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Test Your Business English General Usage J.S. McKellen Iustrated by Robin Harris and Ross Thomson 0 POCSTRCATLDGE tan unt wasTE mind nee Bt pes ht Re or. ‘uu pos Cnen a eas no Renn nr, Cand MGV 82 ‘Pegan Boks a Ld, ho Wares Rk, Ski 10, ew ad Pit tae 0 i mean 18, ie ha Haan am 0 ovoneenreteeneene ponent meemrmemeeere eta ‘sittings rs wb ees Ese. Es INTRODUCTION ‘See gh itt ng of Maina Annie of SSE Racin ain inroads bok prt te Tew Your Vocbuary sve sng hip he eater arp ths Wowie ‘Techie which language to nce ae ade 0 racic saa Lows the war af tnd and ow impertant ft ka he {elroal and, inane trance, epics) language cued wiht ‘hprorincy i repaar some Mon spear ore an se cot Tt Traian tvered range rm be efce pact pce es ‘Seer imprvenor’ sd inane A range of exacoe es, incuing gp ling, multiple bi, dialogue gs St, See pel state nd apo ‘ro THE STUDENT ‘Yo wil not mceiy wish or need tnt yur al he aa of ‘sina covered otha book Bot mere forth ew mr he ae Inari you ned oe eure gan and na We ug at Yu 1 Read te nro cry ad ty he a iting your newer in ‘Greta ed py cal tention to word which cased ou ‘rly o tat you gt wr ‘a er tn a then ty the agin. (Cater your anon (gis fod to rnd the que ipa hs ent you know si he word, Novrab ou out sneer dry that sane nes day sn pay etl sttenton any wee whic ence ely eh a a hae ith eo ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS orators ter Wat ne at eid th Te Your ‘ae He has reed the Gal etrip aed made many big ugpet. T 1 om sparen det of tno Jake Alo, the has coment in| Sai ery tet od npr met enn romain Poladent aac Pune [Rolie the yearend nightmare "Tae depart Reiing Reali? seting Sarg and romain ‘Coupaists Mating eeomlant Soup There orsign eae S2E88BRE USBSTETEES on daagen seaarae esecceceses 8e8e8: Secretarial duties 1 ‘ate eter om de 2 young sca ost sh tt {alrite Sasa Chose Pom worse aro bag. The Secretarial duties 2 ie we Sun ater er et wet a work. Comoe the et. ‘Ghose te nods eb tp. Te ts bes Seta ber er. ‘oe ry. orhand ———_netelnok 7 Teal agent ‘lve enquires sitar eto Stor pron reicucorespondence Sulton ae Drotreading Iter teen ‘ae pecyeash loping ter ‘eposibilty etree Say ‘nine ronal aastant Sb = Uoederenpementa {sternational lpn pear Dear Sus, ‘Wl, ego an Taam toned meat the things Tearadin Calle “They wanted to know mya short an 2) pede nd what ind ata Tires undo and wheter oud uses ‘Thy itn ating pps Sein [Taway may hav losgnanme sft ®) ne lait be respenutletor Srealting ‘Sather members ft sa and when sot0 ‘meting baking tbe 0). aca ibe buying te stamps ‘fran wooo deal wh i (i sndkeopthe a "Tyan waco) alles tothe tis that Mr Suterand doesn get ditrtedwhenisbuny. And TIL hare {edb some 1) \ofetlogvn pes rene, hinge {ited SI hia Fieepbay Ieallsoondfciting and Ti tere excel) Dear Suan, ‘Wat eben working fr Wook, and mat say mil bewildered. hopes ‘Sheraton ‘Me Saheriand gong away on absines trp — lan iexcitin? He pong to Spain, ertagal ay ‘The rt thing had todo wat to make ia) AVL, AEAREEMERL Inadtoalt tothe) ‘he Company aoe and ge them fo. ‘ek al the train plane nd ce and aso had toga inca ake ‘the appointents nd sup his metings ve td the ephne et The on a got quto ued tomy voce, andthe Tat wai wi ‘ast be gut tied Lloe Indo up te 3). ‘nev had with ha pole ele ‘Seing andor ot tiers iad take with Wecrganised ho 6) lis for manos (Hl besending tapes acho 36) While away, ve promibedtrearganta i ‘ake up a) othe esc that he end things ikl vel fetta learn whic nok toane when nue ehadeameting By hetime ve dane al this, ite ely