Practices of High Performance Work System

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Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan

Institute of Management Sciences

Assignment no 1
Subject: Human Resource Management
Topic: Practices of High Performance Work Systems
Submitted to: Respectable Mam Saman Naz
Submitted by: Ayesha Nadeem (BB-12-03)

High Performance Work Practices

The high performance work practices adopted by various organizations are as
1. Information sharing.
2. Realistic job previews.
3. Use of psychometric tests for selection.
4. Well developed induction training.
5. Provision of extensive training for experienced employees.
6. Regular appraisals.
7. Regular multi-source feedback on performance.
8. Individual performance-related pay.
9. Profit related bonuses.
10.Flexible job descriptions.
11. Multi-skilling.
12. Employee empowerment.
13. Extensive training.
14.Merit based promotions.
15. Competency development.
16.Presence of work-improvement teams.
17. Presence of problem-solving groups.
18. Information provided on the business plan.
19. Information provided on the firms performance targets.
20. No compulsory redundancies.
21. Avoidance of voluntary redundancies.
22. Commitment to single status.
23. Harmonized holiday entitlement.
24. Formal recruitment interviews
25. Performance of competency tests.
26. Share ownership schemes.
27. Competency based pay.
28. Team rewards.
29. Incentive pay.
30. Social gatherings.
31. Formal grievance procedures.
32. Formal salary reviews.

33. Attitude surveys.

34. Personal development plans.
35. Team briefings.
36. Staff suggestion schemes.
37. Responsibility for own work quality.
38. Job rotation within and/or between teams.
39. Semi-autonomous teams.
40. Selective staffing.
41. Performance based compensation.
42. Gain sharing.
43. Total quality management programs.
44. Employee security policy.
45. Pay for skill program.
46. Continuous-improvement teams.
47. Self-managed teams.
48. Minimal status distinctions.
49. Decentralization of quality efforts.
50. Comparatively high compensation.

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