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13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

August 1-6, 2004
Paper No. 2534


Martin G. KOLLER1 and Praveen K. MALHOTRA2

The seismic resistance of seven existing unanchored cylindrical oil storage tanks was calculated according
to Eurocode (EC) 8, part 4, Appendix A [1]. Five of these tanks, with H/R ratios (H = height of liquid, R =
radius of tank) of 1.12, 1.14, 1.75, 2.16 and 3.48, were also calculated with the non-linear pushover
analysis proposed by Malhotra [2]. All tanks are located in Switzerland. None of them was designed to
resist earthquakes.
EC 8 limits the cyclic plastic rotation in the base plate to a maximum value of 0.2 radians (11.5 degrees).
In all cases, this constraint turned out to be more stringent than elephant-footing or elastic buckling of the
Very different results were obtained by the two methods of calculation. The EC 8 results show a strong
correlation between H/R ratio and plastic rotation and nearly no correlation between tank volume and
plastic rotation. Only a very weak H/R influence on plastic rotation can be seen in the results from the
pushover analysis. However, plastic rotation increases linearly with tank volume, irrespective of the H/R
ratio (with the exception of the very slender tank with H/R = 3.48).
For moderate to high H/R ratios (H/R 1. 75), EC 8 leads to plastic rotations at least twice as high as
those obtained by the non-linear pushover analysis. The opposite is true for the low H/R ratios (H/R =
1.12 and 1.14). Here, pushover analysis leads to about 1.5 times the plastic rotation of the EC 8
calculation. Possible reasons for these discrepancies are discussed and tentative recommendations for
practitioners are given.
Ground-supported cylindrical tanks are used to store a variety of liquids water for drinking and firefighting, crude oil, wine, liquefied natural gas (LNG), etc. Failure of tanks, following destructive
earthquakes, may lead to environmental hazard, loss of valuable contents, and disruption of fire-fighting
effort. Inadequately designed or detailed tanks have suffered extensive damage in past earthquakes and

Director, Rsonance Ingnieurs Conseils SA, Carouge, Switzerland. Email:

Senior Research Scientist, FM Global Research, Norwood, Masachusettes, USA. Email:

have resulted in disastrous effects (Hanson [3], USDOC [4], Gates [5], Haroun [6], Manos and Clough
[7], EERI [8], Brown et al. [9], Lund [10], Cooper [11]).
Earthquake damage to steel tanks can take several forms. Large axial compressive stresses due to beamlike bending of the tank wall can cause elephant-foot buckling of the wall. Sloshing liquid near the freesurface can damage the roof and upper shell of tank. High stresses in the vicinity of poorly detailed base
anchors can rupture the tank wall (Miles [12]). Base shears can overcome friction causing the tank to
slide. Base uplifting can: (1) damage the piping connections that are incapable of accommodating vertical
displacements, (2) rupture the base plate-mantle junction due to excessive joint stresses, and (3) cause
uneven settlement of the foundation.
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the simplified seismic calculations of unanchored cylindrical
liquid storage tanks according to Eurocode (EC) 8, part 4, Appendix A (1998) [1], henceforth referred to
as according to EC 8. The paper is addressed primarily to practitioners. In the sense of a generic study,
the results of calculations according to EC 8 are compared with results of a pushover analysis by Malhotra
[2]. The present paper does not contain any new development of methods of calculation of tanks, nor does
it give in-depth explanation of the applied methods. The reader is referred to the aforementioned original
references; only an overview is given here.
EC 8, Part 4, Appendix A
The impulsive and convective natural periods, masses and effective heights are calculated for an anchored
tank, following the simplified procedure for fixed-base cylindrical tanks by Malhotra [13] (EC 8,
Appendix A.3.2.1 [1]). If applicable, the impulsive natural period and damping are increased by taking
into account the inertial soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects. Appendix A.7 gives the corresponding
formulas. With these increased values, the overturning moments above and below the base plate are
calculated, again according to Appendix A.3.2.1. Finally, three graphs in Appendix A.8 are used to
calculate the uplift width, uplift height and axial compressive stress in the tank wall as functions of
normalized overturning moment (Figures A10, A11 and A12 in EC 8 [1]). These figures are based on
purely static finite element analyses of Scharf [14]. Therefore, they do not account for an increase in the
fundamental natural period of the impulsive mode due to uplifting, which, for most practical cases, leads
to a significant decrease in the overturning moment. Figure A11 is reproduced below as Figure 1. It can be
seen that the uplift height is strongly sensitive to the slenderness ratio H/R.