pleased with ny 10 eon realy gongs bel secretary, ot sa shorthand ssn fd cay a om Trt “urine 63min ecmeiee ‘Seeyos st ) Secretarial work (hon am worn bx Th aren ne 5 SECT ame || Gentine Q puna ofstampe Gan 7 Numbers How out sys umber? Wie on wat Whetare thes mumbersin gue? Wet them. " 5 one milan sven hundred and fyfur hosand cre hundred and (Gre thosand our unde nd tro tne hundred eb ely ine point ine euing print oughttwo point ih ‘What the anawer the sme? Witte sad he anes ne. (ate = 00 ‘he mean oat em Communications ‘Suef tot sees abt some ee) car eens ae Soe you | x machine require a diferent hind oftlphane [Afi fuse oft origin] a looks enact ki ‘Acampany sanonly haves ele umber fibro the cee ‘Telegrams can en fom one persan to aotherinsid the UK. ‘Te telgram service etncen the UK ad the USA har Been ‘incontinned, Most canta can nob telephoned without thealp ofthe ‘Charge for al lephone alse the ste whether they are made ringed orth nig Hotels oon charge surcharge for handing tlephone cll ‘through the hotel thbnar ach country that canbe reach by dre iling has ite wn coe ‘The codefer acy town ithe same wheter itis dio om International telephone operators are ele Low to pea Eno ‘The peta wd in the UK th eguvalan ofthe ioe asd in ‘county in Botan Ose the same importance county in he ngleh abbreviation in tens internationally reagried Business letters 1 toate ore eae. ee pas ete te Tf son coef. ie ‘manpage een adres (Gpedisimatre—Gmplimentary ending o winaerRy 6 Pie Estate, Wether, UBIB 286, 2) Teena 1 456" 36 WD Fa Micha! St, Salen Manage (@) NaperBowey ozo St, Onidge B84 0. 6 Youre MSIWIDIS88 ured STANIION (9) St Jenaary 19 © Dear Mr Set ‘Thank you fr your eter 20 January explaining tha the apr widget, (1) Stalgiareornee 3008, eee lenge availble bt tht SEAS, ‘nade tothe sme specications but nga sigh diferent aly, renew afore place fre order hou ike tome nampa of the naw aopor « ‘ndertand tht must safeguard Wgety' interns and make rare hat {he ual god (9) wou ehertore, be grt if you cul let me hao sample son a posible (20) Youre, ay Sen fons (22 Simon Tomas (G3) Predocton Manager 6 one, Business letters 2 ‘esate hs en ov 50 many tes y Mr Tomas a has {nso map, nh wad procs ase ren ‘rag eer st omg ne pace The a po he ‘nn @ wipeerny ump aaa] (own (@) Pins Etat, Westerns, edirshire, UBS 06 ‘Telephone 90172456 "Toler X258WID ax 017673] [fo Tint ewan hearing myo] @ Youreet marwD725 Ours SMH [77 dames Hower Sale Manager, learowan a, Orchard Road Pte, ‘Criidge U4 108 [lo Preduction Manager (@ hank your your leer. Tam aid hat we aves problem wilh | (G1) Uniranatly, he manafacterers fhe par you wish nner have ‘vine us tha they cannot suppl itu eptember Would oe Peter ‘ito mupyyaaabattts, woul you rather wait tthe oil pertsamagainavaalet vt Taking the minutes Tsar mints man. ome pars hae bee et et ‘rcsg oe worse da, emp emis. Test as tendon ye [ nates ofti atmaeing———“Proent———lrmas———) [Any Other Businoee aired Members ‘teommizne ‘Scand ‘plone Dace of mest meting Proper eon ayEFEPEM. Mrdones harman) MaPerkine Me Caron Mesh MaTroeman aertary) ® Me Gree and Mr Brown were ables attend andes their pace o ‘No bso rnained rom the lat meting. Momiershipof the Commition ‘wav agred that the Production Manager should bend eoomes member hi Commie Prope Me Perkin © Me Saith 1802 Development of Barpean markets oF Isto at upto nie ways in which tbe pany can ae the calenge 6) should irene Sl Fait and leg eproes Other developments “Ar somedtesson, twas agreed that Mo Perkins should {cok ito the ponies af moving me manufacturing creme RTE Mes Section = ‘Caried unanimously Next year pronation budget ‘The ends tthe Design, Promtin Sales and Marketing Dapartnent arts form acommseceto wero th Te nme wll be 8. Tyr Jonee snd he wl oy ‘he prople concerned 00, Me nee ay, Sine there was nothing farther, the meting was ajar aa ‘Tho next meting will bebo eh March, Computers 2 ‘hcg ome ors ie a, ert sree. Te ‘isa bor oe eo. Te gsc ohow Be a ets nt wre. Tafrmation chips WYSIWYG ela fond ROM Boge ter fee 1 Problems in programs areca by P46. 