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The picture I chose for propaganda is of a girl who is obviously depressed faking a smile.
The picture is black and white which makes it seem dark, sad, hopeless, and many more
emotions of anguish. This creates pathos. We mainly focus on the girl, she has making up
running down her face, and she looks into the camera as if it is a cry for help. This gives the
picture an overall distress and painful feel. The importance of the smile on the paper shows
us that she is depressed, shes sad and fakes happiness.
The intended argument of this picture is to show that this girl is depressed and fakes a smile
for everyone else to see. The real argument in my opinion is that depression is something that
can change someone completely. One can feel completely broken inside yet in front of a
camera or in front of a crowd of people they fake a smile to present themselves as being
okay. For instance in the picture, if one were to take away that piece of paper that chances of
there actually being a smile on her face are slim to none. The assumptions of this propaganda
is to present the idea of depression really is. Culturally and socially I think this picture is
trying to promote some type of awareness for depression. Society might look at it as not

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being something important but many have taken their lives because of depression and that
makes it something that should be addressed. I believe it is effective in a way that makes you
feel bad for the girl and leaving you wanting to help (pathos).

The picture I chose for an advertisement of depression is an ad for an antidepressant. We are

drawn to the middle where we see the box of Prozac. It says mood brightener and wash you
blues away using pathos to make us feel that this will help with depression. The colors are
welcoming because they are bright and give of a sense of hope. There are no dark color which
makes it feel lively and appealing. The size of the Prozac box being larger than the women with
a smile on her face caring it makes us think Prozac is great and really does help with depression.
The intended argument of this picture is to ultimately convince you into buying the
antidepressant Prozac. The real argument would be if depression is something that can be cured
with receiving antidepressants such as Prozac or is depression more of a psychological situation

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that differs from person to person. For example if you give Prozac to a number of people
suffering from depression, will Prozac be effective to all of them? Or can other antidepressant
brands help more than Prozac? Or is it that pills dont work at all and a therapy session can help?
The point to the real argument is that depression varies from person to person and will
antidepressant are an option that can help with depression is it really the answer to becoming
someone who isnt depressed anymore. The assumptions one gets from this picture is that Prozac
will help bring you out of a depressing state by looking at the lady in the picture hugging the
Prozac box. Culturally and socially this advertisement is to promote an option for those who
suffer from depression. I think it is effective because it sells the product in way that uses pathos
and makes it visually approachable. If one is depressed and fells that pills can help than this
product seems like a vital option but one can argue the fact if pills are effective.


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The PSA I picked for depression is an ad to help people who suffer from depression. There are
bold letters that automatically make you look at them which says Youre Not Alone and that
uses pathos because of the fact that depression can be caused by feeling lonely. In smaller letters
they use logos by showing statistics stating 16% of people suffer from depression. The colors
they use are red and black and I think that gives the image at the bottom more meaning. The
people in red represent the people suffering from depression while the people in solid black are
there beside them going along with what the ad is saying Youre Not Alone. This image put the
content into a visual example which is a great rhetorical move.
The intended argument is for those who suffer from depression to know they have people who
are suffering from the same thing as well as people who arent to be a support system for those
who are. The real argument in my opinion is to show awareness of depression and although 16%
doesnt seem like a lot, it is a situation we should give more attention to. For example depression
wasnt something people really cared to talk about but as soon as an actor such as Robin
Williams dies of suicide, depression is brought to the attention of the world. The intended
audience would be everyone in this case, those suffering from depression and used as an
awareness ad to those who arent. Culturally and Socially I think this ad is trying not to promote
depression but to bring awareness and some form of comfort to those who do suffer from
depression. I think it is effective because although it looks like a plain ad it uses pathos, logos,
and visual within the picture is very deep.

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The picture I chose for propaganda of death is a picture of the statue of liberty with the flag
behind it. I was immediately drawn to the picture because in the middle the face of the statue of
liberty is a skull. The skull represents death, but I believe it can be interpreted to ways. One way
would be that the skull is there to show the darkness and corruption of America and the other
way I see it is many have died for the liberty of the country, so the skull represents them. The
colors make it seem dark because although it isnt black, the colors look rustic and the image
itself presents a negative appearance. The skull makes the picture dark, it makes it feel evil. This
would be pathos because it presents feeling through the skull.
The intended argument would be that America is a corrupted society and that death is a major
factor to that. The real argument in my opinion is that death can happen both because of the
corruption of this country and the misfortunes of life. I think it goes both ways, we send our
troops to different places to kill does that mean were murders? So many people have died
because of this country protecting it, does that mean we should praise death? I think the intended
audience is anyone who understands what death is and the way they view our country. The

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assumption of this picture is that America is corrupted and one can argue that. The social
implications of this propaganda is to promote the idea of America being a lie of what it really
stands for, its stands for death rather than liberty. I think they are effective because the visual is
very powerful, one would never think of the statue of liberty being a skull but they do lack in
executing their message completely.