Figure 1: Maximum uplift height versus overturning moment M/WH (M: moment; W: total liquid
weight; H: liquid height); Figure A11 of EC8, part 4.

The plastic rotation in the base plate is estimated from the uplift height and uplift width.
Two remarks must be made. First, the EC 8, Appendix A.8 allows an increase in the fundamental natural
period (thus a decrease in the overturning moment) due to uplifting, according to Fischer et al. [15].
However, this is restricted to the range of parameter values for which design charts are available in [15],
and the user has to refer to the original publication; no formulas or graphs are given in EC 8. This
modification of the natural period has not been taken into account in the results according to EC 8
presented in this paper.
Second, EC 8, Appendix A.7, does not mention any reduction of the effective seismic load due to SSI.
However, according to Wolf [16], among others, SSI can lead to a significant reduction of the effective
seismic excitation. This additional beneficial effect of SSI was not taken into account in the results
presented here. However, the conclusions of this present paper would not have changed if this effect had
been considered in the calculations according to EC 8 (see Rsonance [17]).
Nonlinear Pushover Analysis
Malhotra [2] developed a simplified nonlinear pushover analysis for tanks. The analysis is based on the
concept of equivalent-linear system. It is similar to the nonlinear static procedure (NSP) for buildings
(e.g., ATC [18], FEMA [19]). The stiffness of the equivalent-linear system is the secant stiffness of the
nonlinear system at peak response and the viscous damping of the equivalent-linear system is such that it
dissipates the same energy per cycle as the nonlinear system.
First, the nonlinear force-displacement relationship (pushover curve) is developed for the tank. This
requires the computation of the uplifting resistance of the base plate. The base uplifting resistance is
expressed as a relationship between the overturning base moment and the base rotation (Figure 2). The
definition of this relationship is complicated by the nonlinearities arising from: (1) continuously varying
contact of the base with the foundation; (2) plastic yielding in the base plate; (3) effects of membrane
forces induced by large deflections in the base plate; and (4) spatial and temporal variations of the
hydrodynamic base pressures.

Figure 2: Overturning moment-rotation relation for partially uplifted base. The skeleton stiffness
and hysteresis loop are shown on the right side.
The skeleton stiffness (backbone curve) and equivalent damping are obtained from the cyclic forcedisplacement relationship. The site response spectrum is adjusted for the equivalent damping of the
system. The adjusted spectrum is plotted in an acceleration-displacement format. The backbone forcedisplacement curve is converted to the acceleration-displacement curve by dividing the force by the

impulsive mass. The intersection of the backbone curve with the acceleration-displacement spectrum
provides the response acceleration (Figure 3, top). The overturning moment and base shear are calculated
from the response acceleration. From the overturning moment, responses associated with base uplifting
are computed. These are: (1) maximum uplift, (2) radial separation, (3) plastic rotation, (4) axial
compressive stress in tank wall, and (5) hoop stress in tank wall (Figures 3 and 4).

Figure 3. Static pushover analysis from skeleton

stiffness and response spectrum (top). Plastic
rotation and base uplift (bottom).

Figure 4. Contact angle and radial separation

(top). Axial and hoop compressive stresses in
tank wall (bottom).

The stresses and plastic rotations resulting from both methods of calculation were compared with
admissible values given in EC 8, Appendices A.8 and A.9. The following verifications were undertaken:
1. Plastic rotation in the base plate,
2. Elastic buckling of the shell (mantle), and
3. Elephant footing (elastic-plastic collapse).
Assuming a maximum allowable steel strain of 5% and a length of the plastic hinge of 2 times thickness
of the base plate, the maximum allowable rotation according to EC 8, Appendix A.8, is 0.20 radian (11.5
degrees). It turned out that plastic rotation was the controlling parameter in all cases. Some engineers
think that a maximum admissible cyclic strain of 5% may be too conservative. Others, however, think that
5% may be optimistic for the cyclic deformation of the welded joint between the mantle and the base


Seven existing unanchored cylindrical oil storage steel tanks in Switzerland were investigated. It is
believed that these tanks are representative of the tank population in Switzerland. The tanks' main
characteristics are given in Table 1. None of them was designed to resist earthquakes. All tanks were
calculated according to EC 8 [1], and five of them were also calculated according to Malhotra [2].
Table 1: Main characteristics of the investigated tanks: height H, radius R, volume V, thickness of
the lowest course tlc, equivalent thickness of the mantle teq, yield stress of the mantle fym, thickness of
the base plate tbp, yield stress of the base plate fyb. The tanks designed with * were only calculated
according to EC 8.
Name of tank