2 Silicon (6) contain ast of ntgrated reat, reduced a avery 3 Obilning (an ido by (00) data 4 Sotmaro produce images which can appear on the eee at a '5 Memory tats permanent canot be writen to, and ca nly brad it (6 Memory into which nfrmation can be Idd nd fm which at an be edi ‘3. 1 Operators. {8 Analysing way of bing thing, nd of improving them, ane by "analven 2 “What you see a what you ge explain ©. 10 Asingl dik can contain large mumero erent ©. ” (8)can cary et instruction or operations when certain 12 Theopeatrs (6 oa of tat the cree, otha xn Tne ‘operate bts the to in appenr, (into the compere memory a program that hey a ow de arse gure Tay ayn rom i 9 fom op fpoaom rom bom ote. Ont raga ben bea Bye pocw 1 PS B FU ROO P RZ 114 oN K OF TLR cT YR oM R BOR WP airs o s 0 s Ys eM 1s pu. BOR NLaAeE MA GupeR EP No Mm B H XK Ro AU Lot y RG Poe s > Z 3 om z Computers 3 ‘ante ne pssine boon, coon yur wats amie ot. Te is ‘sbeebs. Srordprnosin ‘enunting poems ‘bane management programs Computer MATEMAEY consi computer «monitor a keyboard printer ad their connections. The) omtains he various & Synrumen jour computer. Thine oon ‘roxio win bien ets) orig em decumencs 8) bgt and ancl aa) on “er kaeping names and edrars of ‘cuir {eben eeping on Sram Gor ring hare) i irene Sea and 0) 2 or racing mana ‘Staiger he formation eich ‘invetin ‘ea. sine dn Mow busines owedays we (i, or Pea, which are “fentinbed sternal 1) "ini bg change fromthe {dye when ime hada berentaden a1 Neways {hoc ren ued by very large busines univers, oF Goveament the two mow platen acmpaters caret ae on of TDM ‘2x the Macnac. ees I boat th andar forthe PC which ‘horas inital That why, morro beable to use the widest ange of ‘Stree a compatar basta “ "HA The art of management Becoming a manager Business structure 1 amt dogubtmen e sap 9 Dac (MD) 2 ‘Parone Manger) ose ram te nore bx Te tas freely mepmcperellp mrtg) ‘Samp hve nn deo (Nea Dara ara wo een tne er you ‘constructing an organisation chart Ths is ane of the mast ususl,) a a | tenon Serene ee a nmin Basasnsiercmenn "The company trun by «Board of Directory ech Director iin charge of epntnnt However, he Chalrman ofthe Board iin oerl cantly ibe the oad any one eparenent "on compar have Financ, Salen Marking Gometine part of Sale), Pjtnn Research and Develpment RD) eb Prana Department ‘Them are the mer ommoncepartments, bl anme companion have cher st vt ‘Mont department haven Manager, who in charge day to-day runing tnd who pert othe Derr the Direct responsible ‘rata planning end for making clon "erius eral exch department report the Manager One example, root in ima al conpaniy, ithe Se Raprertaiv who perso Sao anage [etm about management sractures ‘ead the blanc test ‘Pesileed managementtralning 1PM: Yes our romising younger people nol (2). - MD: ic nadia know. ‘And they must know how to (6) Fc cream a me i - re s= ; oe eee ee § MD. for example. PM Yes andi think hate 2 - Aapsrements ead manager wih thiskacaround wel asthe a “parte MD: vente ti managers ould beet, 0. MD: Perhpe we sou ony apoint manager