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Quantify Dead Loads Acting on Structure

Identify One Way or Two Way Slab

First Floor
Slab thickness = 100mm
Slab self weight = 0.10m x 24kN/m2
= 2.4kN/m2

Indicating the distribution of load from slab to beam

Ly = Longer side of slab
Lx = Shorter side of slab
When Ly / Lx > 2, it is a one way slab
When Ly / Lx < or = 2, it is a two way slab

Brick Wall
= Wall Height x Thickness x Density
= 3.0m x 0.15m x 19kN/m2
= 8.55kN/m2
Beam Self Weight
(assume that initial beam size is 200mm x 300mm)
= Beam size x Concrete Density
= 0.20m x 0.30m x 24kN/m2
= 1.44kN/m2

Quantify Live Loads Acting on Structure

First Floor
Walk in wardrobe: 2.0kN/m2
Toilet: 2.0kN/m2

Living room
= 5000mm / 4500mm
= 1.11 < 2 (two way slab)
= 5000mm / 2500mm
= 2 (two way slab)
Study room
= 3167mm / 2000mm
= 1.60 < 2 (two way slab)

= 5000mm / 2000mm
= 2.5 > 2 (one way slab)

Gym: 2.5kN/m2

Balcony: 1.5kN/m2

= 4000mm / 2000mm
= 2 (two way slab)

Living room: 2.5kN/m

Study room: 2.0kN/m

First Floor
Walk in wardrobe
= 5200mm / 3500mm
= 1.49 < 2 (two way slab)

Load Distribution Diagram

Beam Analysis Calculation

1. First Floor Beam A-C / 2
a) Carries self weight Dead load
b) Slab Dead Load & Live Load
A-C / 2-5 (Two way slab)
c) Brick wall- Dead load

Live load on slab A-C / 2-5 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam A-C / 2 in trapezoidal
Live load from slab A-C / 2-5
= Live load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.0kN/m2 x (3.5m / 2)
= 3.5kN/m

Beam self weight

= beam size x concrete density
= 0.20 x 0.30 x 24kN/m2
= 1.44kN/m
Ultimate load
Apply factor of 1.4 for dead load and 1.6 to live load
Dead load 2 = 14.19kN/m x 1.4 = 19.87kN/m
Live load 2 = 3.5kN/m x 1.6 = 5.6kN/m
Ultimate load 2 = 19.87kN/m + 5.6kN/m = 25.47kN/m
Brick wall weight
= wall height x thickness x density
= 3m x 0.15m x 19kN/m2
= 8.55kN/m
M = 0
0 = [-25.47(5.2)] x (5.2/2) + RC(5.2)
= -132.4 x 2.6 + RC(5.2)
RC = 66.2 kN
Dead load on slab A-C / 2-5 (Two way slab)
Load is transferred to beam A-C / 2 in trapezoidal
Dead load from slab A-C / 2-5
= Dead load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.4kN/m2 x (3.5m / 2)
= 4.2kN/m

y = 0
0 = RA + RC + (-25.47 x 5.2)
= RA + 66.2 132.4
RA = 66.2 kN

Total dead load of beam A-C / 2

= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 4.2kN/m
= 14.19kN/m
Bending Moment Diagram
+ve = [2.6(66.2)]/2
= 86.06 86
-ve = [-2.6(66.2)]/2
= -86.02 -86

2. First Floor Beam C-D / 3

a) Carries self weight Dead load
b) Slab Dead Load & Live Load
C-D / 3-6 (Two way slab),
C-E / 1-4(Two way slab)
c) Brick wall- Dead load
Beam self weight
= beam size x concrete density
= 0.20 x 0.30 x 24kN/m2
= 1.44kN/m

Brick wall weight

= wall height x thickness x density
= 3m x 0.15m x 19kN/m2
= 8.55kN/m

Dead load on slab C-D / 3-6 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C-D / 3 in triangular form.
Dead load from slab C-D / 3-6
= Dead load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.4kN/m2 x (2.0m / 2)
= 2.4kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, dead load from slab C-D / 3-6
= (2/3) x 2.4kN/m
= 1.6kN/m

