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Solar Collectors


Back-pass solar collectors

Concentrating solar collectors

Thermal mass designed to radiate heat during the night

Glass to allow sunlight through
With added salt fillers stored energy changes from 200 cal/day to 80,000 cal/day

Batch Solar Collectors

Best suited for clear skies

Steam production
Concentrates light at absorber which can increase efficiency at high temperature
Four forms: parabolic trough, parabolic dish, power tower, stationary solar collectors

Trombe Wall

Used to heat air

Glazed surface
May be integrated with thermal mass

Water heating
Glazed water collectors

Solar cookers
Liquid Solar Collectors

Vacuum tubing

Manufacturers and Products

SES Dish Stirling System Technology
Designers of large, industrial solar dish systems
Product made of huge concentrator (dish reflectors) and power
conversion unit (hydrogen heating that runs pistons)
Industrial Solar Technology
Roof mount parabolic troughs
Specifications IST Roof Mounted Trough (RMT) System
Reflective Module Size
120.75 in. x 45.2 in. (3067 mm
x 1148 mm)
Gross Aperture Area
37.9 ft2 (3.52 m2)
Net Aperture Area
35 ft2 (3.25 m2)
Concentrator Weight
55 lb (25 kg)
Materials of Construction
Reflective Surface
Coated polished aluminum
With 1120 ft^2 area, produces 52 kWth

Manufacturers and Products

Solarco Manufacturing Ltd.
24 Tube Kit
Works down to -40 Celcius
93% light allowed in
3.6 ft x 4.9 ft

Reflecting Surfaces
Cool roofs
White surfaces preferred
Metal surfaces offer high albedos but low
thermal emittance
Reduce heating costs in hot environments

Reflecting Options
Coatings ($.75 $1.50 per square foot)

Single-ply Membranes ($1.50 $3.00)


Reflective tiles ($3.00)

Pigments allow for 70% reflection of suns energy

Metal roofs ($2.00 and up)

With additional pigments will reflect infrared as well

Areas of further exploration

Alternating cool roof/warming roof
Designing our own trough system for heat
Pigments for roofing
Integration of a trough system
Current research into reflecting light
(moisture barriers)

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