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Katie Hostutler

Dr. Boury
Edu 218

Teaching Philosophy

There have been few teachers in my life that stand out to me because of
certain qualities: their enthusiasm to teach, their concern for the well being of
students, and their passion and love for their faith. As a new teacher, I hope to
incorporate my version of all of these characteristics into the way I teach and run
my classroom.
I know that every student learns differently and there are many teaching
styles that fit the way a student learns. It is up to me to teach in a way that reaches
all students. As a teacher, my goal for my students is for them to be excited to come
to school and want to learn and desire to become the best version of themselves. I
want the students to see Christ and encounter Him through the way I teach. I plan to
be a leader but also a friend to my students. I want them to see me as a role model
but also someone they can come to in times of trouble.
In my classroom, I will expect a great deal from the students because being a
student is their vocation. I do not want the environment to be strict. It will be
demanding but not a place to fear. Even though I am the teacher and the students
will learn from what I teach, I also want to learn from the students. The students
have different perspectives and I expect to change the way I teach depending on
how the students feel about a certain method.

The reason I teach is because I want to inspire my students and encourage

them to be successful. I want them to see that it is okay to make mistakes and how
they can grow from it.

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