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Apply to the Graduate

School of Business

Washington State University


Table of Contents


Introduction 2


Preparation... 3-4


Getting Ready to Apply..


Apply NOW. 6-8


Specialty Programs 9-10


Resources. 11


Glossary. 12

Kassi Rebello Publishers 11446331

Washington State University Vancouver is the Vancouver, Washington branch of Washington State
University. WSU Vancouver's approximately 351-acre (1.42 km2) Salmon Creek campus is located on the
southeast side of Mt. Vista approximately eight miles (13 km) north of the Columbia River. WSU Vancouver
expanded to a full four-year university in 2006.

This guide will show you how to apply for the graduate business programs at
Washington State University Vancouver. It also covers the different concentrations you might
be interested in when pursuing a graduate degree in the business field.
What you can do with an MBA:

Receive promotions and rise to managerial positions

Gain relevant experience through projects and internships
Change industries and pursue new career paths in sales, marketing, accounting,
and management
Enhance career opportunities within the private, public and nonprofit sectors- in
the Pacific Northwest or around the world

The innovative business program at Washington State University Vancouver offers tools
for success as a business leader:

Analytical skills
Innovative and entrepreneurial thinking
Communication skills
The ability to strengthen relationships with partners, investors, shareholders,
employees and customers
Knowledge of how your business relationships can give you a competitive edge

Washington State University Vancouver offers flexible degree options with both parttime and full-time options. With the fast track program students can complete the program in
as little as 12 months.

There are four major factors to consider when preparing your transition to a
graduate program.
1. Time
Grad school is intense and requires a lot of studying, research, and writing. Though you will
likely have fewer courses at a time in grad school than as an undergraduate, you should also
expect to have less free time than you ever had in your undergraduate years. The bulk of the
work in grad school takes place outside the classroom, and thus the workload is far heavier
than your sparse class schedule would seem to indicate. Grad school will test your time
management skills, especially if you are working while studying (as detailed below). The bottom
line is that grad school will absorb a lot of your time, squeezing you for energy and focus in
areas of your life where you may not even expect it.

2. Employment

It speaks volumes that grad students often consider their studies a full-time job. But for a
variety of reasons, many students have no choice but to work during school. If you have a
demanding job, being a student in addition to working isn't impossible, but it isn't easy, either.
If you only plan to work a few hours per week to have some extra income, it really shouldn't
affect your studies or your lifestyle much at allmany students do this. The following lifestyle
considerations apply particularly to people who are working professionally and attending grad
First, working as a professional while studying (especially if you attempt to do one or both
full-time) will require some flexibility on both fronts. Unless your grad program and your
employer are able to accommodate your needs as a student-professional, you will face
considerably more tension than either of these pursuits would normally engender on their own.
If possible, part-time work or study can really ease this pressure.
Working, like studying, can tire you out. Put the two together and you are burning the
proverbial candle at both ends. Imagine finishing that urgent project for your job by the
deadline, only to zip off to school so you can turn in the paper or work on the group project
that kept you up late all last week. While this probably won't happen every week during your
studies, it's going to happen often enough. The need to achieve at work and school can create
competing tensions that you will struggle to balance at times. Especially if you are financially
dependent on your job to pay for your education, working while studying is going to mean you
have very little space or time for anything else, including your personal life (as discussed
below). Adjusting to these new constraints takes time and tests resilience.
Nevertheless, working while studying isn't all bad. If you are a working professional, your
experience on the job may have helped you develop powers of concentration, time
management, and efficiency you never knew you had when you were an undergrad. Even
though the workload is more severe in grad school, you may be better equipped to handle it

now. Likewise, your work knowledge may apply to your studies, and vice versa: leveraging
these links can give you advantages at work and school.

