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‘Sec. 4.6 Using G, (liquid) and 4, (gas) in the Mole Balances and Rate Laws 199 Mole Balance ® Write mole batance on each species? oF, a, 6, he, Se “Bay av Rate Law Stoichiometry @ Relate the rates of reaction of each species to one another 8. tae 2tae te =Ht Stoichiometry ® (a) Write the concentrations in terms of molar flow rates for isothermal gas-phase reactions FP Fy P eg. CyaCroo® —, Cp=Cyp ot — B CanCropt 5» Co=Croet p- with Fr=F, +Fy +o (b) For tiguid-phase reactions use concentration. ¢g.. Cy. Cp Pressure Drop ® Write the gas-phase pressure drop term in terms of molar flow rates a = z. with y= Combine (@) Use-an ODE solves or a nonlinear equation solver (eg. Polymath) to combine Steps D through © to solve for. for example. the profiles of molar flow rates, concentration and pressure. Figure 4-11 Isothermal reaction design algorithm for mole balances. OF

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