Personal Code of Ethics

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Personal Code of Ethics

Whitney Trinh

As an early childhood educator, it is in my beliefs that in order to educate children, it is essential

to implement the following guiding principles. They are:

Create a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment for children

Respect and equality for every child in the classroom
Accept each childs uniqueness and recognize their potential to succeed
Patience, Understanding, and Empathy

The application of the AECEO Code of Ethics and the CECE Code of Ethics and Standard of
Practices will guide the decisions that I will make and serve to assist me with maintaining my
obligations to the children and to the profession of an ECE. As an early childhood educator, I
believe that I have a:
1. Commitment to learners, therefore I will aim to:
a) Implement teaching practices that include the interests of those learners
b) Foster learners self-worth to allow them to believe that they have the ability to
achieve academically, personally and socially
c) Utilize positive behaviour guidance techniques in response to conflict
d) Cater to the various learning needs each learner possesses and respect that each
learner learns at their own pace
e) Offer opportunities for learners to excel and be independent however at the same
time, understand and accept that some may choose to give up
2. Commitment to parents/guardians and family, thus I will work to be engaged
collaboratively with the parents/guardians and family of all learners by encouraging their
active involvement in their childs education. In relation to parents/guardians, and the
family I will strive to:
a) Develop positive relationships based on mutual trust and honesty
b) Identify and respect the customs, culture and traditions of each diverse family
c) Respect the childrearing practices of each family and their right to decline any
practices implemented in the classroom on their child
d) Involve them in making decisions in regards to the education of their child and
the care provided as well as inform them of their childs progress and learning
3. Commitment to society. As an early childhood educator, I am aware that I have a
responsibility for the children I work with and am placed in a position of trust. Therefore,
it is my job to:
a) Support programs that promote equal opportunity for all
b) Model positive and appropriate values that are accepted in society

c) Advocate for policies that promote the well-being of children and their families
d) Eliminate negative perceptions or stereotypes that can be attached to a certain
individual or group and actively promote a neutral stance

Donohue, M. (2012). Personal Code of Ethics. CLD 121: Competent Learner/Reflective
Practitioner. Ryerson University.
Unknown, D. Aeceo code of ethics. Retrieved from
Unknown, D. (2011, February 2). Code of ethics and standards of practice. Retrieved from

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