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1 Alvarado

Santiago Alvarado
English 100-12
October 9, 2014
Service Above Self
Not many times do you meet a person who works hard at everything they do. They are
diligent, they are stoical, and most importantly, they persevere in all of their endeavors. Failure is
not an option for these resolute souls. My mother, Cristina Alvarado-Pierce, shows all of these
qualities, and has since she was a young adult. Life has subjected her to many trials and
tribulations, all of which she has conquered and learned from. Cristina stands as a strong symbol
of persistence, responsibility, and the rewards of hard work.
Her hard work and independent attitude first expressed itself when she was only sixteen.
Cristinas family life was in shambles, with altercations between her and her father becoming all
too frequent. Feeling dejected by her own parents, Cristina filed for emancipation, and was soon
living on her own. She began to run her own life, on her own terms. Cristinas life soon became
very busy, as she was going to highschool, working full time at a job, and handling all of her
pecuniary responsibilities. Alas4, the good times eventually ended, and Cristina had to handle
something shed face for the the rest of her life: a pregnancy. At that time in my life, I had
become very reckless, Cristina said, so something like a pregnancy was bound to happen.
When I first found out, I became very confused, and very concerned about the future. Cristinas
life had become incredibly pressured, and although she wanted to keep the child, she didnt feel
like she would have been able to adequately raise it by herself. Adoption had become a genuine
option for Cristina, and she contemplated it deeply. I didnt want to be forced into a decision by

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anyone, Cristina recalled. In fact, I didnt even tell my boyfriend at the time that I was pregnant
until after the baby was born. In order to escape the tension enveloping her, Cristina moved to
Jacksonville, North Carolina, near her sister to make her final decision. It was here that she
ultimately decided to keep and raise her first born-child.
After a few years of living in North Carolina, Cristina attempted to settle down and live a
more traditional lifestyle. She became married and even had a second child. By this time, all of
her energy was focused on caring and providing for her two children. She had found herself in a
perpetual cycle of working, and rarely found the time to care for herself. I was working so much
that I forgot about my own well being, Cristina stated. Between working, taking care of the
kids, and cleaning the house, I literally forgot to eat. I remember being eighty-eight pounds and
fitting into little girl jeans at the time. A few months after her second child was born, however,
Cristinas world began to fall apart again. One day, Cristina left her child with her husband as
she went to work, but when she returned, her kid was in the emergency room with a fractured
skull. Her husband had accidentally dropped the child onto the kitchen floor, a fall that would
haunt the child with seizures in the years to come.1 I remember my emotions being frenzied,
Cristina said. I was scared because my five-month-old child was dying, and angry because my
husband let it happen. Cristina wasnt shy when it came to divorcing her husband, and decided
to move back home to Michigan. However, before she could move, Cristina engaged in a
custody battle between her and the state of North Carolina. They accused me of neglecting my
children, but how was I supposed to know that my husband would nearly kill my baby? Cristina
said, her eyes flaring up. In order to recompense for her apparent neglect, Cristina participated in
several parenting classes, attended mandatory hearings, and had to demonstrate her overall

Interestingly, even though the event could have been dismissed as an accident, Cristinas husband was
accused of similar events years later when he remarried and had another child. Unfortunately, this
second child did pass away from the injuries sustained.

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ability to dependably and adeptly raise her children. After an almost year long struggle, the state
of North Carolina exonerated Cristina and mitigated their vicegrip on her parenting rights. Free
from the law, Cristina soon moved back to Michigan, expecting to face her old demons.
Ironically, and much to her surprise, Cristina was welcomed back home by her father.
Even though I hadnt spoken to my father in years, he still invited me home as if I had left just
the day before, Cristina recounts. Upon her return, Cristinas father immediately set some
ground rules. He informed Cristina that he wouldnt allow her to be a burden in the house and
prompted her to get a job and go back to school for her diploma. He cared about my future as
much, if not more, than I did,Cristina said. When I moved back in, even though my father was
hard on me, I could tell that he cared about me and supported me. Eventually, Cristina received
her diploma through a night school program and moved out, successfully getting back on her
Through all of her experiences as a young mother, Cristina learned a lot about herself.
She learned that she was stronger and more able as an independent person than she gave herself
credit for. Cristina faced many obstacles, and instead of giving up, she fought for what she
wanted. She also discovered what it meant to be a mom, and the true definition of a maternal
bond. Looking back on her early life, all of Cristinas decisions were based on what was best for
her children. Her choice to move to North Carolina, to work herself to the point of starvation,
and to return home were heavily influenced by the mere existence of her children. Furthermore,
Cristina learned that she could count on her father whenever she needed and that he truly cared
for her. His invaluable support when she returned from North Carolina meant a lot to Cristina,
and paved the way into the next chapter of her life.

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There will be many points in our lives when we reach a climax that will make and define
us, or break and destroy us. Even under all of the surmounting pressure, we must make the best
decision for not only ourselves, but also for those around us. We must also work assiduously to
achieve the outcome we want, and to show others that we cannot be stopped when we strive for
the things that we intensely desire. Cristina has expressed these qualities time and time again,
and although she made some questionable decisions, she never failed to rectify them with hard
work later. She is the true embodiment of an independent and industrious citizen, a true rarity in
these modern times.

Work Cited
Alvarado-Pierce, Cristina. Personal Interview 1 October 2014.

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