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Blue Level Literary Texts Questions

Ill ask you a question about something in the text (who, what,
when where, why).
Now you ask me a question about something in the text. (1.RL.1)
After a read-aloud: Retell the story using the words: in the
beginning, in the middle, at the end. (1.RL.2)
After a read-aloud: Who were the characters in this story? Who was
the main character? Describe the main character using three key
details from the story.
What was the problem in this story? How was the problem resolved?
After a read-aloud: How did ________ character feel when ________
happened? What word did the author let you know that he/she felt
this way? (1.RL.4)
Is this a story or an informational book? How do you know which is
which? (1.RL.5)
After a read-aloud: Tell me who is telling the story. (1.RL.6)
After a read-aloud: Describe ________ using at least one detail from
the story and one detail from the illustrations. (1.RL.7)
After a read-aloud: What happened to ________ in this story? What
happened to ________ (another character) in this story? How were
their experiences similar/different? (1.RL.9)

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