s1 - Science k7 Collaborative Lesson Rev1

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Science K.

7 Collaborative Lesson
The lesson topic is shadows and how they are produced when objects block light. The grade level
is Kindergarten. The students in the class are integrated. There are 27 students in the class; 3
have special needs and 2 are recognized as gifted. I will introduce shadows to the students with
library resources and then create a KWL chart with them. During class time, the teacher takes
them outside to see shadows created by the sun. In the classroom, she creates artificial shadows.
For the in class assignment students draw themselves with their shadows based on the sun
position in sky. The students come back to library later in the week to reinforce and review what
they have learned with library resources. Then the students take a test in the classroom where
they show where a shadow will fall based on the position of the sun. After reviewing the
assignment, the teacher and I decide there is no need to differentiate instruction for the students.
The content curriculum standard addressed for the SOL Science K.7. This is Kindergarten
Science SOL for Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems.
The student will investigate and understand that shadows occur when light is blocked
by an object. Key concepts include
a) shadows occur in nature when sunlight is blocked by an object; and
b) shadows can be produced by blocking artificial light sources.
The AASL Standards addressed are
1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
2.1.1 Continue an inquiry-based research process by applying critical-thinking skills (analysis,
synthesis, evaluation, organization) to information and knowledge in order to construct
new understandings, draw conclusions, and create new knowledge.
2.3.1 Connect understanding to the real world.
3.1.3 Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively.
4.1.8 Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning.
Library Resources
Moonbear's Shadow by Frank Asch
Nothing Sticks Like a Shadow by Ann Trompert
Shadows and Reflections by Tana Hoban
Video clip My shadow by Robert Lewis Stevenson
Video clip Whistlepig Wednesday from Curious George

Division of Responsibilities
The teacher performs hands-on activities with the kids and completes the assignment and test in
classroom. I help students understand the concepts through literary and video resources.
Evidence of joint planning
We assess student learning based on the KWL chart, the in-class assignment, and the reaction of
the students to the activities.
The teacher and I meet to discuss the test scores from the classroom and review the KWL chart
completed in the library to see if the students understand the concepts of shadows. Mastering
this concept will consist of using the sun or artificial light to locate where a shadow will fall.
If there are students who have trouble with the assignments and tests, those students will be
sent to the library for another review with me.
The lesson is successful if 90 percent of the students understand the concepts and are able to
show understanding through the test and in class assignment.

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