Content Knowledge Project Outline May 2012-1

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Content Knowledge Project Guiding Outline


Introduction of Topic: North Carolina lighthouses.

A. Brief Summary of your topic:
a. This topic is relevant to me because as a future teacher, I potentially could be
teaching a 4th grade lesson on the history of NC lighthouses one day. I also
grew up going to the Outer Banks and have a lot of personal experience and
memories associate with lighthouses.
b. In 4th grade, students learn about North Carolina. Pertaining to history, these
students will need to understand how notable structures, symbols and place
names are significant to North Carolina. This lesson addresses was important
building, statues, monuments and places names are associated with the states
history, as well as explains the historical significance of one of North
Carolinas state symbols.
B. I will introduce the topic of NC Lighthouses by providing an introduction page. The
introduction page will provide some background information on the topic and its
history. I will hook the reader by using personal photos and providing historical, as
well as controversial information.


Body-Consider the following: (You must show depth of content knowledge here- not
just basic knowledge level thinkingthink about Blooms Taxonomy)
A. How will you ANALYZE your topic?
i. Lighthouses used to be vital to the safety of fisherman and other
individuals braving the seas. Now, they have been replaced by the use
satellite and radar. Many individuals believe that these building are
historic and beautiful and should be maintained despite their lack of use.
Others think that it is wasteful to use tax dollars on buildings that do not
serve a purpose anymore, other than a tourist site.
ii. Compare Past to Present (analysis) I will compare the use of NC
lighthouses in the past versus the use of lighthouses in the present.
iii. Compare your topic to another similar topic (another city, person,
organization, situation, country, etc.) Other states experience similar
debates about lighthouses.
B. How will you SYNTHESIZE?

i. Events related to this topic (these might eventually be headings on your

website) Historical use of lighthouses in the past, use of lighthouse in the
present, moving of lighthouse, maintaining the lighthouses, etc.
ii. Relevant Movements and trends protecting/perserving the lighthouses.
iii. Significant people and places The Outer Banks, specific lighthouse
iv. Multiple Perspectives (what perspectives need to be shared, relevant to
your topic?)
1. Historic perspective the historical purpose for NC lighthouse and
how it has changed over time.
2. Political perspective tax dollars being used to maintain and move
the lighthouses even though they are not in use.
3. Geographic NC lighthouses are located at the Out Banks of
North Carolina near the oceans and waterways.

How will you show evidence of INTERPRETATION and Evaluation?- In what

ways can you hypothesize and critique this topic?

I can interview a family member, specifically on their thoughts about the

moving of the Hatteras Lighthouse.

I can poll individuals on Facebook on whether tax dollars should be spent

to maintain and move lighthouses even though they are not in use.

D. Remember- this project requires primary sources- share individual interpretation

and analysis of interviews, documents, videos, photos, first-hand accounts,
photos, memos.

Photographs (primary)

Articles (primary)

Videos (primary)

Websites (secondary)

Book (secondary)

Journal articles (secondary)

E. How will you show depth of content knowledge and evidence of higher level
thinking? Your project could engage in one or more of the following to
demonstrate this:
i. Analyze In what ways are these events controversial? The events are
controversial because individuals have different opinions on whether
money should be spent to maintain the lighthouses. This could potentially
mean that one day, lighthouse will be no more.
F. Conclusion
i. Summarize and synthesize the main ideas/points/content of the project
Lighthouses may no longer be used in the way that they were originally
build for, but they are still a huge part of our NC history and culture.
ii. Compare your topic to other relevant topics - There may be other
historical monuments or building that are not in use any longer, but we
still consider very important.
iii. What can you infer about this topic? Can you organize the information in a
way that shows new insights or understandings you have about the topic?
I can infer that this topic will be appealing to students and a great way to
discover more about the historical significance behind lighthouses in NC.
Lighthouses were extremely important and saved many lives in the past.
iv. What are implications for further research? Virtual field trips, studying
specific lighthouses in more depth, taking a vote for or against preserving
the lighthouses.
v. What are some critical questions you could pose for the reader of the
exhibit? What do you want the reader of the exhibit to understand or
consider now that they have read your work? I want the reader to obtain
background knowledge of the history of NC lighthouses and how they
impacted our past and present. I also want them to be aware of the
controversy surrounding the lighthouses.
G. Reflection

Highlight new and interesting content you learned through the project
Through this project, I was able to remember being present for certain
events happening, such as the moving of the Hatteras Lighthouse. I
learned more about all of the lighthouses in NC and their history.

ii. Explicitly share how the content connects with National and State
Standards In 4th grade students learn important building, statues,
monuments and places names are associated with the states history, as
well as the historical significance of one of North Carolinas state
iii. Communicate how what you learned from creating the project that will be
of value to you as an elementary social studies teacher As a future
teacher of social studies, I could potentially have to teach 4th graders about
the history of North Carolina. One of the main topics taught in 4th grade of
NC lighthouse. This project has prepared me for addressing this topic one

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