1929-31 Practical Work Placements

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Ada-nols , 01 i vi 8.
Sr.Yr.-Teacner,17th St.Mission-Junior Dept.
Sr.Yr.-Advisor of Y.P.Society at Reed Mellloria.l
Secretary of Primary lJept.,Ginter Park
Jr. Yr. -Supt. Prima.ry j)ept.l 7 th St .Mission
Arehart ,Pauline
Sr. Yr.-'.t'eacher Primary lJept.lAalSonic Home
Jr.Yr.-FactorY-Kratz Paper ~ox Co.
Sr. Yr.-Teacher in Junior Dept.Masonic Home
Jr.Yr.-Harton Heights Fire Station
Howen, l~fl,rgaret
Sr.Yr.-Hesponsible for Worship Prograln in Interme<iiate
Dept.Grace Covenant Fresbyterian Church
Jr.r.-17th St. Visiting
Brown, Christine
Sr. Yr. -Teacher in the In terlllea.ia te Dept. Rage Memorie.l
Jr.Yr.-Visiting at St.Phillips
Bryan, Anrde Ruth
Sr. Yr. -Supt.& ~;eacher in Priruar:i Dept. Masonic Home
Jr.Yr.-17th St. visiting
Cameron, Vhog inia 1.
3r.Yr.-Teacher in YoungPeople's Dept.Bishop Memorial
Methodist Church
Jr. Yr.-Teacller in Priruary Dept.House of Happiness
Visiting for Sheltering Arms
Carl ton .fI.isther
Sr.Yr.-Teacher Sr.Dept.17th St.mission
J'r. Yr. -J!'actory
Carper, Anna I.u.ay
Sr. Yr.-Teacher Intermediate Dept.Mas0nic Rome
Jr.Yr.-Pianist,factories and fire station
Sr. Yr. -Teacher Adul t IJepartmen t J~ishop Melllorial .NJ.etho
(liat Church
Jr. Yr.-l'lth St.Mission and Pine Camp
Craltier, Vienne
Sr.Yr.-Sen10r lJept.lJI.as()nic Horue
Teacher of .bible at Circle Mea:.tings-2ndPresb.Ch.
oJ r. Yr.-Worle at Salvation Army Hall

Sr.Yr.-~eacner Senior Dept.Masonic Home

Jr.Yr.-Hon Air Recreational Work

Cusic,Mrs Lucille Kennon

Sr.Yr.-l\lO work
Jr.Yr.-Teacner Intermediate Dept.urace Covenant Presby.

31'. Yr. -~)unda.1 School V/orlc fl.t tIle Ci ty Home and Confed

erate Home

Jr.Yr.-Detention nome visitation

Sr. Yr.-Supt.J r.JJept.l1ouse of .l:iappiness
Jr.Yr.-Pianist at ~auer's ~xt1'act ffactory
l~es,~allie Fitzgerald
Sr.Yr.-Talks-Kratz Paper hox ffBctory
Jr.Yr.-17th St. visiting


cir.Yr.-Jullior l;hurch Masonic l10me

Jr.Yr.-Pianist Aingan's ~actory

truthrie .M.argaret A.
Sr. Yr. -'i'eacner J unlor JJept.M.Hsonic l10me
Jr.Yr.-Vi~iting at Sheltering Arms
lia,nna , ,l!;me 1 in e
Sr. Yr. -'i'cacher .1ntermeuia,te JJept .urace Covemmt Church
.J r. ir. -Pianist at Southern J::liocui t Co. B.nd .oaugnlilan' S

Harris,Eva Maie

Sr. Yr.-Teacher Bnd Pianist l'rimary Dept.Masonic Home

Jr. Yr. -Factory, Consol idateo. Pa,per Box Co.
Sr. Yr,-Tefl.cher Primary DelJt. Masonic Rome
Jr.Yr.-17th St.Visiting
Jr.~r.-Prayer Service 17th St.Mission
Hi tt.AJ.ma
Sr.Yr.-Teacher Intermediate Dept.Roseneath Presb.Church
Jr.Yr.-Fire Station-Chamberl1A.ne Ave.
Hudson,France6 E.
Sr. Yr. -Teacher Interliledia.te Dept. Ginter PH,rk Bapt iEo t
Jr.Yr.-17th St. Visiting
Lew is, Louise
Sr. Yr.-Teacher Intermediate Dept.Masonic Home
Jr.Yr.- Visiting and teachine; for l'i'th St.l'llission
McDonald, Ja.ne LOYe
Sr. Yr.-Teacher Junior Dept.Grov : Ave.Presby.Church
Jr.Yr.-17th St.Visiting
Oedel1,1~1 i7.fl,beth

81'. Yr. - Teccller Junior Dept. Grove Ave. I J:resl)y Church

Jr.Yr.-Viaiting at St.Phillips
:Powell, Isabelle
Sr. Yr.-Teacher in Primary Dept.& Director of Yaung Peo
ple's Work at Roseneath Presbyterian Church
Jr.Yr.-17th St.Vieiting & teachiLg Jr.Dept.Trinity
Method.ist Church
Pos,Cora Ellen
81'. Yr. - Young :People's Worker 3rd Presby teric:.n Clmrch
. Teacher Junior Dept.Rostneath Presby.Church
Jr.Yr.-FactorY,Virginia Caroliha Chemical Factory
Sr.Yr.-Teackler Young People's Dept.Hoge Mellloris.l Chttrch
Jr.Yr.-Recreational Work 17th St.
Smith,M.argaret B.

Sr.Yr.-Talked at Kingan's Factory

Jr. Yr. -Che,ree of music at different factories

Smi th, IlJl:argaret Gennet te

Sr.Yr.-,Teacher Junior Dept.Masunic HOlUe

Jr.Yr.-Visiting at Sheltering Arms

Ty leX'. Mrs W. L.
Sr.Yr.-Teacher of Ladies Bible Class 1st Baptist Church
Teacher of Bible at House of Ral)I,ineS8
Jr.Yr.-Visitine at St.Phillips and Jail
Venable.l1al'e;aret C.
Sr. Yr.-Teacher AdLlt Dept.Barton Reignts Methodist Church
Jr.Yr.-Fire Station on West Broad
Jr.Yr.-17th St. Visiting
WillinIlls .:F"':unice
Sr.Yr.-Teacher Senior Dept.Grove Av"e.Presbyterie,n Church
Jr.Yr.-Tc2.cher Jr.Dept.Me.sonic Home & Story 're11ing at
Sr.Yr.Asst.to Mrs Paisley Sen.Dept.Ginter Park Church
Jr.Yr.-l?th St.Visiting

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