Total dead load of beam C-D / 3

= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 1.6kN/m + 3.12kN/m
= 14.71kN/m

Live load on slab C-D / 3-6 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C-D / 3 in triangular form.
Live load from slab A-C / 2-5
= Live load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.0kN/m2 x (2.0m / 2)
= 2.0kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, dead load from slab C-D / 3-6
= (2/3) x 2.0kN/m
= 1.3kN/m

Live load on slab C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C-D / 3 in trapezoidal
Live load from slab C-E / 1-4
= 2.5kN/m2 x (1.3)
= 3.25kN/m

Total live load of beam C-D / 3

= 1.3kN/m + 3.25kN/m
= 4.55kN/m

Dead load on slab C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C-D / 3 in trapezoidal
Dead load from slab C-E / 1-4
= 2.4kN/m2 x (1.3)
= 3.12kN/m

Ultimate load
Apply factor of 1.4 for dead load and 1.6 to live load
Dead load 3 = 14.71kN/m x 1.4 = 20.6kN/m
Live load 3 = 4.55kN/m x 1.6 = 7.3kN/m
Ultimate load 3 = 20.6kN/m + 7.3kN/m =27.9kN/m

M = 0
0 = [-27.9(2)] x (2/2) + RD(2)
= -55.8 + RD(2)
RC = 27.9 kN
y = 0
0 = RC + RD + (-27.9 x 2)
= RD + 27.9 55.8
RA = 27.9 kN

Bending Moment Diagram

+ve = [1 (27.9)] / 2
= 13.95 14
-ve = -[1 (27.9)] / 2
= -13.95 -14

3. First Floor Beam C / 1-4

a) Carries self weight Dead load
b) Slab Dead Load & Live Load
C-E / 1-3 (Two way slab), A-C / 2-4 (Two
way slab), C-D / 3-4 (Two way slab)
c) Brick wall- Dead load

Dead load on slab C-D / 3-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C / 1-4 in trapezoidal
Dead load from C-D / 3-4
= 2.4kN/m2 x (2.0m / 2)
= 2.4kN/m

Beam self weight

= beam size x concrete density
= 0.20 x 0.30 x 24kN/m2
= 1.44kN/m
Point load from A-C / 2

Brick wall weight

= wall height x thickness x density
= 3m x 0.15m x 19kN/m2
= 8.55kN/m

Dead load on slab C-E / 1-3 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C / 1-4 in triangular form.
Dead load from slab C-E / 1-3
= Dead load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.4kN/m2 x (4.5m / 2)
= 5.4kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, dead load from slab C-E / 1-3
= (2/3) x 5.4kN/m
= 3.6kN/m

Dead load on slab A-C / 2-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C / 1-4 in triangular form.
Dead load from slab A-C / 2-4
= 2.4kN/m2 x (3.5m / 2)
= 4.3kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, dead load from slab A-C / 2-4
= (2/3) x 4.3kN/m
= 2.9kN/m

Point dead load from C-D / 3

Total dead load

Total dead load for 1-2
= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 3.6kN/m
= 13.59kN/m
Total dead load for 2-3
= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 3.6kN/m + 2.9kN/m
= 16.49kN/m
Total dead load for 3-4
= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 2.9kN/m + 2.4kN/m
= 15.29kN/m

Live load on slab C-E / 1-3 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C / 1-4 in triangular form.
Live load from slab C-E / 1-3
= Live load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.5kN/m2 x (4.5m / 2)
= 5.63kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, live load from slab C-E / 1-3
= (2/3) x 5.63kN/m
= 3.75kN/m

Live load on slab A-C / 2-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C / 1-4 in triangular form.
Live load from slab A-C / 2-4
= 2.0kN/m2 x (3.5m / 2)
= 3.5kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, live load from slab A-C / 2-4
= (2/3) x 3.5kN/m
= 2.3kN/m

