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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT ws [TTITT! 108 J Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2013/Jan.2014 ‘Signal Processing ime: 3 hrs 1 + Answer FIVE full questions, selecting {at Least TWO questions from each part PART=A 1a. Given the fotowing wn): x(a) #80) +61 +302) 6 Fine he Fourier transform (e") a plot he Xe" (3) Get the magitude ofthe point DET af the st our As ox {sGet the magnitude of te point DET ofthe fst cacti) Man) om ‘Find the point DFT ofthe sequence, x(n) = 6 ip =, <3 (o6maris) tia) acca (K) are 5-point DFTs of x(n) and (o4maris) saa acs aya gran tence (9 ht YQ =) Sees 1 osnes batney sai) nea XG, 28 Aseyaes a(o)=| BET (4). Compute the DFT of 0) and (Womans) <1, 7, 4), valuate the following (Wo Maris) zz log Wal having a bandwidth of 4 kHz, Its desired to compute the spectrum N = 2" point DET with a resolution beter than or equal to 50 Hz. ‘minimor sampling rate and the resulting resolution (M isan integer), (4 Marks) 3 us jp-save method, compute y(n), of a FIR fier with impulse response to-an input xia) = 2, 1, -1, 2-3, 5, 6-1, 2, 0, 2, 1). Use only 84 olution. Can the system exhibit linear phase? (2 Marks) 1 thatthe product of two complex numbers (a4jb) and (c*jd) can be performed with thee real multiplications and five editions (04 stas) Bring outa comparison between linear convolution and circular convolution, (44 Marks), Tot? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 10ECS2| 4a Using DIFEFT algorithm, compute DFT ofthe sequence (0) =(0525-1,2,4,2,-1,2) Ifxy(nyex(n-4y, compute x(K) without invoking FFT algorithm, 5) b. Compe the DET oi souene (0) ~ (ys e2) ing the Corl algorithm. 0 PART-B +a. Show thatthe bilinear transformation maps. (The 0 avis in splane ono the unit ctl, |= 1 Gi) The let ha plane, Re(s)<0 inside the unit cite, | <1 b. Design a digital low-pass iter using the bilinear transfor ais the following charactersties: (3) Monotonic stopband and frequen 905 xa) Magid ales 15. ‘os Man) Bring ot acompurson betacenButerwont ier sd C ooemany 6% asim hs) =

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