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Quality Costs and Statistical Process Control

I have chosen these topics because I consider is very important to know and apply this knowledge
in our industries. In my opinion I think if you don't invest in Quality Cost for prevent defects, then
the effects will be bad because our customers wont have a good image about us.
Respect Statistical Process Control, I dont think How a process could be in control?, if you dont
check out in real time your critical process, therefore is very important We should have statistical
data for measure and control the behavior of our process.
In this case, I speak about the Textile Industry. This industry is a dynamic sector because depends
the new fashion trends. In actually the globalization demands the companies should be proficient,
therefore this companies should produce clothes with the best quality and low cost.
I worked in a Textile company in Peru. I show the process diagram of this industry:

Textil del Valle is the name of this company, basically We produce and export clothes according
quality standards of principal customers (Lacoste, Polo Ralph Lauren).
One of the cost considered excessive is quality inspection, because in each process there is an
inspection module. Everyone of the modules have the function find defects and prevent the product
pass the next process. All know if the defect is found by the customer, our quality will be qualified
like bad and the sales go down, however all efforts are insufficient because We were fought fire but
We didn't eliminate the root cause. Lately we decided to invest in prevent cost and improve
activities and We saw changes in our process, productivity increase and reduce costs. One of the
improvements was include control in real time, in other hand We used statistical tools and
implement DMAIC methodology for improve process, if employee detect some trend that do the
process is out of control immediately We make a decision to correct a mistake for assignable causes.
In summary is very important consider cost of Quality, because in my opinion is determinative to
reach cost leadership and best quality.

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