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TGR - TV Broadcast!
Studio and Control Room Setup Process!

Live Broadcast Setup: Entire crew completes setup within first 15 minutes of a period!

In all cases entire crew is responsible for: !


Maintaining a SAFE WORKSPACE!

Eliminating trip hazards (cable management) and keeping studio free of clutter!
Wearing leather gloves anytime lighting equipment is handled !
Demonstrating safe operating practices and behaviour at all times!
No latter use or standing on any classroom furniture of any kind to make studio
Full crew participation in studio cleanup.!


Be familiar and aware of all school safety procedures incase of emergencies. !

If emergency call 555 on classroom phone. !
Absolutely no food, drinks or cell phones allowed in control room or studio.!


TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Show Producer!


- leads brainstorming sessions !
- collaborates with entire production team!
- ensures timelines are followed !
- overall responsible for content and style of show!
- responsible for production (but not bossy)!
- collaborates with entire production team!
- ensures timelines are followed!
- designates story assignments!
- ensures creative script is completed and submitted on time!




TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!



- collaborate on an entertaining and creative script!
- familiarity with the script (dont memorize)!
- perform the script versus reading the script (script writing tips - writing is re-writing)!
- need to sit awkwardly close to each other!
- confident delivery with an energetic performance (ie: voice tone, effective pauses and phrases)!
- smile is crucial (you can hear a smile!)!
- hosts dont talk until they get the cue from Director and Floor Manager!
- when not performing for camera:!
> engaged in what other person is saying (an on camera audience member)!
> looking between camera and at Co-Host!
> should have some reaction!



TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!



- responsible for the overall creative look of show!
- meets with production teams regarding script development and production needs for ! !
the live show!
- ensures all media is loaded to Tricaster prior to broadcast!
- ensures content goes to air cleanly!
- communicates with studio crew the production needs of the live show!
- record and stream live show!


TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Production Item Producer (Visionary)!


- managing small production teams and item(s) for the live show!
- leads brainstorming sessions with production team to develop a show concept and final !
impactful message!
- tracks timelines throughout all stages of production!
- participates in script development and pre-production shot lists!
- directs item productions for the live show !
- supervises post-production editing of items for live show!
- ensures items are delivered on time for live show!




TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Technical Director (Tricaster)!


- meets with Director to determine show production elements (ie: video, music, titles, graphics, !
photos etc.)!
- supervises the studio crew!
- checks technical facilities daily (Facts Check)!
- loads all media for live show!
- maintains organized playlists of all elements !
- double checks all show content is loaded and in correct order prior to live show!
- switches a clean live show to air !
- records and streams live show!




TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Audio Mixer (A1)!


- meets with Director to determine all audio requirements for live show (ie: mics, music, !
sound effects etc.)!
- previews audio on all media and adjust levels for balanced audio mixer !
- tests audio synchronization (sync) out of Tricaster!
- tests all audio sources to the mixer including mics - clean and distortion free!
- ensures fresh batteries in mics for live show!
- ensures (with Audio Assist) intercom system is up and running for entire crew!
- mixes a clean live show!



TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Floor Manager!

- sets the tone in studio and keep the room under control !
- supervises studio crew - difference b/w being in charge and being bossy !
- builds confidence with hosts!
- communication link between Control Room and Hosts!
- acts as eyes, ears and voice of Director in the Control room!
- uses intercom to relay information from Director in Control room!
- manages the script in the studio (all crew)!
- ensures hosts know at what parts of the script you are doing pickups!
- manages the script in the studio (all crew)!
- uses intercom to relay information from Director in Control room!
- cues and counts (with correct hand gestures for visual communication with hosts)!
- ensures eyeline to the lens of the camera (for Hosts)!
- count starts at 10 - then at 5 count uses hand gestures - dont say 1 - then point to hosts) !
- counts for start of show, in/out of clips/videos, keeping hosts informed of when back on air from clips!
- no count into video clips!



TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Camera Operator/Lighting!


- meets with Director and Technical Director to determine camera locations for live show!
- ensures camera has fresh batteries!
- ensures proper camera: focus, white balance and framing!
- charges camera batteries at end of show!
- powers on and adjust studio lights if necessary!
- powers off lights at end of show!
- plugs in SDI and tally light cables and confirms feed to Tricaster!
- maintains safe cable management within studio!
- takes direction to vary or maintain camera shots during show!



TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities !

Audio Assist (A2)!


- meets with Director and A1 to determine all audio requirements in studio for live show (ie: mics, music, !
sound effects etc.)!
- tests all audio feeds (mics and studio speaker) to control room daily !
- ensures fresh batteries in mics for live show!
- tests intercom with A1 assistance!
- assist Hosts in placing mics properly on clothing for live show (always: male to male and female !
to female)!
- troubleshoots audio during live show!
- neatly packs audio equipment (ie: mics, XLRs and intercom) at end of each show!




TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Script Assistant!


- organizes the script for Hosts and production crew!
- tracks script changes (versions) during show rehearsals!


- tracks script changes (versions) during live show if necessary!
- communicates control room countdowns during live show!




TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!



- manages live show script in teleprompt+3 iPad app!
- ensures iPad is charged at start and end of period!
- makes script changes during rehearsals with assistance from Script Assistant!


- operates prompter during live show!
- manages script in teleprompt+3 iPad app!
- makes script changes during live show with assistance from Script Assistant!



TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Production Team (Cam Op, Audio, Editor)!





TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Titles and Graphics Operator!





TGR - TV Broadcast!
Crew Responsibilities!

Technical Producer!




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