Live load on slab C-D / 3-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C, 1-4 in trapezoidal form.
Live load from C-D / 3-4
= 2.0kN/m2 x (2.0m / 2)
= 2.0kN/m

Total live load

Total live load for 1-2 = 3.75kN/m
Total live load for 2-3
= 3.75kN/m + 2.3kN/m
= 6.05kN/m
Total live load for 3-4
= 2.3kN/m + 2.0kN/m
= 4.3kN/m

Ultimate load
Apply factor of 1.4 for dead load and 1.6 to live load
Dead load 1-2 = 13.59kN/m x 1.4 = 19.03kN/m
Dead load 2-3 = 16.49kN/m x 1.4 = 23.09kN/m
Dead load 3-4 = 15.29kN/m x 1.4 = 21.41kN/m
Live load 1-2 = 3.75kN/m x 1.6 = 6kN/m
Live load 2-3 = 6.05kN/m x 1.6 = 9.68kN/m
Live load 3-4 = 4.3kN/m x 1.6 = 6.88kN/m
Ultimate load 1-2
= 16.03kN/m + 6kN/m
= 22.03kN/m
Ultimate load 2-3
= 23.09kN/m + 9.68 N/m
= 32.77kN/m
Ultimate load 3-4
= 21.41kN/m + 6.88kN/m
= 28.29kN/m
Point load from A-C / 2
Point load from C-D / 3

Point live load from A-C / 2

Point live load from C-D / 3

M = 0
0 = [-22.03(2.5)] x (2.5/2) + [-66.2(2.5)] +
[-32.77(1.625)] x (2.5 + 1.625/2) + [-27.9(4,.125)] +
[-28.29(0.875)] x (4.125 + 0.875/2) + R4(5)
= -55.08 x 1.25 - 165.5 53.25 x 3.31 - 115.09
24.75 x 4.56 + R4(5)
= -68.85 -165.5 176.26 115.09 112.86 + R4(5)
R4 = 127.7kN
y = 0
0 = R1 + R4 - 22.03(2.5) 66.2 32.77(1.625) 27.9
= R1 + 127.7 55.08 66.2 53.25 27.9 24.75
R1 = 99.48 kN

Bending Moment Diagram

Positive area negative area in V
+ve = [2.5 (99.48 + 44.38)] / 2
= 179.825 180
-ve = -[1.625 (21.82 + 75.12)] / 2 [0.875 (103.02 + 127.7)] / 2
= -78.764 - 100.94
= -179.704 -180

4. First Floor Beam E / 1-4

d) Carries self weight Dead load
e) Slab Dead Load & Live Load
C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab),
E-F / 1-4
f) Brick wall- Dead load
Beam self weight
= beam size x concrete density
= 0.20 x 0.30 x 24kN/m2
= 1.44kN/m

Brick wall weight

= wall height x thickness x density
= 3m x 0.15m x 19kN/m2
= 8.55kN/m

Dead load on slab C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam E / 1-4 in triangular form.
Dead load from slab C-E / 1-4
= 2.4kN/m2 x (4.5m / 2)
= 5.4kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, live load from slab C-E / 1-4
= (2/3) x 5.4kN/m
= 3.6kN/m

Total dead load of beam E / 1-4

= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 3.6kN/m + 3kN/m
= 16.59kN/m

Live load on slab C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam E / 1-4 in triangular form.
Live load from slab C-E / 1.4
= Live load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.5kN/m2 x (4.5m / 2)
= 5.6kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, dead load from slab C-E / 1-4
= (2/3) x 5.6kN/m
= 3.75kN/m

Live load on slab E-F / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam E / 1-4 in trapezoidal
Live load from slab E-F / 1-4
= Live load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.5kN/m2 x (2.5m / 2)
= 3.13kN/m

