k-1 Overview

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Spanish Language Unit 1

September October

Unit Name: First step to the Spanishspeaking world

OverarchingQuestion:How do I begin to
communicate in Spanish?

This unit will teach children to start communicating orally in

Spanish. Students will begin to use basic vocabulary to greet others,

introduce themselves, say good-bye and express simple feelings.
Children will learn that people in both English and Spanish-speaking
countries can say the same things in both languages. Initially students
will demonstrate understanding of oral classroom directions by
responding physically or using one-word or memorized phrases.
Students will compare American versus Mexican customs of birthday


greet and say good-bye: hola, adis

express feelings: estoy feliz (I am happy), estoy triste (I am sad), estoy bien (I
am fine), estoy enfermo (I feel sick), estoy mal (I feel bad)
introduce oneself: Me llamo
reply when asked Cmo te llamas?, Cmo ests?
express needs and courtesies: Bao por favor, agua por favor, por favor,
gracias, de nada
follow basic classroom comands: levntate (stand up), sintate (sit down)

For the knowledge assessment students will be

asked to:
1. with a partner and teacher prompting, students will: greet, say their name, express feelings
and say good-bye
2. with teacher prompting, the student will demonstrate understanding of needs and courtesies
using gestures
3. student will demonstrate knowledge of two basic commands as they follow teachers

Possible home connections:

encourage but not force your child to speak the Spanish language
at home
ask your child to greet you with Hola and Adios, use courtesy
words Gracias, De nada and sing the greeting song

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