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Katie Hostutler

Professor Bortz
CSC 155

NASA Reflection

Last week, we had the opportunity to Skype with one of NASAs teachers.
NASA has a program that allows classrooms to set up lessons with a NASA employee
on any topic they want. Dr. Alexander taught our class about Mars and different
robots and technology they use to understand Mars. He incorporated different
videos and was interactive with the class. He taught in a way that students would
understand. He made it very entertaining and presented himself in a way that would
make the students focus and be interested in what he was saying. Having someone
teach a lesson through Skype and who is a great scientist with NASA is impressive
and exciting to any aged student.
The Skype lesson is a great tool for teachers to use! It gives them the
opportunity to have a lesson taught but not do all the teaching. It makes the
students excited that they will be talking to a professional. It is very helpful for the
teacher because the scientist they will be talking to knows the information in a
greater depth. The scientist will be able to teach it in a way that the teacher would
never have been able to do on her own. It is great that the scientists have everything
planned, including videos, activities, and the lesson. It is easy on the teacher!

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