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Admin Login Details
This module is used to store the information about login details on
Admin name, Password.
Hospital Login Details
This module is used to store the information about login details on
Hospital name, Password.
Agent Login Details
This module is used to store the information about login details on
Agent name, Password

Project Module
Student Details
This is used to know the Student details and it is used to know about the
Student Name, Blood group, Address, Phone no, Email ID.

Project Details
This module is used to store all the information about Project Details on
Project id, Project Name, Project type Language, Description, Client code, client
name. Using this module we can retrieve the data at any time.

Employee Module
Employee Details
This module is used to store all the information about Employee Details on
Employee id, name, gender, fathers name, marital status, Date of birth, Date of

joining, Address, phone no, qualification, Email id, department. Using this module
we can retrieve the data at any time.

Attendance Details
This module is used to store all the information about Employee Attendance
Details on Employee id, name, department, attendance month and year, total
working days, present days, absent days. Using this module we can retrieve the
data at any time.

Scheduling Module
Scheduling Details
This module is used to store all the information about Project schedule
Details on Employee id, Project id, Project Name, Project type Language,
Description, work starting date, Finish date, details, hours. Using this module we
can retrieve the data at any time.

Report Module
Work Status Details
This module is used to store all the information about Project Task Details on
status id, Employee id, Client id, Project id, Working date, time spent, work type,
status. Using this module we can retrieve the data at any time.

To build a solution to the ever growing requirement of blood due to

accidents and various health problems the system is developed for
accessing the information about various blood banks and hospitals and
their blood stock. Providing information of donor.

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