The picture I picked for an

advertisement of death is life insurance. Death is inevitable, and with that being said life
insurance a part of death that can be very helpful. The center of the picture is a magnifying glass
showing us the words life insurance, this emphasizes the reason of the ad. The color they use in
the picture are white and a blue grey. This makes the picture both dark and gives it a sense of
hopelessness. One can argue that its the blue grey gives life to the picture instead of it being just
gray because life insurance is supposed to be a positive thing in ones death. It uses logos
because it gives facts by saying it will cover expenses pathos because death is a very emotional
subject so they try to make life insurance a somewhat positive emotion in the middle of death.

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The argument is that life insurance is something that people should have when it comes to death
because it helps with cost. The real argument behind the picture in my opinion is if death really
has a price, can one put a price on their life? Is it right for companies to put a price on ones life?
The image is intended for anyone, life insurance is for everyone just like death is. The
assumptions from this advertisement that life insurance is something worth looking into hence
the magnifying glass. Socially and culturally this ad is to promote life insurance and promote the
expenses of death. One does not think of all the expenses after one dies such as hospital bills and
funeral cost, especially if a death is unexpected, life insurance can be very helpful. I think the
message is effective but visually it is not appealing, its actually very boring to look at. I believe
if they would have added numbers to show some of the cost that it speaks of it would have been
more informational so logos. Adding color to the image wouldnt have made it so dead and
depressing looking. I think if they would have added people and showing someone dying or a
funeral would have added pathos and it would have been more captivating.


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The picture I chose for a public service announcement of death is a picture of war. Immediately
you see the dead bodies scattered and you see brutal this situation is. The symmetry of this
picture allows us to see that there are various numbers of bodies throughout the picture. The
picture being black and white makes it gloomy. It makes puts you in distress, you feel anguish,
you feel tormented viewing the bodies on the floor. The color of the picture allow us to see and
feel little of what war really is like but most importantly what death is like, death has no words
just like the bodies that now lay dead on the ground.
The intended argument from this picture is to present what war is really like, it shows the cost of
war which is the lives of people and why we shouldnt go to war. The real argument in my
opinion is, is war really worth the lives of people? Yes we are all going to die, but should that be
because of war. It shows how unfortunate death can be and how instant it can be. From the
picture you can see that in war there will always be the ones who die and the ones who are left
standing and thats so sad. The audience to who this is addressed is to anyone who understands
the connection between war and death. Culturally and socially I believe this image is trying to
subvert the power of war and its purpose. From the picture you see the dead bodies in their
uniforms and it shows the tragedy that is at cost of war. I think it is effective because it uses
pathos and thats is a very strong rhetorical move especially when you connect it to visually like
this one, it becomes powerful. It is also effective because it doesnt sugar coat death and war but
to be as effective as possible in my opinion, if it was in color and showed the blood it would be
even more powerful.
Media vs. Reality

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The picture I chose to represent propaganda for media vs. reality is black and white to show that
there are two sides of the story in this image. We are immediately focused to the middle of the
image and there is a camera filming the two characters in the back. The way the camera is angled
we see that it changes the motion from one way to another. From the image within the camera
we see that everything is not as it seems. Sizing takes a huge part in this picture to show the
difference between reality and media. The two characters in the back where the man on the left is
running away from the man on the right (Reality) is altered through the lens on the camera to
make it seem as if the man on the left were attacking the man on the right. Through the sizing of
the camera lens being the media and the size of the characters in the back being the reality of
what is actually occurring we see that media alters the truth and is never large enough to capture
the truth of the reality that is occurring.
The intended argument from this picture is to show that media will alter the truth of what really
is occurring. The overall argument in my opinion is to show that media vs. reality will always
have a connection. Reality will never be 100% true unless you are experiencing it or watching it

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with your own eyes. Media will alter reality or present a picture of reality, in this case the camera
screen, that isnt true. The assumptions of this image are the way media will see reality and
present it to the world as a completely different thing. I think because media is a part of our
everyday lives, our culture and society think its normal for media to alter the truth and will
potentially begin to believe the media over the reality of whatever the situation is. I think the
picture is very effective because it shows how one can be tricked into believing something if we
do not think or see the bigger picture.


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The image I selected for advertisement to show Media vs. Reality is a picture of two burgers. We
are drawn to the more appealing one which is the one that the media always shows us in
commercials, billboards, etc. vs. the way a real McDonalds Big Mac actually looks like in
person. The colors from the picture show us that one is looks more authentic than the other but
that is false advertisement. For example the burger on the left looks appetizing, the cheese is
yellow the lettuce appears to be green and fresh while the burger on the right which is what you
would get in reality at a McDonalds restaurant, the cheese looks an odd yellow color that looks
somewhat like rubber and the lettuce is far from looking green or fresh. The size between the two
is a great distinction between media and reality.
The intended argument in this picture is to show that fast food restaurants do not serve what they
claim to sell, the quality of their food is less than what they claim to have. The real argument in
this image is to show that the media will always make false advertisements, they will make
something seem great or completely horrible when in reality it is the complete opposite. They
paint a perfect picture of how something should be, but in reality nothing is perfect. The
assumptions in this picture are that McDonalds does a poor job of trying to recreate to their
customers food. I think culturally and socially this advertisement is trying to subvert the image
McDonalds or any fast food restaurant has created for themselves by showing the reality of their
food. I think this advertisement is effective because it shows the way the media will present itself
to society as being this great thing when in reality it is nowhere close to being what they are
trying to show.