Total live load of beam E / 1-4

= 3.75kN/m + 3.13kN/m
= 6.9kN/m

Dead load on slab E-F / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam E / 1-4 in trapezoidal
Dead load from slab E-F / 1-4
= Dead load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.4kN/m2 x (2.5m / 2)
= 3kN/m

Ultimate load
Apply factor of 1.4 for dead load and 1.6 to live load
Dead load 1-4 = 16.59kN/m x 1.4 = 23.23kN/m
Live load 1-4 = 6.9kN/m x 1.6 = 11.04kN/m
Ultimate load 1-4
= 23.23kN/m + 11.04kN/m
= 34.27kN/m

M = 0
0 = [-34.27(5)] x (5/2) + R4(5)
= -428.4 + R4(5)
R4 = 85.675kN
y = 0
0 = R1 + R4 + (-34.27 x 5)
= R1 + 85.675 171.35
R1 = 85.675kN

Bending Moment Diagram

+ve = [2.5 (85.675)] / 2
= 107.094 107
-ve = -[2.5 (85.675)] / 2
= -107.094 -107

5. First Floor Beam D-F / 4

g) Carries self weight Dead load
h) Slab Dead Load & Live Load
C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab),
E-F / 1-4 (Two way slab),
D-F / 4-6 (One way slab)
i) Brick wall- Dead load

Dead load on slab D-F / 4-6 (One way slab)

Load is transferred to beam D-F /4 in UDL form.
Dead load from slab D-F / 4-6
= 2.4kN/m2 x (2m / 2)
= 2.4kN/m

Beam self weight

= beam size x concrete density
= 0.20 x 0.30 x 24kN/m2
= 1.44kN/m

Brick wall weight

= wall height x thickness x density
= 3m x 0.15m x 19kN/m2
= 8.55kN/m

Dead load on slab C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam D-F / 4 in trapezoidal
Dead load from slab C-E / 1-4
= 2.4kN/m2 x (4.5m / 2)
= 5.4kN/m

Dead load on slab E-F / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam D-F / 4 in triangular form.
Dead load from slab E-F / 1-4
= Dead load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.4kN/m2 x (2.5m / 2)
= 3kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, live load from slab E-F / 1-4
= (2/3) x 3kN/m
= 2kN/m

Total dead load

Total dead load for D-E
= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 5.4kN/m + 2.4kN/m
= 17.79kN/m
Total dead load for E-F
= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 2kN/m + 2.4kN/m
= 14.39kN/m

Live load on slab C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam D-F / 4 in trapezoidal
Live load from slab C-E / 1.4
= Live load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.5kN/m2 x (4.5m / 2)
= 5.6kN/m

Live load on slab E-F / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam D-F / 4 in triangular form.
Live load from slab E-F / 1-4
= Live load on slab x (Lx / 2)
= 2.5kN/m2 x (2.5m / 2)
= 3.13kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, dead load from slab E-F / 1-4
= (2/3) x 3.13kN/m
= 2.1kN/m

Live load on slab D-F / 4-6 (One way slab)

Load is transferred to beam D-F /4 in UDL form.
Live load from slab D-F / 4-6
= 1.5kN/m2 x (2m / 2)
= 1.5kN/m

Total live load

Total dead load for D-E
= 5.6kN/m + 1.5kN/m
= 7.1kN/m
Total dead load for E-F
= 2.1kN/m + 1.5kN/m
= 3.6kN/m
Bending Moment Diagram
+ve = [2.5 (127+36.35)] / 2
= 204.1875 204
-ve = -[2.5 (49.325 + 114)] / 2
= -204.1563 -204

Ultimate load
Apply factor of 1.4 for dead load and 1.6 to live load
Dead load D-E = 17.79kN/m x 1.4 = 24.9kN/m
Dead load E-F = 14.39kN/m x 1.4 = 20.1kN/m
Live load D-E = 7.1kN/m x 1.6 = 11.36kN/m
Live load E-F = 3.6kN/m x 1.6 = 5.76kN/m
Ultimate load D-E
= 24.9kN/m + 11.36kN/m
= 36.26kN/m
Ultimate load E-F
= 20.1kN/m + 5.76kN/m
= 25.86kN/m
Point load from beam E / 1-4

