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Memo To: Erin Weber From: Somy, ech, lave, and ise \ OS) Date: October 23, 2014 ‘Subject: Shark Identification Key Test Results environment. During the fishing process, fishermen must their catch quickly and een ete ata aan nt eect Setar acne telnee cara nel eta enc clin amine intense bee a a ig necro ey ee face en tt ee ane ere e aa acerdpecnaes ane ne fecstata ncn arate ated ete eo Four user tests were performed using the created test key. Each member of the Pee cisten pastnrah aiiasnel pasesseencaia esha A diferent sharks including the Sharpnose, Bul, Blacktip, Spinner, and the Sandbar W/9 Shar \p Participant 1 mixed up the Sharpnose and Bull Sharffand didnot realize that tho Tgor Shark was onthe back page fr eporoxmatoly 20 seconds, Sho was also nol Rot contdeninentying the Nurse Shar and wen asked to dently the Backroee Shark, she focused onthe ‘musiache’ label. Last he seemed focus onthe bullet Dons fora oat haf ofthe shar, so biol hose wore just s mporant os te mages themselves. Participant #2 idgatfod all 11 charke in ust undor A minutoe. Ho did nat Wang ‘dently any of the sharks, howevg he toxt on our test slides helped in identifying tho Blacklp from the Spinnbrshark. He also focused onthe pictures before the tex, and looked atthe face of the shark and then the body. One-suggestion he made arrange the pictures so that they all face the same way. sugecstcal Participant #3 completed the test in under 5 minutes, identifying many sharks by SAS Sats le arte fata botea | | cody the Spinner Shark, and the Blacknose as the Sharpnose. She found the repetition of, locations confusing because more than one shark could be found in “Bays and Harbor areas", making diferent sharks blend in rather than stand out. Other than these issues, she found the manual easy to maneuver and thought it was organized well concerning UA __the layout and the bullet points ~~ Participant #4 identified all sharks in 6 minutes, taking, on average, about 5-20 ‘seconds per shark. He mistook the Sandbar Shark for the Bull Shark, misidentified the Bull Shark as the Blacktip, and also had some trouble identifying the Spinner Shark, ‘Once again, there were some easily recognized sharks including the Scalloped Hammerhead, Lemon, Nurse, and Bonnethead sharks. ‘Aor all user tosts wore porformed and all participants dobriofed, soveral ‘changes were "fay to improve the effectiveness of the test key. The test key began as a 36, bo guide, To make test key more user friendly, we made the doturfient intole-afe piece, trifold document to eliminate the need for fipping through several pages. Next, we clarified both the Blacknose Shark and the Sharpnose Shark with more clear images and clarified bullet points to help the fishermen distinguish these two sharks. We enhanced the document by enlarging the title of each shark for quick identification. During the initial testing our images did not all face the same way and ‘were not the same type. This created some confusion and disorganization. For the final product we standardized the images. We also modified the format ofthe bullet points. For the intial testing our bullet points for each shark had no particular pattem or format. For the final product, we organized and arranged each set of bullet points to the same format. After the user test was performed, and the test key modified with the needed changes, we now have a document that is usable and ready for fiold use. Be Consistent v2 DIEWC Uno Oe ees Biacktip Shark. 252F1%.252F17%.252F Sandbar sharks oa’ 3Bntiny.253 smmons wik! ‘media ora%4252F wiki%s252F File%253ASandbat_shark nmi jpg%3B560%35269 Biacknose St Nurse Shark ‘Lemon Shark upload wikimedia.ora/wikipedialcommons/8/80/Ne¢ brovirestris, Tiger Shark. hlip//upload. Red Siash Circle upload wikimedi ia/oommonsie/e9/SlashCircle.s\ ‘Shark in Water Yellow Danger Sign lipixabay comlenlvip-hazard-warni 9 ‘Aggressive Shark /ltps/ironfruit.deviantart,convart'Shark-265115740 ‘Stormy Weather

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