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Lesson Plan

September 3, 2014
Body (__min.):

8:10 Pick up students from large gym 8C

**Take class list
Locks and Lockers, timetable and agenda
8:40 Name Game
Students sit up on their desk. Throw ball to opposite gender, ball catcher says thanks
name, Im name. Once youve had the ball you have to sit down in your desk. Once
all kids are sitting keep going and after you catch the ball, say thanks name, Im
name and then say the name of the person you are throwing to and sit up on your
8:55 Yellow sheet discussion
9:10 BINGO
9:30 Classroom Norms and Expectations
Behaviour Expectations we are going to brainstorm and develop what our
classroom will be like together
What are some behaviours that you have seen in other classes in the past (no names
please) that you did not like? (raise hands)
- In row groups you have 3 minutes to discuss behaviours that you would like to
see in our classroom, (hand out a sticky note 1 per group while they are
- Now write down your number 1 behaviour and then row by row, youre going to
read it out loud.
- Collect the stickies up on the board
respect for others
respect for self
responsibility for actions
- can we agree that these 3 seem to capture all that was suggested?
Norms of this classroom (standard behavior that everyone can agree to)
high expectations back in the same row groups discuss what you think should have
a high expectations and write it down on a sticky
- behavior, learning (if you dont understand, ask or seek additional help), in
class, group and lab work
- assignments (full effort into these)
participation in all activities example of DPA, whats wrong with doing/trying
something new?
put-ups what should this look like? Good ol saying if you cant say anything nice,
dont say anything at all!!!
bring supplies to class what supplies? Name themwhats the standard for lockers
help others learn what would this look like in a grade 8 classroom?
10:00 Assembly
8D 10:45 Name Game same as above
11:00 Classroom Norms and Expectations
8C 12:20 DEAR read a story to students
12:30 green reference sheet
Read over it (ask for volunteers to read)
12:50 Game
Ring of Colors We will toss the ring around the class, please catch it with your hand.
You will answer one of the 4 questions on the board that is associated with the color
that you catch. If you catch in the middle of 2 colors then its your choice to answer

the question that you want.

RED - If you had a magic wand?
GREEN - Your favorite thing?
BLUE - Best part about grade 8?
BLACK - TV Show Reality, drama or sit com?
Extra if have time
Things you did this summer get a partner, have 2 minutes to talk about what you
did this summer and then your partner has to share what you did.
8D 1:20 green reference sheet
1:40 Game
Ring of colors
If time - Things you did this summer
8C 2:10 (CO)
Bonker game outside 2 groups.
2 truths and a lie make groups, 2 rows together each person will tell the group 2
things that are true and 1 lie about themselves and the group has to choose which
one is the lie. Each group will choose the best persons to share with the class.

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