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Monica Cruz
Mrs. Petty
Eng 101
10 October 2014
A graduation is an important ceremony in which diplomas are handed out and we walk a
stage. The importance of graduation varies between people. To me, graduation was an important
event in my life. The morning of graduation, I woke up very excited yet nervous at the same
time. First, I went to graduation rehearsal and went through the whole process of the ceremony,
from walking to our seats, to receiving the diploma. After the practice, I asked Lizandro to give
me a ride home and he agreed. The ride home was only about five minutes long and Lizandro
and I talked about how excited we were to finally graduate. We both have been waiting for four
years to finally walk and get our diplomas. After Lizandro dropped me off in front of my house, I
went inside and told my mom that I was going to start getting ready.
The day was very hectic. I had to do my own hair because my sister was not home to help
me, and my mother doesnt know how to curl hair. I started curling my hair from the bottom and
worked my way up. It took me about an hour to curl my hair since I had to make some
adjustments because some of the curls were falling and I had to make it look presentable enough
to make the cap stay in place once it was time to put it on. My cousin was suppose to do my
makeup, but she arrived almost half an hour before I was suppose to leave. She went to get her
nails done since her graduation was the day after mine, but we managed to finish on time and I
put on my cap and gown and I was ready to go. Before I left, I looked at myself in the mirror &
saw how proud I looked with the black and white dress I was wearing under the black gown that


reached just above my ankles and had sleeves that covered my whole arm. There was also the
black cap with the orange and black tassel on it with the number fourteen to accompany it, that
covered the top of my head but just enough so you can still see the curls. As I was leaving, my
mom stopped me and asked for a photo. I agreed to taking the picture and she looked at me and
said, You look so beautiful. Im very proud of you sweetie. I gave my mom a hug and left to
the ballpark, which was only about five minutes away. As I got closer, I started feeling extremely
nervous. I had to get out of the car and walk most of the way because the drop off line was too
long and it was moving very slow. As I arrived at the entrance, I received a medal. As I looked at
the medal, the words Desert Edge High School and Scorpions were written in bold around
the black scorpion that was in the middle. The medal was carried on an orange lanyard and I put
the medal on once I finished looking at it. Everyone of the graduates received a medal as well. I
found my best friend Lexi and immediately and we took pictures together and with everyone else
that we knew, like Mr. Robb, Mr. Baker, Cole and Lyzette. The wind had started to pick up a
little and I kept adjusting my cap because it kept falling off. I had placed two bobby pins on each
side so it wouldnt fall off, but that didnt work. I adjusted it one more time and it stayed in place
the rest of the evening.
As I start looking at my surroundings, I see students hugging each other, others taking
pictures and completely excited that we are all graduating and walking the stage, cars driving in
the background, and I notice the sun beginning to set. Most of the cars started to turn on their
headlights and most of them were bright. Emma, one of my classmates asked, Can you take a
picture of me and Mrs. Welding? I agreed and took the picture for them. The crowd was starting
to build up as the ceremony came closer to its time of starting. I kept hearing Start getting in


your lines and we are about to start soon. Everyone looked just as nervous as I did. Then I
hear the song being played in the background as we all start walking towards the stage.
Everyone in the crowd looked overjoyed and kept cheering the students on. There were
plenty of balloons and family and friends watching. As we are nearing the steps, I grab on to the
railing, hoping I dont trip and fall. I make it to my seat successfully and I hold on to the seat of
my chair for dear life. There are speeches being made, the principals speech as the ceremony
progresses, the valedictorian giving her speech, and the band is playing different songs as we go
along. Finally, the moment that I was waiting for arrived, the distribution of the diplomas. Each
row was to get up one by one and the students would go up after their name has been called. The
diplomas were being distributed to each student one by one and I notice the big screen in the
background. The screen is displaying each of the graduates as they receive their diplomas and
head back to their seats.
After waiting for what felt like forever, It was time for my advisory class to stand up and
get ready to receive our diplomas. My row was the last to get up and start walking. I can feel the
butterflies in my stomach build up and we reach the front of the stage. I hear Emmas name get
called and then Ricardos name. I was the third person to receive my diploma. When I hear my
full name being said over the microphone, I walk on the stage with a big smile on my face, ready
to accept my diploma. I shake the superintendents hand, turn to take the picture and make my
way down the stage. As I walk back to my seat, some of my classmates are cheering for me. I
hear good job Monica! and you did it! It was an amazing feeling to hear some of my
classmates cheering for me. The ceremony is finally over and after the class of 2014 is
congratulated and the caps are thrown in the air, the fireworks start appearing in different colors,
mostly blues and reds. I went and searched for my parents and once I found them, I gave both of


them a hug and I hold on to the bouquet of roses and the big balloons I got. The balloons were in
different shapes like a star and a circle and had words like congratulations and you did it!. I
took pictures with them and then I went on another search to take pictures with as many of my
classmates as I could. I was pretty successful on that and I was ready to go home.
Graduation was an experience I will never forget. It was a realization that I was finished
with high school and it was time to move forward with life. I had to start college soon and find a
summer job to save up some money for college. Even though the day was hectic, from getting
dressed and doing my makeup and my hair, I managed to make it through the day and it was the
best day of my life. I wouldnt trade it for anything in the world. A high school graduation is a
once in a lifetime thing for everyone and it should be a day to cherish and remember always.

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