect, Now, only the postions of B and G are interchanged, es shows in igure (bh). The new deletion of che gehaneaeier A. eoneten BL tothe rght C. iszote 1D. depenis onthe vltes of P,Q, RS 12 posite charges ot naga ate are pleceden a circle of vas in emuner that ey are equally spaced A charge (0 ix pled a the sont. If one of the charsee ie removed, den the Feree 04 Q is AL zero «2. Ga charge tae. aa chaze i) As, vay fom the positon of the renewed away fom (he positon of the romeved Wards ie postion o the removes charge ‘am elecoie heer consists of a nlcrome coil ant ans ‘mdor 226 V, consuming IKW power Partof ks ccl humed font and ie was rented afte ctting olf dhe bumt potion. Thepewer twill asim now is A move than KW lessthan 1 bu zen © 1ew D, oaW ‘White igh pi into spctram bya prim andi cen fone soten IP we put another ieatca invered prism behind itn contac, ha willbe a fe wren? A. Violet vill appear where med was TB. Thesnestram will emnin the same © There wil be no spoctasm, but only the orginal est DB with no devietien There will Meo spect, but the origina ight will be ler spaced 5 ‘Two ential blocks of metal are al 20°C and 80°C, respecively. The spifc heat of the aterial ofthe tw blocks inereeses with empenture. Which of the fllowing is rue about the fina temperature J; when the two blocks are rough ite canta assuming that uo hoa is est to the sureundins)? A. Tri be 50 B, Tywil bemere tan 0° ¢ bless thin 50°C 1D. Tyear bocither nore thn o lee than SUC depending te ere fel crete hese nal veperatne Anew temperature sale uses ¥ asa nit oF temperature, \whetethe numereal ale afte tempers in this sale fs wlaed 1 he absolute temperature by y 376200. the specific heat material using this units 1400, kg" ite spesific hea inthe 1 sytem ofunis is A ax007 ag Uns kek C. 486.77 kg'K" imposible to deine frm the information oar 24 CHEMISTRY te boiling pains of 0.01 M aquesns shan: of sucess, NsCland CuCl, ld bs A. thesame B. siphost br micraze olution C._hibhest be NeCl solution D. highest for CaCh solution ‘The comet dectoniecoiton forthe pound se of silee oome namber 1) 8 A. teiaeaphaeag! Wea yh B 182829"! B22 3p ‘The molar muss of CaCO, i 100 g The waximur amount of sarbon diene da ean be berated on heat ng 25 v 9 Adie) .) 58) cies bare “The smi radio’ the eemeats aos the secorl pero wf the peiodie able A. Gosrense ce increase in atomic nunber a cdi 0 neroeaeimelecive nace’ charze Cecrease duo so nerease inaton weighs B._ inerasedec to inctease in he effective mica charge Among NH, BChy Cl: nd Ni, the compound that does NOT sti the ote eis A MH BBCL C Ch DM ‘The tis produced heating MAO with ceac-1ECLis A Hite Glo )nenou w ‘The number of cater. tends in CyB, Is eee eto) can ver Dat An aqueous solution of HCI has up of 2.0, When wares idéed io merase be 9 to 50, Ge tydogen ion A. remains the sane B. decreases rer-fod ©. inersasos toe fold decreases thousand Consider yo seael jes oF equal volume, One contains 2g st Ipsopen 2041 Ed the other conains 28-9 af ‘tvgenat (00K. Thegess inte jars wil ave A. thesame presse B. thesame avereze tineic nerev (6. the same numer of esis ._ thesame average noleuli speed lewifyhesteeniomsrie pair finn the fling hoes, AL CHCHLCH.OA ad CxCH.0cN, B. CHACH.CH Clan CHCHCCE, 2 u 36 BIOLOGY Which of the fllaing is» waterbome disease? A. Tubeless BL Matar ©. Chickerpox D, Choler eee eters ees ameter ‘te physica tris in the pea fant as being controled by two "faslon’. Wha Gr is usod 0 dons these factors A. Chromasomes ©. Alleles BL Genes DB, Hybrids Rite ee EE elie etal of rere Hota riin| Feitin tre months A Apr-May © Decemier—linuary B. Algust~Seotember D, Allmonthsctte year 11 frogs body proportins do woe hag with their ect. 4A Eg that is twice as long a8 another vil, be eavier by Spprsinatily A. Tworfeld 1D) Foerfeld © Sie fold D. Bieta Whish oF the following has he widest angle of hirocaar A Ral Bo Duk C. Bale D. Owl ‘he wolleles of wus whieh an allsping receives fot ‘he nae any Fenle yanetes ave stuaed wt ‘A. ‘Two deren homologs f he same shvomosone 1) Tw defer chromosomes ©. Sexchiomosomes D. Asie chromnseme 2 2 0 Abe encase v Using keen enw of von Pisin! contet with uerose Seising the prrcialar waver 0 Tig mitted y sete 1 imerioe of cawelung pie kept fora few days quite ‘sam, This os cus |A. Cellulose presentin the dana is «good insite Bacterial meuboism insde ho dung rloass heat C.Urdigested mater eases heat du to oxidtan bp 1D, Dangisdatk ndabaorb a lator heat Whi one ofthese isthe corset path fora eles actin? |A._ Recopfor-Mowr Youron-Spnal Cord-Sensory Neuron Effector Bi, _fsetnr-Sensary Neuror-Spinal Cox-Motor Neuron Reeyior ©. Receptor Senson Neuon-Soins: Cond Moroe (Neuro: Eitecor 1b, Sersory Newton. Receptor Motor Neuron-Spinl Conde attector Inswstivons plans digest insects 10 get an essetial duisets Cher plus gereraly get dis matvient fom the soll What i srt? AL Oxygen ©. Caton dios Nikos 1D. Phospiates

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