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Free Will

Gia Huy Le, Mark Benoza, Olivia Michels

Free Will
> Free and independent choice; voluntary decision.
> Philosophy. the doctrine that the conduct of human beings expresses
personal choice and is not simply determined by physical or divine

Theory of Determinism
> The doctrine that all events, including human action, are
ultimately determined by causes external to the will. Some
philosophers have taken determinism to imply that individual
human beings have no free will and cannot be held morally
responsible for their actions

The Universe is Not a Clock

Originally thought that universe is a clock

The universes is not rotating, its expanding
Nothing the same can occur twice can occur twice
Its not possible to calculate the future, as determinism
would suggest.

Theory of Self-actualization
Abraham Maslow theory
Final level of psychological development that can be achieved
when all basic and mental needs are essentially fulfilled and
the "actualization" of the full personal potential takes place
One was born with a path for them to follow, but they do
have a choice of whether or not to follow it

Theory of Compatibilism
> Compatibilism is the belief that free will and
determinism are compatible ideas, and that it is possible
to believe both without being logically inconsistent.
> Compatibilists believe freedom can be present or
absent in situations for reasons that have nothing to do
with metaphysics.

Why We Have Free Will

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