3. Personal life
Of course, there is more to life than work and school. In many ways, the effects that grad
school can have on your personal life are the hardest to predict and the most difficult to adjust
to. Simply put, you are in for some changes.
While there's personal growth during grad school, there are also personal costs. If you're in a
relationship, expect to see less of your partner. In fact, this may be a perfect time for your
partner to take up new hobbies, renew lapsed friendships, train for a marathon, start writing a
novel, and do anything else that takes a lot of time. Similarly, if you have children, you'll need to
rearrange your schedule and family support system to fit with your studies. And it should go
without saying that grad school may not be a great time to get married or have a kidare you
willing to put that off for a few years?
Your social life is also in for an adjustment during grad school. You'll invariably have to turn
down some social invitations from friends who aren't in grad school (and even some from those
who are). Again, school will occupy a lot of your time. But you're also likely to meet new friends
in school who share interests and who are tuned into the unique pressures of your program.
These friends can be a source of support (they "get" what you're going through), but
understand that this can also be a source of friction with your partner and friends who aren't in
a position to understand the program's inner workings and the effect it has on you.
It's challenging yet critical to figure out how to balance your existing personal relationships with
the new contacts and demands of grad school. Be mindful of letting grad school take over your

4. Budget
However strict or lax you've been about personal budgeting in the past, grad school is going
to complicate your financial planning. You should consider your financial readiness for grad
school very carefully before applying, and then prepare to adjust your spending to manage it
all. The costs of grad school push most people into a period of financial austerity, which has
obvious implications on their usual lifestyle. As a grad student, expect to be more budgetconscious than you already are, whether that means forgoing your annual ski trip, cutting out
cappuccinos, or eating ramen noodles more often than you really want. At the same time, try to
put aside a little money for the unexpected incidentalsgrabbing a quick meal with your study
group, buying a book you can't get at the library, or enjoying a mental time-out over an ice
cream in the park.

Getting Ready to Apply

Application Fees
Non-refundable application fee*
$75 for 1st application
Free for 2nd application, if you apply in the same term
$75 for each application thereafter
Please note: Academic departments may have earlier or later deadlines, so we recommend you
contact them if the information is not listed on the degree programs page.
all Semester Priority Application Deadline: January 10
Classes begin mid-August
Spring Semester Priority Application Deadline: July 1
Classes begin mid-January
Personal Information Needed
Current and permanent address
Social Security Number (optional)
Date and place of birth
Residency information
Name and location of all colleges and universities and dates of attendance
All degrees earned, or expected; and dates
Former WSU student ID# (if applicable)
Visa/MasterCard number and expiration date
Race/ethnicity and disability information (optional)
Names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, institution or business, and positions of three
references for letters of recommendation
Letters of Recommendation
Please contact your references ahead of time to be sure they are willing to respond to
your request for a recommendation. Ask them to discuss your leadership, academic standards,
and skills as they pertain to your primary interest area. Once you submit your application, your
references will be contacted automatically through the online application system and asked to
submit a recommendation form electronically. There is no need for a paper copy of the
Submit Under a Separate Cover
GRE/GMAT scores and dates (if available, and required by department)
Official transcripts
Departmental information
TOEFL, IELTS, or MELAB scores and dates (international applicants)
Financial information (international applicants) Certificate of Financial Responsibility
Memo [PDF]

Apply NOW!

Click on the apply now button on the top right corner of the page

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on graduate school

Since you already have a CollegeNET account from your initial application to WSU
Vancouvers undergraduate program, you can simply click on the start your application

Enter your login email and password to begin the application.

Since you have applied online before, much of your information will already be filled in.
Verify that all the information is up to date and continue with the application.

Admission to Washington State University Graduate School is a joint decision between the Dean
of the Graduate School and your prospective department or college. Many departments require
additional materials or have earlier deadlines, so we recommend you contact them early in the
process. Also, if you miss the priority deadline, you must contact the department to see if they
are still accepting applications.
Note: Applicants may not be considered regardless of the previous institutions credentials if
their application is deemed inadequate, incomplete, or insufficient.

Specialty Programs
There are some specialty programs to consider when looking into a
graduate program. Here are some business programs that the Vancouver and
Global Campus offer.

Vancouver Campus:
Masters of Public Affairs (MPA)
WSU Vancouver offers a master's degree in Public Affairs (M.P.A.). This degree program is
offered exclusively on the WSU Vancouver campus, and is designed for the education of
individuals like yourself who are interested in administrative and leadership positions in the
public sector.
The Program in Public Affairs draws on a wide variety of academic disciplines, such as political
science, business administration, economics, sociology, health policy administration,
environmental science/regional planning, law and criminal justice. The MPA will prepare you
for a diverse variety of employment opportunities ranging from local government and public
policy analysis to personnel administration and strategic planning.
The degree will also prepare you for a range of jobs outside of government service, such as nonprofit organizations. If you're an in-service student already working in the public sector, you
may be seeking a master's degree to advance professionally. As a graduate student, you can
expect to hone your skills and receive further training.
Shift your career
Alternatively, the Master of Public Affairs degree is also appropriate for those who would like to
shift careers and obtain a position in the public and non-profit sectors. To enhance your
marketability you will practice relevant coursework and have an internship placement where
you will learn new skills. As a graduate student, you will have a wide choice of agencies in which
to perform internships and establish relationships.

