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LSU Lesson Plan Format

Name(s): Jack Higdon

Lesson Focus:
Teaching Games For Understanding

Date: 10/21
Grade: 4th

Lesson Title: Tchoukball

Class Length:30
Class Size: 20

Standard: (1) Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
GLOs: Combines traveling with manipulative skills of dribbling, throwing, catching, and striking in
teach- and/or student-designed small-sided practice tasks (S1.E6.4)

Standard: (3) Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing
level of physical activity and fitness.
GLOs: Analyzes opportunities for participating in physical activity outside physical education class.
Cognitive: TSW be able to distinguish different offensive strategies in moving the ball down the field
in tchoukball.
Affective: TSW enjoy playing with other peers in small-sided games of tchoukball.
Psychomotor: TSW keep his/her eyes on the ball when thrown to 8 out of 10 times.

Skill/Concept Taught
Offensive Strategy

Skill Cues/Instructional Cues Used

Eyes on the ball


Cognitive: TSW be able to distinguish different offensive strategies in moving the ball down the field
in tchoukball.
Affective: TSW enjoy playing with other peers in small-sided games of tchoukball.
Psychomotor: TSW keep his/her eyes on the ball when thrown to 8 out of 10 times.

Cognitive: TTW ask the students different ways that they moved the ball down the field.

Affective: TTW ask they students to put a thumbs up if they enjoyed playing with their team.

Psychomotor: TTW observe the students catching during gameplay.

For special need students, they will be given a rag ball and throw with a partner and stay stationary
on one side of the field.
For less advanced learners drops will not be considered turnovers.
For more advanced learners they will be allowed to throw off of either net on either side.

Math: counting.

Tchoukball nets


Mrs. Chandler from the lab school
Being aware of personal and general space. Keeping your head up at all times.


Activity Description
Anticipatory Set:
Who is ready for some tchoukball??!?

Skill/Teacher Cues

All eyes on me.
Instant Activity Instruction:
Dragontails. Each Student will be given a scarf and told to
place them in the back or side of their pants to hang out like a
tail. When the music starts the students will skip around and
try to grab other students dragon tails. If a student pulls a tail
he/she will drop it on the ground and the student who lost the
tail will pick it up and continue to play.

Any questions hands on your head. If you understand let
me hear you say yeah yeah!
Instant Activity Game Play:
When the music starts the student will begin game play.
The students will play until the teacher stops the music
and yells Freeze!

Ready Go! start

Freeze! - stop

Everyone take their tails and place them in the box and sit
in front of me criss cross apple sauce.


Activity Description
Skill Instruction:
When catching the balls everyone make sure that you keeps
your eyes on the ball

Get toe to toe with a partner and one person come get a
ball from me.
Skill Practice:
The students will throw the ball to one another focusing on
keeping their eyes on the ball when catching


Skill/Teacher Cues
Eyes on the ball.

Freeze, bring all balls to meet and each pair get toe to toe
with another pair.


Activity Description
Culminating Activity Instruction:
Tchouckball. Each group of 4 will play games against another
group of four, with the goal of throwing the ball off the net in
such a way that they opposing team cannot catch it. The
student cannot run with the ball the must pass it to move the
ball towards the nets. If the ball is dropped, then it is a
turnover and the other team gets the ball. If the ball is thrown
at the net, but misses the net it is a turnover. If the ball hits the
net and the opposing team doesnt catch the ball the team that
threw it gets a point. If the opposing team catches it, the ball is
now in their possession and they are trying to score.

Skill/Teacher Cues
Any questions hands on your
head. If you understand let me
hear you say yeah yeah!

The teacher will split the teams on to different fields and
begin game play.
Culminating Activity/Skill Application:
The game will start when the teacher says go. The students
for the most part will be in charge of each individual game,
with the teacher watching over all as a whole.

Freeze! Put all balls underneath the nets and come sit criss
cross apple sauce in front of me.

Did everybody have fun playing with their teams today? Can anybody tell me different ways they moved
the ball down the field?

1. What were the most successful components of this lesson? Why were they successful?

2. What aspects of this lesson should be changed/modified? Why should they be modified?

3. Did you meet the objectives of this lesson? Did the students achieve the SLTs? Why or why
not? How do you know?

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