M = 0
0 = [-36.26(2.5)] x (2.5/2) + (-85.675 x 2.5) +
[-25.86(2.5)] x (2.5 + 2.5/2) + RF(5)
= -90.65 x 1.25 214.1875 - 64.65 x 3.75 + RF(5)
= -113.31 214.1875 242.44 + RF(5)
RF = 114kN
y = 0
0 = RD + RF + (-36.26 x 2.5) + (-85.675) +
(-25.86 x 2.5)
= RD + 114 90.65 85.675 64.65
RD = 127kN

6. First Floor Beam D / 3-6

d) Carries self weight Dead load
e) Slab Dead Load & Live Load
C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab),
C-D / 3-6 (Two way slab)
f) Brick wall- Dead load
Beam self weight
= beam size x concrete density
= 0.20 x 0.30 x 24kN/m2
= 1.44kN/m

Point load from D-F / 4

Total dead load

Total dead load for 3-4
= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 4kN/m + 2.4kN/m
= 16.39kN/m
Total dead load for 4-6
= 1.44kN/m + 8.55kN/m + 2.4kN/m
= 12.39kN/m

Brick wall weight

= wall height x thickness x density
= 3m x 0.15m x 19kN/m2
= 8.55kN/m

Dead load on slab C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam D / 3-6 in triangular form.
Dead load from slab C-E / 1-4
= 2.4kN/m2 x 2.5m
= 6kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, dead load from slab C-E / 1-4
= (2/3) x 6kN/m
= 4kN/m

Live load on slab C-E / 1-4 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C / 1-4 in triangular form.
Live load from slab C-E / 1-4
= 2.5kN/m2 x (2.5)
= 6.25kN/m
Convert triangular load to UDL by applying a factor of
2/3, live load from slab C-E / 1-4
= (2/3) x 6.25kN/m
= 4.17kN/m

Live load on slab C-D / 3-6 (Two way slab)

Load is transferred to beam C, 1-4 in trapezoidal form.
Live load from C-D / 3-6
= 2.0kN/m2 x (2.0m / 2)
= 2.0kN/m
Dead load on slab C-D / 3-6 (Two way slab)
Load is transferred to beam D / 3-6 in trapezoidal
Dead load from C-D / 3-6
= 2.4kN/m2 x (2.0m / 2)
= 2.4kN/m

Total live load

Total dead load for 3-4
= 4.17kN/m + 2kN/m
= 6.17kN/m
Total dead load for 4-6
= 2kN/m

Ultimate load
Apply factor of 1.4 for dead load and 1.6 to live load
Dead load 3-4 = 16.39kN/m x 1.4 = 22.95kN/m
Dead load 4-6 = 12.39kN/m x 1.4 = 17.35kN/m
Live load 3-4 = 6.17kN/m x 1.6 = 9.87kN/m
Live load 2-3 = 2kN/m x 1.6 = 3.2kN/m
Ultimate load 3-4
= 22.95kN/m + 9.87kN/m
= 32.82kN/m
Ultimate load 4-6
= 17.35kN/m + 3.2 N/m
= 20.55kN/m
Point load from D-F / 4

M = 0
0 = [-32.82(1.167)] x (1.167/2) + [-127(1.167)] +
[-20.55(2)] x (1.167+2/2) + R6(3.167)
= -38.3 x 0.58 148.2 41.1 x 2.17 + R6(3.167)
= -22.21 148.2 89.2 + R6(3.167)
R6 = 82kN
y = 0
0 = R3 + R6 32.82(1.167) 127 20.55(2)
= R3 + 82 38.3 127 41.1
R3 = 124kN

Bending Moment Diagram

+ve = [1.167 (124+88.7)] / 2
= 124.11 124
-ve = -[2 (41.3 + 82.4)] / 2
= -123.7 -124

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