witha Harvard om Business structure 2 Campin srioesb hosing fom word Bw sch ‘Semone ne pis The it a Ben Se "Th mplopee repeal fr crying out general fe dati, ling in forme and keping statin dents ccwontants" pervior ‘The employes who sel company's prod are the ales representative, ‘lly now wenden enters eps ‘Theemployee who desde what to parchase, nd who maketh purchases of fished pnd or components be made ns gol, are the. 2 chomsers—b prcurers © buyers "The amployos who ae response frnng hate Sih onde ar ell ‘madeare the fa rockers gualtycontler: nancial statt ‘Ta clea workers who use typewriters or word procesorsand who roduc ltrs memos ober docutent ae fs eretaron b ditare © copywriter ‘Thecmployes who cack acompany'snancil sie are the "The amply who are reeponabe for proparng check, py packets and ‘Toe workers whe proces da, under the control of manage ad ‘apernors are the computer, ‘a backers operators acreenere 19 Theperon who grt vistrandalshinorber ow to get othe ight eit fs manager preident © rsptonat 10. Theemployes who deal with cnpany'taepon calle re the 12 VOUaperatera talon operas 2 Mrtelbardopectee ‘hs. Te sas be eo. Making appointments ‘na sng worst pags boo. Choos om ewig Theft arto ne ry ‘employment Taste aaa al Tate penn Thay ra ow = re Fericee ne —— = cet ee Tomas sea 5 — - ae oe Many companion a(t) BEABEA OM. provedatribaton ‘unree wheres sd mati exits The fot cp feore, ta find utale o Ina gool har the “aressnabe sui oretalers and datrbtoe ft an any to range: Lost 6 "inatadng ‘recninn ‘elton tbe met manor mab) “Socsion most eae abot whether he branch ceo (10) - not The scar or faethe enters wil depend one ‘indoachip ofthe tranche tothe) ‘ttle fore ey athe detalisare considered insite afte main) Pana tn replaced in newpaper nd in rds journal). ote otbre or who around mater wae ae set spin s From the hb cans onda a isdrewn up. Toe employers yw vod ting $= ini "Thar ted ‘Slants re clcioran Daring th 0) edge erplnne hina bc anal ‘nant he Feat 2) bd he opportuni () ‘When he ‘cof aia decd nb on at ep cre {Sen up etre th ppatanent all contre WRB vegotiating with trade unions ‘a passa ad then na cos ‘newer a ites adn we deci teovral tatgy of Contracts g Fete sin nti acon cao am te wrt oc th stam oer te wpe ang (Seagect naan tom whch eastumed bea, oo si) om sbisaton met zim eigbeeeding ——_spetation ree realty i sete Eohtandard ake Neccroteretie__ parton DRAPTCONTRACT atmeen “WiDGRTEY Lid hereafter enon othe ele oRIMERCURY pletboreafer now as" buyer? ‘Peeler undertakes upely ths bayer with 120,00 super widgets o BST {a speieaton 999 and py al 2) ndinewrance yr a) cnn atime payment of) yearn and reve). Mondor ro laa wil be nin the contract. wie o “gaia thelr orate delivery 0 inti ye oF 00 an EE Fath evento or payin ibe clr sal beettledo (1) Ae char ‘wotote cual ‘iain tothe contrac the mites will, ‘jacana pte etnen tbe (12) sen 2 tte cote be taenndependet 9) Thnk cmp with by oth pari Forecasts rosa te worn bx compt te sees Tess tendon yee “Te frcat which predic how much money willbe gine bya basinn i called the POHL, rca, ‘Taefreas which rdishow mach money wil be ty abusinesie ‘leah Treen : ‘Tre rcnt which predicts how much money wil baci or spent by & ‘elon pds were Belen re wil aa wh he ‘The trecat wich prods bow hte company wil alte fc tts mach money wilbegnty tomas ‘Ta orecat hich pects ow much mone is needed estar pss ‘tolnereas ta wealth nthe ‘ore Peceecatich poi hone ncn ere Berea ri mah moe ogni er aera, ‘The rca which pede ow mach money the company wilhaveto wend talres, heating and ihn, etch