Title: The Relationship Nurse Caring Behaviors With Patients Pre Operative Anxiety in Patient Room Ibnu Sina Hospital Gresik

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Title: The Relationship Nurse Caring Behaviors with Patients Pre Operative

Anxiety in patient room Ibnu Sina Hospital Gresik.


Caring help patients improve positive change in the physical, psychological,

spiritual, and social. Nurses require special skills that include intellectual skills,
technical, and interpersonal skills are reflected in the caring behaviors. Patients
who will undergo surgery will experience anxiety because they do not know the
consequences of surgery and fear of surgical procedures. The purpose of this
study was to determine the relationship Nurse Caring Behaviors with Patients Pre
Operative Anxiety.
Design used is Analytic Observational with cross sectional approach. The
population was 30 patients pre operative. Sample collection used Simple Random
Sampling technique on 28 patients pre operative. Data of this study collected by
questionnaire sheets, after prosentated data is tabulated then it is examined
statistically using SPSS 16.0 with Spearmans Rho Correlation.
Result of the study shows most of caring behavior is simply with 53,6%. While
most of patients pre operative anxiety is anxious with 85,7%. Result from
Spearmans Rho Correlation Test = 0.020 because 0,05 means that H0 is
rejected. It means there is a relationship Nurse Caring Behaviors with Patients
Pre Operative Anxiety in patient room Ibnu Sina Hospital Gresik.
Result study implication shows that caring behaviour has important role in the
patients pre operative anxiety. Its recommended for hospitals to further develop
holistic nursing care.
Keywords : Caring behavior and patient pre operative anxiety.

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