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Heath 1

John D. Heath
Nathan Cole
English 1010
November 30, 2014
Reflection Paper
My Thoughts
Over the course of this semester I have faced many struggles to write and even
understand the course material. Through struggle, I have achieved great things, both in the
writing world as well as understanding very serious world issues. Whether it was the Conflict in
the Ukraine, the Ebola crisis in Western Africa or Monsanto creating GMO seeds. There are
many problems in the world to discuss and these are just the few I chose to discuss. I will first
discuss the reasons of why I chose to discuss the Ukrainian topic for the Profile and Report, then
I will discuss why I chose to change topics for the Argumentative paper. Welcome to some of the
thought processes of my mind.
The first thing that I chose to discuss for the Profile was the conflict in the Ukraine. I
chose it because of how tense the situation was in the country. That and there was plenty of
current and easy to access information for me to use. So I continued by writing a profile on the
topic. After receiving some basic advice for the peer review I continued to correct and submit the
paper. I was given a decent score on the paper. The changes that I made for the paper were
minor, grammar fixes and making it simpler to understand. After I had submitted my paper I
decided to continue using the topic because I felt it had more to say. I had some difficulty writing
this paper as I did not know exactly what to report about. Then it hit me to focus on the
Ceasefire. At that point I began to write a paper based on the ceasefire. It was a good topic
because it showed the problems of the people.

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When I began, I collected sources that allowed the paper to empathize and inform on the
topic. Then with hard fact discussed how the ceasefire was fracturing under the weight of
repeated assault and conflict. The damage to the people alone prove how ineffective the ceasefire
was. Anyways, after completing the draft I had it peer reviewed. Discussed some problems in the
paper itself, because I needed make the paper easier to understand (I seem to speak in the paper
with too much of an understanding without sharing the problem). After carefully going through
the paper I submitted the final. Once it was submitted, the major difficulties for me began.
The third paper, was a difficult paper for me because I was just going to use the same
topic. That would be fine except I had drained my arguments from my report and profile (if you
say you dont have a bias, you are lying.) It was originally on the illegal voting in the Eastern
Ukraine that was being promoted by the Russians. I ran into the problem of the topic being too
drained as well as I knew too much for my own good. After the peer review being a disaster for
me the paper needed change. So I decided to write a paper on the Ebola crisis. It was at this point
that the paper made a turn for the better. I gathered new information and had my father (an
attorney by trade) review the paper. It was considerably better and afterwards I submitted the
The revision assignments where some of the most difficult assignments for me to
undertake. But after working on the documents, I feel that as a whole they are much better
papers. For the first assignment I made all the corrections necessary, I re-wrote the entire
conclusion and added parts to paragraphs to make them better as a whole. After completing that
task I added some clip art that helped bring an understanding as to where the Ukraine is and gave
pictures of each respective countries flag for the countries that were involved. The second paper
needed more work as a whole. I made major corrections to the opening paragraph and revised the

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conclusion. Then I went and retrieved a new source to help supplement the paragraph that
discusses other countries involvement. Then after completing that paper, I moved on to the third
paper. I made adjustments to the paper and added information as to what I was talking about in
the paper because I was very cryptic. There were only some minor issues to take care of for the
paper but issues that had to be addressed.
In conclusion, this course has been one of the most difficult course for me because there
was a lot of work to be completed. However, as the course comes to an end it has been one of the
most rewarding. Having the opportunity to work on and complete the assignments was very
rewarding and that provided a degree of satisfaction. Overall, this was a good course and I look
forward to applying the skills I learned in other courses.

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