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Swarm Scholarship Application

Caldwell Swarm Baseball and Softball with the permission of the Bernard Rychlik family is pleased to
offer a scholarship for college or trade school for Caldwell High School Baseball and Softball players in
honor of Bernard Rychlik.
Caldwell Baseball or Softball players who meet the following criteria are eligible for the scholarship. The
is a baseball/softball player who has played at least 3 years of High School Baseball or Softball
must be a senior baseball/softball player at Caldwell High School
plan to attend an accredited College, University or Trade School
meet the minimum entrance requirements for the educational institution of their choice
Application Process
Application materials must be received by March 31st (if this falls on the weekend the application can be
submitted on the following Monday), in order to be considered. The following materials should be
1. Completed application form
2. A typed essay (no more than two pages double spaced) addressing the following topic:
What has the impact of playing baseball/softball had on my life?
3. One letter of reference or recommendation from a teacher or coach.
Selection Process
Recipients will be selected by the Caldwell Swarm Baseball and Softball Board based on application
materials provided. All scholarship recipients will be awarded at the Senior Awards Banquet. Payment
will be made to the scholarship recipient once recipient has provided confirmation of registration from
the Institution.
Purpose of Scholarship
To honor Bernard Rychlik and provide financial assistance to a baseball and softball player with an
interest in pursuing continuing education in any field

Scholarship amount to be determined each year for financial aid to as many baseball and
softball players.

Caldwell Swarm Baseball & Softball Scholarship Application Form

Please complete this form. Information must be typed or printed directly on this form.
Name _____________________________________________ Age _______
Accredited 4year, community college or trade school name ____________________________________
Accredited 4year or community college or trade school Admissions Office telephone _______________
Home address ______________________________________________________________________
Telephone number _______________________________
Email address _________________________________
Parent or Guardians Name of Applicant ___________________________________________
Were you or your parents able to help out with the Bernard Rychlik Baseball and Softball Tournament
this year? Yes or No
How many years have you played high school baseball/softball? ___________
Baseball/Softball Honors
Jobs/Volunteer Work
Community Involvement
Scholastic Record (to be completed by principal or counselor)
Applicant currently ranks ______ in his/her senior class of ______ students. His/her grade point
average is _________.
Signed ____________________________ Title __________________ Date______________
Application materials must be received by March 31st, in order to be considered.
Return completed application materials to:
Caldwell High School Counselor

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