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Pigg Caf Beginners Guide


Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2


Cooking ............................................................................................................................................ 8


Open and run your caf................................................................................................................. 10


Hiring new staff ............................................................................................................................. 11


Enlarge your caf ........................................................................................................................... 13


Guests ............................................................................................................................................ 14


Special guests ................................................................................................................................ 17


The mall ......................................................................................................................................... 20


Helping other piggs (o-tetsudai) .................................................................................................... 21


Random ..................................................................................................................................... 22

10.1 Fever time.................................................................................................................................. 22

10.2 Daily Bonus ................................................................................................................................ 23
10.3 Your stock (mochimono) ........................................................................................................... 24
10.4 Leaving your caf while having it open ..................................................................................... 24

Note: I was using various accounts while doing this guide, so dont get confused by the different
piggs! ^_ ~
This guide has been created for the Ameba Pigg community on Livejournal. Please do not reuse this
guide without permission.
Please note that this guide has been created during the trial period of Pigg Caf (31.07.201215.08.2012). Therefore, the things explained here are subjects to change. Please check the Ameba
Pigg Livejournal community for recent information on the game.
The Ameba Pigg community on Livejournal is in no way affiliated with CyberAgent and/or Ameba
Pigg. The community is run by Pigg players for Pigg players.
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Created by Toki (distressedcoma) for

Last modified: 12.08.2012

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1. Introduction
Welcome to Pigg Caf, Amebas new large scale game!
In the very beginning of the game, you will see a short movie with your pigg as the protagonist,
watching a scene of how someone opens a new caf. Your pigg seems very excited by what it sees
and immediately decides to open its own caf. It is then asked if its interested in the job of caf
owner, and agrees.

After the sequence, you will be able to choose your dress.

IMPORTANT: You can only choose once! You wont be able to change the colour of your attire later!
After you chose, the tutorial will begin.

Nana ist he one who greets you. Nana is, like Emily or Kiyona, the one who will lead you through the
game. Shes an employee oft he guy we saw in the beginning (Jiro). The first quests will start. You will
only have to follow the arrows in order to complete them. During the tutorial, you wont be able to
do anything else.
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Lets check out the first quest!

The first quests consist merely of buying the missing tile for the floor and putting it where it belongs.

After you bought the tile, go to rearranging (moyougae) and put the tile on the floor.

Then buy all the other necessary items.

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You also have to hire staff, since you (for some reason) cannot serve the dishes to your customers
yourself. In order to hire staff, click on the round button on the right with the green card thingy on it
and follow the steps.

Right now you can only hire a premade staff member. Later you will be able to choose staff
members that look like one of your pigg friends.

Your first staff member will be Aoi. Looks like shes doing it for free, so you wont have to pay
anything. But the next time you will have to hire a staff member it will be 5000 coins! This will be a
quest which will appear as soon as your tetsudai level reaches 6.

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For now, congrats, you now are Aois boss!

Now, Jiro will explain to you how to cook (or in this case, make coffee). Just follow the arrows again.

After youve completed this quest, you will have to open your caf for the customers. Just follow the
arrow again.

Your new task is to fulfill the wish of a customer. Whenever a golden bell appears above a
customers head, youll have to click on it and look at the picture in the speech bubble to see what
the customer likes. In my case, she wanted sugar (Im not sure if its the same with everyone, but I
guess it is) Just follow the instructions again.
NOTE: In the beginning there was/is a glitch sometimes so that the chair you had to put in your caf
wont show. If your chair doesnt show, no customer will come. In this case, just refresh the game
and it should work.
After successfully completing this quest, you have collected three golden bells, five golden bells in
total. I will explain later what this means. Anyways, a special guest will visit your caf now. Your next
task will be to serve coffee to a guest who likes coffee .

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Special guests can be easily recognized. They have a speech-bubble above their head with the
picture of what they like in it. These special guests will always look the same. In this case, the special
guest looks like this:

Set your coffee as the dish that will be served first, regardless of how many other dishes you have
on your counters (right now you only have coffee, but you have to do it regardless).

Just click on the counter with the coffee and then on the green button.

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Just serve him the coffee (or better, have the coffee served to him by your staff) and see what
happens. If the special guest is content, he or she will sometimes drop an item for your collection
(in this case, since it is the tutorial, he will drop it at 100%).

You will have to collect these items in order to exchange them for other things. But this comes later.
At first, youll have to buy more stuff.

After that, the cooking quests will start. Just try to do them on your own, and if you really dont know
how to do them, ask in the Pigg Caf Quest Help post that we will set up on the community.

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2. Cooking
Lets see in detail how you can cook in Pigg Caf. At first just click on one of your ovens.
You will have to choose a country in order to make country-specific dishes. In the beginning you will
have only one country to choose from. As soon as your level rises, you will be able to unlock other

You can choose from Japan, America, Thailand, Italy and Russia.
During the first half of the trial period there were also Korean dishes like Kimchi, but they have been
removed at the beginning of the second half of the trial period.

Now choose a dish. I chose the Napolitan dish for this example. Youll have to make this dish quite at
the beginning of the game.
As soon as you click on the pink button, you will be ready to cook. If you hover your mouse over the
oven, you will see the napolitan icon which says tsukuru (make now).

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Click again and your pigg will start making the dish.

If you hover your mouse now, youll see how much time is left until your dish is finished.

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As soon as your dish is finished, it will appear on your oven. Now you only have to put it on your
counter. Click on it again and your pigg will carry it to the counter. Now youre done.

