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Tongkonan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By: Eduardo

Where can you find this type of

You can find Tongkonan in
Tana Toraja, Indonesia .

What is the climate and

geography of the area?
The climate is
tropical and the
geography is
grassland .

Why is this home built this way?

To make the roof from the
inside look like the sky .

What is it made

It is made of wood,bamboo,and paint.

Why did
they use
and paint?

Maybe it was all

They could find .

Fun Facts!
Did you know that the roof is boat shaped ?
Did you know that there are three types of
tongkons? I will tell you one, a layuk,they
are for rich people .

Would you like to live in this

type of home? Why?
I would not like live in this
home because there are no
glass windows and bugs
could get in .

The End .
Luck !

I Hope you learned

something from
this slide show .
If you did you can
tell your friends .

you want
to live in
a house
like this ?

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