Chapter 2

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Mabelyn Morales

Professor Duran
STACC English 100

Chapter 2
I tried going to the movies to learn english ; at the theaters downtown, Mexicans could
come only on certain days and were restricted to the balcony. (pg. 28)
This passage of the book reminds me of how my mom tries to learn english on her own
by watching movies with subtitles on so she can read and also understand on what theyre talking
about in the films.

Women can see through a man in a way men will never realize. Thats because
men never change (pg. 32)
This quote from the book can actually relate to anyone. I chose this passage from the
book because it reminds me of the conversations me and my friends would have about
relationships. She would talk about the things her boyfriend will say and do and how throughout
time it was always the same with him and so were their problems. Later on she noticed her
boyfriend will always be the same person.

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