Global Campus:
Masters in Strategic Communication
Washington State Universitys online Masters Degree in Strategic Communication is designed
for those who want to excel in advertising, public relations, corporate communication, and
communication management.
Whether you have no training in strategic communication or are a seasoned professional, the
degree will advance and energize your career. Our multidisciplinary approach:

Offers expertise in new and traditional media, critical for todays strategic communications
Teaches students how to gather and analyze information and use those findings in creating
communication campaigns
Trains students, in the tradition of Edward R. Murrow, to create messages that are both
strategic and responsible
Includes weekly online instructor office hours, frequent student self-assessment tools,
ongoing interaction with other students, and a cohort structure in which students go
through the program with the same group

Multimedia skills: The masters degree offers hands-on training in the most advanced
platforms, tools and techniques. You will work closely with industry professionals and faculty to
learn audio and video software, graphic design tools, and new media and publication layouts.
By the time you are finished, you will have created multimedia materials that are evaluated by
peers and produced as portfolio-quality items stored online. This work is tailored to each
individual career, or even your specific job needs.

Engineering and Technology Management

Washington State Universitys Engineering and Technology Management (ETM) Program is
designed for working professionals who want to develop skills to manage projects, technology,
and people. The program prepares engineering and business professionals to make strategic
and operational decisions and become leaders in the management of technology.

Sports Management
WSUs online M.A. in education with a specialization in sports management prepares you to
advance your career in the sport industry. The 34-credit degree includes sport-specific courses
in finance, management and organizational theory, marketing and sponsorship, law, media
communication, and ethics.


WSU sport management faculty are practitioners as well as researchers, and bring a wealth of
industry knowledge to their courses. Our graduates have found careers with such organizations
as the NCAA, the Pac-12 Conference, the Seattle Sports Commission, numerous university
athletic and recreation departments, the United States Tennis Association, the Tampa Bay
Buccaneers, the Miami Dolphins, and the San Francisco 49ers.



TOEFL- The TOEFL iBT test measures your ability to use and understand English at the university level.
And it evaluates how well you combine your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to perform
academic tasks.

IELTS- the International English Language Testing System, is designed to assess the language ability of
candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication.

MELAB- The Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) evaluates advanced-level
English language competence of adult nonnative speakers of English. The MELAB is intended for:

Students applying to United States, Canadian, British, and other educational institutions where the
language of instruction is English
Professionals who need English for work or training purposes
Anyone interested in obtaining a general assessment of their English language proficiency for
educational or employment opportunities
The MELAB is a secure test battery and is administered only by authorized official examiners. Many
educational institutions in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other countries accept the
MELAB as an alternative to the TOEFL.

GMAT- Graduate Management Admission Test is a computer adaptive test (CAT) which seeks to
assess a person's analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in standard written
English in preparation for being admitted into a graduate management program, such as an
MBA.[4][5] The GMAT does not measure business knowledge or skill, nor does it measure
intelligence.[6] According to the test owning company, the Graduate Management Admission
Council (GMAC), the GMAT assesses analytical writing and problem-solving abilities, while also
addressing data sufficiency, logic, and critical reasoning skills that it believes to be vital to real-world
business and management success

Public Affairs- used to describe an organizations relationship with stakeholders. These are
individuals or groups with an interest in the organization's affairs, such as politicians (MPs,
MSPs, AMs, MLAs, MEPs), civil servants, customers and local communities, clients,
shareholders, trade associations, think tanks, business groups, charities, unions and the media.
CollegeNET- provides software as a service (SaaS) applications to improve efficiency, save
money, and reduce paper associated with various administrative functions, including online
admissions and application evaluation, contact relationship management, course and event
scheduling, space and resource management, faculty and course evaluation, accounts payable
management, and commencement.


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