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Audrey-Anne Workman

Speaker Reflection #1
Speaker: Mrs. Puchta
October 30, 2014
Mrs. Puchta the math coach at Trace Crossings came to talk to us
about the math curriculum, Investigations, that they use. She showed
us a unit book and how to navigate them. We walked through each
section of them and she pointed out important things and resources to
take note of. This was of great help because she gave us the
information we needed to be able to pick one of the books up and write
and teach a lesson plan for that curriculum. With the math curriculum
changing today we are no longer teaching math the way we learned it
when we where in school. Thus making teaching math a little more
difficult. With Mrs. Putchas instruction we have the resources we need
to be able to teach a math lesson in a way that they should be taught
with the changes. The biggest take away I have from our time spent
with Mrs. Puchta was that the key to teaching is questioning not
answering. When looking at a discussion that should happen in the
classroom the teachers role was questioning the students about how
they came to their answer and having students explain their thinking
to one another. This is different from what we group up with because
before the teachers role was to instruct and there was no discussion.
Therefore I think I took away the most from understanding what asking
questions and discussions will do to benefit my students.

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