Year of
































*Niederhasli 43











*Niederhasli 3






















Birsfelden 4






















For the generic study presented here, all tanks were calculated for identical soil conditions. A deep alluvial
deposit with a shear-wave velocity of 400 m/s in the uppermost 30 m was assumed for the calculation of
the SSI. This relatively stiff soil condition ensured that the effects of SSI remained moderate. For the
calculations according to Malhotra [2], a local foundation stiffness (Winkler coefficient) of 4107 N/m3
was assumed. For a sensitivity study carried out for the tank Rmlang, the values of 1107 N/m3 and
4108 N/m3 were also used. Note that the foundation stiffness used in [14] for the calculation of the
diagram shown in Figure 1 was 4109 N/m3, which was judged to be unrealistically high, but on the safe
For all calculations, the EC 8 response spectrum of type 1 for ground class B, with peak ground
acceleration of 1.0 m/s2 was used. It is shown in Figure 5. It corresponds to the zone 2 response spectrum
according to the Swiss Building Code SIA 261 [20]. An importance factor of 1.0 was adopted for this
generic study, although tanks, in general, will have to be checked and designed for higher importance
In all cases, the plastic rotation of the base plate was the relevant parameter. Only in the case of the tank
Vernier, elephant-footing was nearly as critical as the plastic rotation. Therefore, only the plastic
rotation is shown in the following. This quantity is presented versus the H/R ratio (Figure 6) and the fluid
volume (Figure 7), respectively. It is recalled that the admissible maximum plastic rotation is 0.2 radian
(11.5 degrees) according to EC 8.

EC 8, type 1 spectrum, ground class B: ag = 1m/s2

Spectral acceleration [m/s2]





Period [s]

Figure 5. Acceleration response spectrum used for the seismic calculation of tanks.
The plastic rotation for the tank with H/R = 2.48 could not be elaborated according to EC 8 since the
overturning moment was far outside the range covered by the graphs in EC 8. However, it can be
concluded from this fact that the plastic rotation would be far above the upper limit (0.2 radian) of the
range shown in Figure 6. This confirms the strong trend of increasing plastic rotation with increasing H/R
ratio, visible in Figure 6, for the EC 8 results. This trend appears very clearly although the results for tanks
with very different volumes are drawn in Figure 6. Any possible influence of the absolute volume onto the
plastic rotation must be small. This is indeed confirmed by Figure 7, where no clear trend can be seen, the
low values of plastic rotation corresponding to the two very squat tanks irrespective of their volumes.

EC 8

Plastic rotation [rad]









H/R [-]

Figure 6. Plastic rotation versus H/R; the result for the tank with H/R = 3.48 (Vernier) would be
far above the uppermost value (0.5) of the graph.

Plastic rotation [rad]

EC 8










Volume [m3]

Figure 7. Plastic rotation versus fluid volume.

The situation is very different, however, for the results according to Malhotra [2]. Here, no clear trend as a
function of H/R is visible in Figure 6. On the contrary, two tanks (St-Triphon and Mellingen) with
nearly identical H/R ratios, but very different volumes, show significantly different plastic rotations. In
Figure 7, a trend of increasing plastic rotation with increasing fluid volume can be seen. Except for the
particularly slender tank Vernier (V = 2100 m3), this trend is nearly perfectly linear. It can be concluded
from these observations that the influence of the volume onto the plastic rotation is much stronger than the
influence of the slenderness ratio H/R.
Sensitivity with respect to foundation stiffness
The calculations according to Malhotra [2] are sensitive with respect to the local foundation stiffness.
This means that it makes a difference whether the tank is supported by a rigid concrete mat, a concrete
ring or simply compacted soil. Therefore, a sensitivity study was carried out for the tank Rmlang, for
three values of the foundation stiffness: 1107 N/m3 (soft), 4107 N/m3 (moderately stiff, value used
otherwise throughout this study), and 4108 N/m3 (very stiff). Table 2 presents the results that were
It can be seen from Table 1 that an increase of the foundation stiffness beyond the generic value used in
this study seems to have little effect on plastic rotation (~10% increase in plastic rotation for a 10-fold
increase in foundation stiffness). Furthermore, it seems that an overestimation of the foundation stiffness
leads to results on the safe side. It has to be kept in mind, though, that for a soft foundation (with low
shear wave velocity of the underlying soil), the seismic excitation might be significantly stronger due to
local site effects.
The local foundation stiffness cannot be varied easily for the calculations according to EC 8; a rigid
foundation mat is always assumed. Therefore, no corresponding sensitivity study was performed for the
calculations according to EC 8. Note, however, that the rigid mat is assumed to lay on a viscoelastic soil,
which gives rise to SSI effects.