reas a Agents and agencies dre, Sa Dit ofa matting comer. nvening ri, se wbr be wt autotest mp in rpean any Chests re 10 he {aon compe ratte re. Th it his ben or Jnex:_Wethought wed appoint aa) #ER. to expand our bate 1b brash department Halen: Texpect you wer thinking douse ait ay, ten per bb term © commision Jones: Yes And wed send the gpd on deposit Hollen: "This would ean coll bol stacks which wold makeiteaier ferme to dep new tb maiate consignment © cover document ent one; ex and we hope you could clon potential new f wlio bankers © eustomors Hollen: They would be bth ‘+ wholoaers andretalers, wouldnt they? And they mightevenbacome fs warehoune tackle © sor onus Trzue you'd ke thistobe a. Soueoda compet withoder for oarasncs? ele bt ne only Hollen, Yes. plaae Andean youtsl me what you haven mind about ‘vering sa “ameiens? fs aflraalee Duley over: Wall we're the ‘ea © promotion vith you ween ogi the takeovers and mergers he tons BLOCK CAPA ETERS) es sic he gt mod. Pram gh pce. hs bere Yo Correct Word ‘when one mga jin anther toferm are sngle nga the ne conpany athe elt of BOFTOM When che share of hin second company ae bgt (ql itout pb, and waite sorte enh tine the et company ha cerrod aut MANAGEMENT suYoUT, ‘The REDUNDANCIES wil eyo ngoit ood ‘Godin forthe mers nthe pew empans: ‘When company is deciding whether take over oto ‘merge ith anther wil examine the cent ey {tefl paying parscalar stentin te EARLY [RETIREMENT which show wntheror atthe company leprae andy how mc, ele that takeover ily mally ands ‘TRADE UNIONS up ‘Semtimes, ina atmptt avd taove, senior lf wil tmp DAWN RAID ‘Tar ar ually a muro HARE PRICE aera meror or takeover ‘Asmany staff pose wll undergo MERGER and be Aepten nthe new compe. Mombersf sta wha ont wl trem and wrk {he ner company may take the option TAREOVER, ‘erage with eden penaon Bw The protection of intellectual Targets and records ownership es ram te wrest bor compl sts. Te tone sears cor sterate acooieeeseesT a en cowry cae va Tepoteionsoomedingsetatitanbemaieernidtyonperencnly [tution cede Sears a yam bgt rl 1 Acmpany las aw much mney wants mein coming ary “The potting ea ey mea ne 2 re ; 4 Tosmnmin whats cmpary aly hs int warthouewtt fa paest bichon Realy contig heey compe matey nde Mest ont haves prevent breaking pt protec. 4 Pelli Rveor storir ede sempanyt oe king hese Sarvense ney binary oy 4 The tsb many ams company nnd oman rpc period time {5 HM Cota and acne Department inept company’ ‘dn which have tbe hap rts year (6 Thepanned incre inal ad profit for ent yer oer ther hi ‘Thin protectin ty patent ocapyright athe protection ofthe gh of ‘property ownerehip 6 janie Memployeclacoer eet someting in the car of is work the serine pent ercorriht nonstate 1 Anal ret in cash aun rather frm at Ee ce eve and pends everyday inshwn hi sis reorde 4 Aretier mus soko recrdof thelr wich he makes but wich are ‘The right to manatitre copes oa protected work inven by ‘tai ar untill Tae arson ae learns 4 Thenamesatpople oma whom company ower nny ni spent b ene © permit ‘arena ‘pur mma nding ha tecion a wet cba 16 Manatee owen thom 8 wsied with coeaded = ‘The per fr wich rotation xa ithe capri or 2 term length © date ‘The awe nhich prevent copyngof rotated materi are the. ty fleeing conmpircy © antipiracy Photoepring ina copyright opto protection. f+ rntch contraction fraud Banking 1 ‘notes tomo stats ae ot sd wp Put tam no it pee —_| | SS Banking 2 es tam he wrt horton te ses. he a as ‘Banko Bagland taserain eck shares bond | earn Stok xchange bear bull” sot 1 The American central bank, the