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Pacific Northwest Indians Yesiree!

We relied on the surrounding plants and animals for survival

We protected our environment
We lived near the beautiful ocean
We also lived near the green forests
(Chorus) Pacific Northwest Indians Yesiree!
We created Totem Poles to tell our stories
We made our instruments out of animal hides
Our tribes were dived by chiefs, nobles, ordinary people, and slaves
We had celebrations called potlatches
(Chorus) Pacific Northwest Indians Yesiree
We hunted from Sea
Seals, Salmon, Sea Otters, and Whales too
We had an endless supply of fish
We also hunted Deer, Elk, and Bear in the forest
(Chorus) Pacifc Northwest Indians Yesiree!
We use natural resources in the region where we live
We made clothing out of animals skins too
Women made bark skirts
Men wore the garments to hunt
(Chorus) Pacific Northwest Indians Yesiree!

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