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Multi-generational Interview

Shakespeare used the theatre and his works to spark change and challenge societal
norms during the renaissance. During his time period, girls were marrying age at 12
and the boys were marrying age by 14. Parents often were the ones who played
matchmaker for their children-meaning marrying someone because you were in love
was not common practice, you married for status. Expectations for teenagers and
adolescents change with every generation, but many things stay the same. With this
project you will be able to see for yourself if- the more things change, the more they
stay the same.

Interview an older family member about how they were supposed to act when they
were children and teenagers. Ideally this person should be at least 30 years older than
you. Sample questions could be:

What did your parents expect from you in terms of marriage or a career? Did
you have to fight them to get your own way or did you agree?
How was a child supposed to act at a grown-up party?
Were children expected to work or go to school? What did you study?
What were the clothes like?
How were teenagers supposed to go about dating? Was there a certain period
of time that had to be observed before going steady

You are free to make up your own questions!

1. Select your person
2. Create questions to ask your selected person
3. Write up your questions and responses (you may do a telephone interview
but it might be beneficial if you audio record your interview)
4. Write a reflection: How are things different? How are they the same? How
does adolescents and dating rituals compare to Romeo and Juliet? What is
something new that you learned? What do you still wish to know?
DUE: Friday after finishing Romeo and Juliet

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