FED, lth equivalent ofthe Bank of Eland jn rt, 2 Theunitsownersipofacompany, allowing the bade to recive Propaton othe company patsy ae 1 fee company is publ guste, he aero abv are sldon the 4 ne UK. aed amount fait. capital eld ya stocker a 5 fhe market thought tobe gonad pric onthe Stack Eachange are ‘hough tbe ely tors, temarkat called ‘marke © ‘fee markets thought to be por and pric onthe Stuck Exchange are ‘el total the markets cafld ‘market {8 Certieteso ownership bonds that ca be rnafera rom lero ‘bier ntheat any formalise ‘end 9 Somuthing that is owned by an nda er company, has monetary vl, rf canbe nto pay oan 10 Thetntret whch hank chargeron lau arate which ually higher en Rates, indexes and accounts ‘je tm worse xo cag te sons. The sts Seman oreo be pre ni cry, Recs; owes, ides conan se) 1 Therum berromera pay tlnders forthe seo thee money ie etermined [bythe Inert rate | Thevalneotthemoney fone country compare that of anther shown bythe te | therntoatdhetaraddedto the price afen arte, ply the buyer tothe tele andy th slats the govern the. ‘ate 4: Terao otiteret ined eral bank such ae the Bank of Bogan | 8 ‘Mhetnerfeharoprinsin America inthe idee (6 Theindexofshare rcs in Britain othe snes 1 The indexof share pres in Jpanisthe inde Accounts 1 Thesenk acount tate diy mnt ri init che Thonteeri acho etn pane te ‘Tomar ans ith aban ithe appr i. ‘finish using an account with a bank or with a supplier and formally to end Siemens ie 1 Tosca oma bk wih neat Accounts 1 he tnt ors oe ia ew adr. earage en nf wor nr crt oe ue Sonmces Teas or dee ov an tara wre ‘Hema which the basin expecta ep fora year more are ite = le Money wed to operate bint ona dy to-day bain nite capital ‘ince ‘The account which dese the trading atte of business over (state peridot tine othe nln cunt ‘ori ‘statement reduce, usual a then of lanl year, bowing the Aine state othe busines end inlding tang other ting sets abies eta she “abace ‘enon cay tnt ncn ant ig aay “The lager containing editor cunteatheb edger tute ‘Toener an ern in aledgerin to ‘tte that edger. sp Ladgers re writen up romenteesin day ota Avot which accompanies gon sent by ele. tobe signed the pera ‘shorecivsthe paid me Filo ‘A document shoving what har been bag nd fer ow much and indiating tht thegoadsareintanet rama snnee aid Accounts 3 at oe seston sdf? The tones ae one foo Insurance ‘Twas ont ih eats in ewan cer arg ne ‘rota ey aren eae. To eas ot ne, ‘nde set ase word ‘Thedetainaf an agrement with an insurance company shown na writen pet Inmuranoe arrangements remade through tore Profesional ike thon in 2, are una blo obtain the es nsurace ley pci th sad tha ar cverdy that ‘Alo by one hip, bt whieh in shared athe shipper with argonson ‘hesame crying, ithe gnarl ‘snrae Apert acomigment wich nym ict ether nen, Apolieywihas san cvs te ee tin hh ‘hor dtvery breakage ad leakage, ana, Regular shippers may often ake oat. tnearnce pai which [ver atomate ver fora ed velue fchipsni, depending te [rvs yar vlan the nuance company ald when each ohpment ‘Afesiletypectinsuranc fr twelve months and a prod ate it ‘Ship ergs recovered ym Finance 1 ‘te sing wor) fe ning anes. nose am) feats teen sees. Tne rt sa do ro ‘The Bardot FEST reponse dein on and contraling the ‘rte a eorporatino company ‘a Workers Director © Cont ‘Sal Basics depend oninvesta evi capital a venture dividual Investorsare influenced hy the projected return ‘The capita needed trun business provided by again rik € avertment Rentand rates, which dot changes tarover volun hang, ake op oe Contacts compan © fined