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The PSA pictured I picked is about LGBT rights. I picked this as my PSA for media vs. reality
because of the fact that media makes a big deal out of this. Just earlier this week I saw something
on the news about gay marriage. The picture is more of a statement than a picture but I found it
to be interesting. We are automatically pulled to the bold yellow letters that spell out gay and
straight making and emphasis on the topic. The solid black background gives us the idea that it
is a serious and deep topic.
The intended argument of the picture is to show the way people who dont support LGBT rights
can be questioned of their sexuality as well. I think the real argument is to see that media can be
biased when it comes to this topic just as many more topics becomes some might think it is
morally wrong when in fact the reality of it all is that media has nothing to do or at least
shouldnt have anything to do in the way we think and believe in things. Media can sometimes
shape our belief and thoughts in the way they want and it is up to us to not be a victim of that.
The intended audience is for all those who are against LGBT rights and those for it. The
assumptions that one can get from this picture is that whoever made it must be fore LGBT rights.
Culturally and socially this is trying to subvert the idea of LGBT rights as be looked down upon.

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I think the picture is effective because it makes you think and it reflects on how our society can
be so closed minded thanks media altering the truth.

For a political propaganda I decided to use this picture of President Barack Obama. In the middle
we see him and underneath is the word HOPE in bold. The fact that it is in bold and the size we
can see the importance of its contribution to the picture. Obama was the face of hope and change.
The colors used in the image are rustic red, blues, and white. These color make it feel patriotic
because theyre the colors of our flag as well as making this picture feel welcoming. The color
doesnt make the picture seem dark nor are the colors overwhelming to the point where it would
be unappealing. It makes Barack Obama the center because of the importance they are trying to
show of him running in the election.

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The intended argument in this image is to present Barack Obama as being the face of hope when
he was be elected as president. The real argument in this picture is the political standpoint in
which one is a part of and how they would interpreter this picture. If one was a republican they
would say this picture was hopeless and that it was pointless or unnecessary. If one was a
democrat considering the fact that Obama is a democrat would stand behind this picture and
support and have hope for this man to change the country. The intended audience would be
anyone interested in politics and who would be a part of any political events such as voting for
the President of the US. The assumptions from this picture is that Obama is standing for hope
and wants to provide hope back to this country. Socially and culturally this has a huge a huge
effect in promoting in political campaigns. Socially because the election for a president is
actually a big deal in our country. Culturally because Barack Obama would become the first
African American president. This image in my opinion was very effective because till this day
we see this picture and Obama is on his second term as president. It is effective visually because
it provides a purpose and position that is very straight forward.


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The picture I picked for advertisement is one that promotes voting. The picture say vote here
now which presents the idea of voting for a president. The colors being used are red, white, and
blue which depending on ones patriotisms this can make them feel in awe or makes them feel
neutral. You see the pictures within the image and see that they are symmetric, one is not bigger
than the other, and so one can concluded that there is no sort of bias correlation between who
ever made this picture and their political stand points.
This visuals intended argument is to present the choice of voting for either candidate in the
election. It is trying to persuade you to vote. The real argument in this picture is to see who will
win the election. The fact that both men come from different political parties means that anything
can happen, one will focus on something that the other wouldnt and so on and so forth. The
intended audience to this ad would most likely people who are registered to vote and who are
aware of the problems or situations the country is in to pick the best candidate to run this
country. The assumptions for this visual is to vote because a vote count can make all the
difference. Socially and culturally this image is to promote politics because of the fact the
politics affect society depending especially on who is elected or not. I believe it is effective

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because it brings awareness to voting and promotes the idea of voting. Visually this picture isnt
the most exciting, there isnt any use of pathos, logos, ethos, or an important rhetorical moves so
I would probably try to improve on that.

The public service announcement I chose for politics was this PSA for liberals because it
grabbed my attention. The color red really popped out to me which made me stop and read it.
The color makes it bright to catch ones attention. The blue, white, and yellow letters as well call
attention to the ad. The text of what the ad is saying I think is a rhetorical move because it gets
you thinking, one of the reason writers write is to persuade and this pictures did a good job of
that to me. The design of the picture shows meaning in figurative language.
The intended argument of this public service announcement is to get liberals thinking. Its trying
to present the idea of one being liberal in politics. The real argument in my opinion is to promote
the idea of liberalism in the world of politics. It presents the idea of opening ones mind and to
really think of all the effect this political system has. Through the picture you see it shows you
more of an individual thought than one already made for you. This PSA is intended for anyone
who considers themselves are liberal or for anyone who can be persuaded into becoming a

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liberal. The assumptions of this ad are free thinking, ones own opinion, and that liberals should
think for themselves. One of the assumptions I got from it was open your mind before your
mouth. Socially and culturally this ad is trying to promote the idea of free thinking and trying to
subvert the image of not being liberal. I think this picture is effective because rhetorically they
make you think and in a way begins to persuade you. It presents a new political way of thinking.

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