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Threats to our civilization.

There are three major threats to our civilization,

which can lead to the destruction of humanity. We have first nuclear energy,
which is used by a lot industrialized countris; there is also pollution, a major
cause to be fought; finally, climate change constitutes another threat which is the
result of the first two mentioned problems.
Since World War Two, humanity has been exposed to a nuclear war that
could be worse than Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It could wipe out life on earth.
The entire earths population would disappear since many countries, like Iran,
Pakistan, India and the western countries possess this destructive bomb, and
could use it anytime. If accidents in nuclear power plants occur this also could
be a direct threat to mankind
In addition, and indeed, a slow form of death is threatening the world. It
is pollution. An increasing industrialization can also cause severe illnesses and
deaths. We can think of all the chemicals thrown by factories underground, or in
rivers and seas, or of the enormous amounts of smoke emitted in the air by
factories and vehicles. All of these are causing all sorts of illnesses in humans
and threatening wildlife. But the most dangerous side of this pollution is surely
the OZONE layer which is being destroyed little by little.
Besides, and consequently, the ice caps in the north and south poles are
melting, the sea level is rising, rains have become irregular, hurricanes are more
frequent, monsoons are more destructive, and droughts have intensified.
Therefore, the danger of famine is real, and can even lead to dramatic wars for
In the end, I can say that there are indeed urgent measures to be taken by
governments to make human activities safer if our civilization is to survive and
thrive. Humanity will not be in security unless the whole world put hand in hand
and forget their problems.

*Threat = menace

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