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Isaacs 1

Jacob Isaacs
Mrs. Douglas
Daybook Entry (#5)

The voices in my paper follow under specialists that analyze and determine reactions of
things on the environment. All things man-made have an impact on the earth around us whether
its observably noticeable or not. The voices are sided towards the fact that if everyone changed
their mindset to a conservative green thought process, the world could eventually overcome
problems such as global warming, contaminated water and foods, and overpopulation. They also
feel that a buildings Architecture that is designed to be self efficient is a huge step towards a
greener world, it could lead to things such as more food, water, and cleaner air.

Reflection: In this entry we talked about the voices for our round table essay, I feel this
supported my whole paper and my thesis which allowed me to structure it the way that I did. It
made for a great draft and started the production of my round table essay.

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