Project4 Final Draft 2

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Running head: GMF IS SAFE FOR US

GMF is safe for us

Tianqi Zhao
Purdue University


GMF is Safe for Us

The most precious things for us is health. One person can do nothing without health. At
the same time, food is a fundamental element of health. People regard food as their heavens,
this is a proverb in China. It means that food is the most important thing to people. Since 1983, a
new food invented by American Scientists genetically modified food (GMF). The controversy
about safety of GMF has not stopped since then. On one hand, the supporters consider that GMF
is safe because scientists have not discovered any dangerous of GMF to human. On the other
hand, objectors regard that GMF may cause gut disease and other abnormal reactions. In my
viewpoint, GMF is secure because the gene which been moved in is specific and we do not need
to concern about the toxic of a great amount of pesticide for traditional food.
First of all, I find an article in < The Washington Post >. In this paper, the author lists 5
points that we need to accept GMF. I pick out a paragraph which can prove the security of GMF
Billions of subjects eat GMOs almost exclusively: livestock. Researchers from the
University of California at Davis looked at health data on more than 100 billion animals
and found no ill effects in fact, no effects at all attributable to a switch from nonGMO feed to GMO. (4th paragraph)
In this sentence, he gives us a realistic instance. The agriculture department of University
of California at Davis is top 5 in United States. Thus the data from UC Davis is convincing. The
most important point is the number of data- more than 100 billion. Its amazing that we cannot
find one example against the safety of GMF! In summary, Haspel claimed that research data
shows GMF has no negative influence to experimental animals.


My assessment: First of all, the number of sample (100 billion) of this research is large,
thus the research data is convincing. In the second place, mostly livestock is mammal as human,
thus their physiology structures are the same as us. Their reactions to GMF are approaching to us.
We can realize that GMF has none negative affect to us. In conclusion, the GMF is safe to us
thought this citation.
Here is an article which tests 55 patients who allergic to food by testing combination of
IgE antibody with Cry3Bb1. IgE combine with Cry3Bb1 specifically means that GMF is
harmful to human. Reversely, GMF has no bad affect to human.
(1.Cry3Bb1: An insecticidal protein produced by Bacillus thuringiensis that kills corn
rootworm larvae. 2. IgE: Immunoglobulin E is a class of antibody that has been found only in
mammals. It exists in blood. The concentration of IgE will increasing if human touch or eat
something they allergic to. 3. MON863: a kind of GM corn invented by Monsanto Company)
In conclusion, IgE antibodies from corn allergy patients and patients with various food
allergies did not bind specifically to recombinant Cry3Bb1. The IgE antibodies from the
corn allergy patients yielded the same binding profiles in relation to extracts of MON863
and of non-GM corn. MON863 is as safe as non-GM corn from the standpoint of no
specific binding between IgE antibodies and recombinant Cry3Bb1. (Penultimate
The IgE antibodies do not combine with Cry3Bb1 especially. The reaction from corn
allergy patients to GM corn and non-GM corn is the same. It indicates that GM corn is as safe as
non-GM corn.


My assessment: This is a research paper about GMF in Japan. Food allergy is an

important indicator to show the safety of GMF. Cry3Bb1 protein appears in GMF and some
people may react allergy to Cry3Bb1. MON863 is a representativeness GMF and it can represent
mostly GMF. The research tests that the reactions of corn allergy patients to GM corn and non
GMF are same. Thus this is a precise material to prove the safety of GMF.
Here is another powerful argument to prove the safety of GMF:
Every major international science body in the world has reviewed multiple independent
studiesin some cases numbering in the hundredsin coming to the consensus
conclusion that GMO crops are as safe as or safer than conventional or organic
foods.(Countdown third paragraph)
Several primary institutions researching on GMF in the world summery that GMF as
same as the non GMF in safety after they analyzed great number of objects.
My assessment: The main point in this citation is major international science institutions
in the world. Because they have authority in science domain. This citation confirm the safety of
Although mostly people regard GMF as safety food, some people hold the opposite view:
Participants said that potential consequences of GMO contamination include loss of
organic certification and markets, and could be very costly to them. Although none of the
participants had yet lost certification due to GMO contamination, many were aware of farmers
whose crops had been rejected by buyers due to GMO contamination.


Members thought that hidden corollaries of GMFs gene pollution are forfeiting organic
certification and markets. Some members products had been rejected due to gene pollution of
GMF, albeit their certification had not been confiscated.
My assessment: Gene pollution of GMF does exist. However, the gene which be
modified existed in the nature since lots of years ago. Gene pollution is a normal phenomenon in
natural world. Thus I do not think gene pollution is a reason which influence the health of human.
My conclusion: The first three articles show that the GMF is safe to us. Although the last
reference point the potential dangerous of GMF, it is not the point which can affect humans
body. The first paper shows the GMF has no negative effect to animals and we do not need to
ask FDA to label GMF because it is safe. In the second article, we can get the information that
IgE antibody does not combine with Cry3Bb1 specificity. Thus GMF as safe as traditional food
(non- GMF). In the third essay, primary institutions claim that GMO crops are as safe as or safer
than conventional or organic foods. The gene pollution in the last paper cannot be regarded as a
reason which negative to safety of human. Thus GMF has no harmful to human beings.



Osamu, N. (2010) Division of Novel Food and Immunochemistry, National Institute of Health
Sciences. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology.
Entine, J. (2014). 2000 Reasons Why GMOs Are Safe to Eat and Environmentally ... Retrieved
October 31, 2014.
Haspel, T. (2014). The GMO Debate: 5 Things to Stop Arguing. The Washington Post. Retrieved
October 31, 2014, from
Hanson, J., Dismukes, R., Chambers, W., Greene, C., & Kremen, A. (2004). Risk and risk
management in organic agriculture: views of organic farmers. Renewable agriculture and
food systems, 19(04), 218-227.

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