3. Open and run your caf

In the beginning your caf will be very small and you only have one staff member. So things will get
hectic very quickly. Plan how you want to arrange your caf so that you will save time. In the
beginning this is important in order to save stamina and progress with the quests. It will also help you
to gain more money quickly since more guests will be coming to your caf. Most importantly though,
less guests will leave crying.
I therefore recommend a structure like this:

Like this Aoi will only have to turn around and hand the dish over to one of the tables without having
to walk a long way back and forth. Also, the guests will seat themselves quicker if the tables are
nearer the door. When you have more staff members and tables later, you will be able to arrange
you caf more nicely.
If you see that there are too many customers coming (and this is going to happen for sure), its
recommendable to close your caf for a while because otherwise too many will leave crying.
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Just click on the open-close sign. You are asked if you want to close. Just click on close suru

4. Hiring new staff

See point introduction for the first time you have to hire staff.
You can hire staff from the staff catalogue or you can choose staff members that look like your pigg
friends. In order to do that, you need at least level 6 and a lot of money.

Created by Toki (distressedcoma) for

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Then you can click on your pigg friends.

After that you can choose which one of your pigg friends you would like to hire.

Just click yes ().

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And voil, your pigg friend is now working for you XD

5. Enlarge your caf

Go to the arrange button and then to the green button on the bottom.

There you can choose in which direction you would like to expand. Then click on the pink button.
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6. Guests
Guests will come to your caf as soon as you open it.

They need a table and a chair to sit on.

If you dont have any hearts left, guests will just come and eat, leave some money and leave.
Sometimes theyll also leave a random item.

They also leave smileys. The more smilies you collect, the more customers will come to your caf
because your reputation gets better and better.

Created by Toki (distressedcoma) for

Last modified: 12.08.2012

But if a customer has to wait for too long outside of your caf, your smiley-points will drop again.
First, an angry cloud will appear above their heads and after a few seconds, they will leave crying.

Whenever you have some stamina, the customer will sometimes have special requests, too.

In this case, a golden bell will appear above their heads. Click on it quickly enough before theyve
finished eating.

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Now you can see what the customer wants. This one likes it spicy and wants pepper. If you tend to
them, they will leave bell-points.

But they wont always leave the same amount of bell-points.

- If you fulfill their wish (give them pepper in the above case) they will give you 3 bell-points.
- If you dont have any pepper, or dont want to get three bell-points, you can give them the
other item you can choose and you will get 2 bell-points.
- If you dont want to give them any of the items, you can just go and greet them and they will
give you only 1 bell-point.
- If you just ignore them and dont click on the bell, they will just leave but nothing bad
This is strategically very important for the next part of this guide: special guests.

Created by Toki (distressedcoma) for

Last modified: 12.08.2012

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7. Special guests

For a special guest to appear, you have to collect exactly 5 bell-points. Therefore, it is important to
keep an eye on what you want to give to your customers who have requests. If you fulfill a
customers wish and get 3 bells, it wont be of any use to get another 3 bells, because they wont
count towards the next round. Better get two bells by just greeting the next two customers who
have requests.
Now we have five bells and a special guest is about to appear. These are actually just regular
customers. They all like one thing especially. The first one who will appear is crazy about coffee.

Make sure you have coffee set as the dish who will be served first, because your staff sometimes just
serves them what she/he wants...

Created by Toki (distressedcoma) for

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So after you did that, the customer will enjoy his coffee and rate it.

Usually the guest will be very content (sorry, had to take a screenshot of another guest >_>)

And sometimes they will drop something for your collection. These items are called magnamoon
or something like that ().

They are rare items, so theyre not too easy to obtain. But you will need them in order to complete
your collection album.

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Here you can see which special guest will leave which magnamoon. You also see which guests have
already visited your caf and what they like.

Sometimes there are special guests without a speech bubble above their heads. They usually look
more special than the common customers. This one, for example:

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If youre lucky, these guests will leave a piece of magnamoon. You need these pieces to exchange
things on the mall.

8. The mall
The mall is the same as the market in Life or the banquet in Island.
During the trial period, it was the only room one could go to.

There you can do all your exchange businesses.

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These are especially important, since they are the items you have to give to your customers when
they have a request. You can exchange pieces of magnamoon for these items. Do not waste your
pieces in the beginning, since there will be more than one quest which says that you have to
exchange your favourite item for 2 pieces of magnamoon.

9. Helping other piggs (o-tetsudai)

You can go and help other piggs again. Other than Life and Island, you wont have only 60 points a
day, but you will also have a stamina bar which will refill itself by one point every 5 minutes.

In order to help another pigg, just click on an oven where a dish is either cooking or finished, but you
cant help the dishes that have already been placed on a counter.

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When you help another piggs dish, it will increase by one serve. So it would be recommendable to
leave your dishes on the oven for a while if you want other piggs to help you and increase the
number of serves, before placing the dishes on the counter.

10. Random
10.1 Fever time
If you manage to serve your customers so that no one leaves crying, the combo count in the top-right
corner will increase. If you manage to make a huge combo, a fever time will appear (I havent
managed that yet, I guess youll need more than 100 for that). As soon as a fever time appears, your
customers will leave more money than usual.

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10.2 Daily Bonus

As a daily bonus, you will receive random items.

During the first part of the trial time, you also got money as a daily bonus.

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10.3 Your stock (mochimono)

You can check how many items you have by checking your stock.

You can exchange these items on the mall for magnamoon pieces.

10.4 Leaving your caf while having it open

You can leave your caf even if its still open. The guests will continue to visit it, but be careful that
you dont run out of food.

When you return to your caf, this pop-up will appear. It says how many people have visited during
your absence (19) and how many coins youve earned (320).
Created by Toki (distressedcoma) for

Last modified: 12.08.2012

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