English Petition Thing

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Why This Is Important

Even as a straight woman, I am able to view and feel the misery of societys
shaming towards same sex attraction. Not only do I view this movement as a statement of
fairness, but trust that conforming to this idea will likely be an essential part of Americas
evolution. As Americans, we have grown to value our superficial freedom the most,
leading us to a perpetually open mind. The idea of expanding our liberty and delivering
justice for all is a goal we have strived to reach since the creation of our nation. We dig
deeply for our deserved individual rights. So why would this simple, divergent interest of
heart flaw our system? Perhaps the many who are against this movement are plainly
uncomfortable because they have yet to be exposed to an environment where these types
of relationships are not unusual. There are some people, of course, who plea against the
matter due to spiritual beliefs. In response to these spiritual beliefs, I am confident that
any god would prefer a gay with a good soul to a wicked, loyal Christian.
Mathew Vines, author of God and the Gay Christian, presents his case by
referring to the six biblical passages that speak of homosexuality. Vines argues that
nowhere in these passages is same-sex orientation referred to as a sin, or as society tends
to recognize it today. In relevancy, an example given is his elaboration of Genesis 19,
where the sinning of Sodom is brought to our attention. Vine states that it is apparent that
the sin of Sodom is only surfaced as a topic of consensual relationships of the same-sex
being of error, and with a depth analysis actually refers to a threatening scenario of gang
rape. He then proceeds to articulate about the other passages, all concluding that they are
in fact not against homosexuality.

In truth, there is no actual valid excuse for the banning of gay rights. The unity
between two people of the same-sex should not and would not interrupt our daily lives. In
fact, there is no reason for relationships of this category to negatively affect us even today
at all. This movement would allow the release of many emotionally distressed lives.
There is no fault in loving who you love. You dont choose; you just do.

The Petition
Nov 28, 2014
We, the undersigned, regardless of our sexual orientation, urge the residents of the
United States to support equal identification to same-sex oriented couples and to pass a
law in which both civil and social rights will be granted by the government nation-wide.
It is essential that we conform to this idea in order to grow as a country and move
forward with bigger and better things. Not only will it expand a social peace, but also it
will create a better exposure to people who are not in favor with this movement and
possibly aid with any discomfort towards it.
The Gay Rights Movement has gained support from a grand selection of
businesses, community organizations, and a recent increase of faith groups that have
shown interest. At the moment, an estimate of 52% of Catholics and 51% of mainline
Protestants are showing favor towards these rights and the numbers continue to grow. As
a nation that deeply values its independence and the ease to obtain a larger range of
individual rights, this topic should be viewed as a way to provide improvement to our
society instead of a dose of corruption. These individuals of same-sex orientation only

ask for the liberty to love and be treated with equality, nothing more. Love should be a
choice, not a regulation.
Estefania Olvera

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