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1st Semester Research Project: Topics

1. Plagues of Ancient Egypt

2. Yeti
3. Stonehenge
4. Bermuda Triangle
5. Anansi
6. Romulus and Remus
7. Trojan Horse
8. Vishnu
9. Titans (Ancient Greece)
10. Atlantis
11. Beowulf
12. Dracula
13. Hercules
14. La Llorona (The Crier)
15. Leprechauns
16. Battle of Thermopylae
17. The Great Flood
18. Osiris
19. Dragons
20. Epic of Gilgamesh
21. King Arthur
22. Tower of Babel
23. Phoenix
24. Olgoi-Khorkhoi (Mongolian Death Worm)
25. Joan of Arc
26. Curse of Tutankhamens Tomb
27. The Kraken
28. The Minotaur

29. Lochness Monster

30. Mermaids
31. Sphinx
32. Lambton Worm

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