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Old Testament Appearances of Y'Shua (Jesus)

Genesis 1:26-31 (God= Elohim= uni-plural, John 1:1-3)

Genesis 14:12-20 (Verse 18, Melchizedek= king of right, king of peace,
Hebrews 7:1-2)
Genesis 17:1-7
Genesis 18:1-8 (Verse 2, bowed to the ground; Verse 8, The LORD (YHWH) and
the angels ate), 16-22
Genesis 26:24-25
Genesis 28:10-15
Genesis 32:24-30 (Verses 28, 30, God= Elohim= uni-plural)
Genesis 35:1-13 (Verses 1, 3, 11, God= El; Verse 11, El Almighty)
Genesis 48 (Verses 3-5)
Exodus 3:1-10, 13-14 (Verses 13-14, John 8:56-59, John 18:1-8)
Exodus 16:1-12
Exodus 20
Exodus 24:9-11
Exodus 33:12-23 (Verses 18, 20, it is possible, however, that this is the Father
YHWH appearing to Moses in all his glory)
Numbers 14:1-12
Numbers 16:19-33
Numbers 20:1-13 (Some have suggested that this rock was carried around by the
people of Israel, making it even more miraculous)
Joshua 5:10-15 (Verses 14-15, Joshua worshiped, so this wasn't just an angel)
Judges 13
1 Kings 22:13-23
Job 1:1-12
Job 2:1-7
Job 38-41
Psalm 110:1-3 (Verse 1, LORD and Lord, this second Lord= the one that
became Y'Shua HaMashiach, or Jesus Christ)
Psalm 110:4 (LORD= the Father)
Isaiah 6:1-8 (Verse 1, train= to hang down, a skirt, bottom edge, hem;
verses 1,3,5, and 8>>Psalm 110:1-2, 4)
Ezekiel 1:26-28, Ezekiel 2:1-4
1 Corinthians 10:1-5 (Verse 4, Rock= a mass of rock)
Hebrews 5:1-10 (Verse 9, obey Messiah (Christ))
Hebrews 6:13-20
Hebrews 7 (Verses 11, 12, 16, 18, 19, and verses 26-27>>Hebrews 9:1, 9-10)

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