Table 2: Results of calculations according to Malhotra [2] for different values of foundation stiffness
for the tank Rmlang.
Physical quantity

Foundation stiffness

= 1x10 N/m

= 4107 N/m3
("moderat. stiff")

= 4108 N/m3
("very stiff")

Hysteretic damping

10 %

7.2 %

6.2 %

Plastic rotation

0.125 rad

0.178 rad

0.202 rad

Uplifting height

5.7 cm

7.3 cm

8.3 cm

Contact angle




"Length" of uplifted part

22 cm

42 cm

55 cm

Axial compressive stress

6.4 MPa

11 MPa

20 Mpa

Hoop compressive stress

49 MPa

95 MPa

112 MPa

For the squat tanks (H/R = 1.12 and 1.14), whether the volume is moderate or large (V = 10,700 m3 and
38,000 m3), the calculation according to EC 8 leads to a significantly smaller plastic rotation than the
calculation according to Malhotra [2], by a factor of 1.5 to 1.7. Two concurrent aspects can qualitatively
explain this discrepancy: On one hand, partial uplifting increases the fundamental natural period less for
squat than for slender tanks. This means that the EC 8 calculation, neglecting this effect, is less penalized
for squat than for slender tanks. On the other hand, the influence of (global) SSI, taken into account by the
EC 8 calculation, but neglected in the calculation according to Malhotra [2], is more important for squat
than for slender tanks. For squat tanks, the translational horizontal motion with respect to the surrounding
soil is dominating the SSI, and this motion is highly damped, whereas for slender tanks, SSI is dominated
by rocking, with a much lower damping. SSI is therefore much more beneficial in the case of squat
For H/R > ~1.5, the EC 8 leads to larger plastic rotations, with an increasing factor of discrepancy for
increasing slenderness ratio H/R, this factor being greater than 2 for H/R = 1.75 (tank Rmlang). Again,
the same aspects as before can qualitatively explain this trend. Firstly, for slender tanks, as indicated
above, the importance of the SSI, neglected by Malhotra [2], is less pronounced than for squat tanks.
Secondly, neglecting the lengthening of the fundamental natural period by the EC 8 calculation, as was
done in the present study, as well as neglecting the hysteretic damping due to cyclic plastic deformations
in the base plate, strongly penalizes the results according to EC 8. In fact, as can be seen from Figure 1,
which is based on purely static considerations, the partial uplift as a function of the overturning moment is
extremely sensitive with respect to the slenderness ratio H/R. It is therefore very important to take into
account the lengthening of the fundamental natural period, since this decreases the overturning moment.
The objective of the present paper was to evaluate the appropriateness of the simplified seismic
calculations of unanchored cylindrical liquid storage tanks according to EC 8, part 4, Appendix A (1998)
[1]. To this aim, the results of calculations according to EC 8 were compared with results of a more
sophisticated method, i.e. a pushover analysis by Malhotra [2].

Since both methods neglect beneficial physical effects (EC 8: lengthening of the fundamental natural
period and the damping due to cyclic plastic rotation in the base plate; Malhotra [2] the SSI effects), a
small Swiss expert team assumed that both methods would probably be conservative. They concluded
that it would be acceptable to consider a tank as earthquake safe if it was safe either according to EC 8 or
according to Malhotra [2] (with the judgment of plastic rotation and stresses still according to EC 8). This
opinion was strongly influenced by the fact that the results found in the present study seem to be on the
safe side in the light of the statistical investigation on damaged tanks published by O'Rourke and So [21].
For practitioners, it is interesting to know that a calculation according to EC 8, as presented in this paper,
seems to be overly conservative for tanks with slenderness ratios H/R > ~1.5. This might be of little
importance for the design of new tanks, as the additional cost of an overdesign may remain small.
However, this aspect can become very important for the re-evaluation of existing tanks, where
unnecessary margins of conservatism might lead to significant, but unnecessary expenses.
For tanks with a slenderness ratio H/R > ~1.5, therefore, it is strongly recommended to take into account at
least the lengthening of the fundamental natural period of the impulsive motion by any appropriate
method in order to eliminate unnecessary margins of conservatism.
The financing of this study by the Swiss Federal Office of Environment, Forests and Landscape and
CARBURA is greatly acknowledged.
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