contribution © arable Sankar careful ino aoid 1b cahtow ¢ production nee Te, srount hows whether the company a profitable crt fs proftandions 1 volume aharbolders Inaurane companis ay se "The lock xchange deal with the parce and ele of. ‘5 ocknandabares bullnandtears © statements and inves “Anindvsual or acompany buying Beck of harsin anther company to ‘ive ltactfe majority shareholding omakogs management beyt b takoverbid 6 dawn raid Finance 2 ana ‘hs tm ie worn bx conpne te ttre. Tet as er don oye [Pestkeeping intrest etn prot frente ae ‘er ‘Srend 1 caring anc taneactins ie Doeeping Algal organisation formally eitared in ot fren wap, and having ite edepennt ofits members ‘he amet, inl ash, debtors and tacks sod a company traing ‘Sllabieat te present moment areas ate, ‘Tho cqul parts into which the ownership fa company ie vied are ite ‘The mercy pid to shareholders ut cmp’ oath ‘Acampany’strmoer le ics fae, ita ron Acumpany turnover after the cost fant, rent ad ote bits are ote rai ‘Ths mony py bret frth a thle ‘he document sent tothe debtor bythe credit, showing how mach owed sellers othe cot ‘Thesharbolders investment ina compan ithe share, ind he wots ate wr sou. Th wars maya mo ‘rome romp osoiom fom boton ep. ‘egos On wang as Grew hos. Audits — the year-end nightmare ‘avinneggso cmp psa chovs ome wrt oe ‘on Ie tne ee oe. An oficial examination, the aut, ead ofthe). A°°28MH of aban {histsupaly done ane ech yer ndependent denendons ‘mpeny a eaine all te cpa’ aan topevina enti {cnn logo sa“checking he) o ifthe anf ny af cm ha dernaed uring tbe yur hey ® iSvalueloareslitieone- many tems 9) sete ad, lta 0 etna have tbe submited ote {stoms nd Baise authorities very te months they ae checked aga steingthe ae re vores wet Browns: Wellgo that for you Have you santa coy, With he ther dures toourbank what hey can hem al trough the Toner: Notyet, bcnae ers ben a delay with he) Forsome ren they vp be rong ‘Snaer fpacageso in wee lon wating rat oe clred op ‘Well getatas nn a wean Brown: id. Ad char shouldbe ns rouble with the termine they've 3 Peer er na Fetish acghe wosertwohadrthe m HE, i i 25 z 2 a cee BeESEErEEEsens. # hi ri he tind) eeu hrg nfs mae teen ec fraty eaiy hged low te cnr scan) ae Sate ce US wih gh honey aes) ip paprcaeak seein ite Bie sereneammyrsscoc] T Dror 4H Ts some ETT TTET TEL 3] Te] ]e ETAL |E ak Copter To gf] | $] 2s] l2e) |g] les] 8 Teh Tes} lee] leg] 12g] | 2 HUH ea) r cone Ei i ly de Lina dl i Fee, Pee EPH pile pile Pi reegs dlatta tah Areveesan, itt gat i ut tak .. ize 3 lam coninreanenny se = ine Phase pees # fear 18 Rar Aj & Shore i Spat r es Bormie 4 fees i 4B Eile Head = oe Seow ik Be FEO EOE " Lesl¥v rour Business English General Usage Test Your Business English ia stimulating series of vocabulary testing books for all business people. It provides practice and revision for professionals and pre-service students. The books canbe ured inthe {assroom or for slf-study. Special features include: = Sclearly defined topics for testing + ESSg ee ng tg em . Seoaerare teas _ ecient wnt eset nells aon SERS verti ‘Te Series Editor for Test Your Business English is Nick Bleger, 2 leading authority on Business English GENERAL USAGE Test Your Busines Engi General ‘sential business Engi terms and voeabulary. The book is divided into five sections covering: sling, foreign trade, money, companies and management, and the office. Tes! Your Business English General Usage contains 50 test ge provides an introduction to [src ome ne on i pape To48h Se ree

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