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Presnell 1

Shade Presnell
Professor Intawiwat
UWRT 1103
November 19th, 2014
Multi-Modal Memo
For my multi-modal project I chose to make three memes. In the book Nova's Ark by David
Kirk the genre relates to a science fiction theme where the main character Nova is in search of an
unlimited source of everlasting energy to sustain life for his race. So with my memes I decided to go
with a hypothetical thought of finding things in the theoretical physics world that would also fill the
void of our own source of everlasting energy. Granted some of the memes may not be understandable
those who have to prior knowledge of physics, however those who do understand the memes will
understand how the use of logos, pathos, ethos are used to communicate the message of the difficulty
of actually finding the source of energy.
The ethos aspect of the memes comes through the understanding that any of the memes relate to
an aspect of physics where subatomic particles are able to produce massive amounts of energy. The
only problem with this is that none of these discoveries in physics have been made practical to where
they can be used as a valid source of energy. Some such discoveries are still only theories to the
thought of there existence which is where the fictional aspect comes into it.
For the pathos part of the memes you can see how there would be frustration that comes from
the discoveries and how they are so close to being reality but they still cannot be harnessed into a form
of energy producing particles. To show this frustration you can focus on the third meme where
Captain James T. Kirk can be seen bowing his head to the false hope he received from the discovery
of the gravitron. It shows the irony behind the fact that we know that these energy sources are out there
but we just cannot reproduce them in a controlled environment.

Presnell 2
Lastly for the logos aspect of the memes, I consider that if any physicist; or anyone who knows
what is going on in the memes were to look at them, then they would understand that claim that was
being made. What is also appealing to the humorous side of the memes is the use of sarcasm in the
second meme. The picture depicts an excited electron after coming through a quark thus vibrating at a
higher frequency and creating anti energy which is essentially what is happening in the first meme
where the electron and anti-electron collide and create a vast amount of energy. So overall is this could
all really be controlled then it would serve as a everlasting source of energy. But since it is not yet
possible, this is all still considered to be somewhat science fiction.

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