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Maiga Mohamed

Mass Media

Mass media, are media technologies that are intended to reach a large

audience by mass communication. Mass media is a way to touch a lot of people at

the same time. It helps spread informations more quickly and efficiently. Mass
communication ways are getting more and more popular over time. Billion

dollars industy such as Youtube and Facebook are helping everyday people to
spread their way of thinking throughout the


The article "effect of the media" talks about how Mass media such as

Television, kind of influence Children behavior. The article explains how a study,
led by Television and social behavior have shown that Children who were
exposed to television shows with violent behavior, were more likely to engage


similar behaviors than Children who had not watched the programs. According
to the afticle, those experiments are not really trustworthy, because the way
they are designed, kind of increase the chance to show a link between media and
The article also explain a possible link between violence in the media and
agression in daily life, whithout giving any consistant proof relating both

phenomenon. The article tells us how the society is worried about the spread of
mass media such as Television, and explained us how they are actually trying to

fight the dangers of media violence. For example, the appearance of V-chips in
the Telecommunications Act of 1996 that permit parents to block their Children

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